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Shank 2 Reviewed

You can see the review here.

It's interesting how soon I played it after Fortune Summoners, another 2D platform brawler. The contrasts are interesting. In Fortune Summoners, it felt like the controls were complex and the enemies acted faster than you, but your party often outnumbered the enemy 3-to-2. In Shank 2, you have simple controls and act faster than the enemies, but you're 1 man against 4-5 at a time. Shank 2 was a bit easier than Fortune Summoners, but I enjoyed its challenge more because it didn't feel like I was fighting the controls. I wonder how you'd balance Shank 2's swifter controls in a Fortune Summoners-style party-vs-party brawler.

Heck, I'd be happy just to have that quick dodge. Arche's roll felt too slow to use.

...And as soon as I put that up, I see Scoregasm's been released on Steam. Looks like a Geometry Wars-esque shooter, another casual favorite of mine. Quick download, too. Let's see if it's worth its price!