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Best of 2009

moelarrycurly: Best of 2009

List items

  • This game was amazing, hands down. The best console graphics known to man, awesome single-player, and extremely fun multiplayer make this THE game to own in 2009.

  • This game is the ultimate Batman experience, period. And if that doesn't sound like a good time, you're off your rocker.

  • Everything the first game should have been and more. A much better setting, much more interesting characters, and a much better story round out this complete package of an open-world game. It's a blast to play as Ezio as he wreaks havoc upon the Templars in Renaissance Italy.

  • This is what the Wii should have been back in 2006, but late is better than never. That being said, this game is the most fun I've had in a long time. It's tons of fun to play with other people, haters be damned!

  • This exceeds the original game in every way possible. The levels are better and the wider array of zombies makes things vastly more entertaining. The original Left 4 Dead was great as it was, but Left 4 Dead 2 is everything we wanted in a sequel and more.

  • Yes, it's ridiculous, but that doesn't mean that Infinity Ward doesn't know how to make a great shooter. The campaign is a ludicrous action movie, an ADD, Michael Bay-directed acid trip that never lets up for its short duration. I assume IW felt that they needed to one-up Call of Duty 4 as best they could, and it comes off as feeling way over-the-top, yet still fun. Spec-Ops is a great new addition, and the multiplayer is as fun as ever.

  • GTA has never been better on a portable system. I personally think that this game is at least on par with its console forebear, GTA IV, but it has a much lighter tone and more ridiculous storyline. But dang, is it fun. Rockstar has done it again.

  • What a beautiful game... so simple, and yet so elegant. Press one button and tilt the SIXAXIS, and poof! A game! And not just any game. Flower shines when you just want to kick back and relax, enjoying the flow of the wind by collecting flower petals. This is definitely the hippie of downloadable video games, and it's awesome for it.

  • Amazing graphics and awesome shootin' - everything you want out of an FPS. The heavy-feeling controls may take a bit of getting used to, but once you get the hang of it it's a blast to play. And the best part: this is the first game I've played in a while that is seriously HARD. The higher difficulties are simply nuts, and that's a good thing.

  • I'm a sucker for platformers. There, I said it. I absolutely adore the old Mario games, and this game is just reeking of nostalgia. The controls are as great as ever, the multiplayer is a rollicking good time, and the levels are excellently designed. Best of all, the motion controls are used but not abused, a fine line that other games have difficulty dealing with.