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On Mass Effect 2, community strife and something to write.

Mass Effect 2.

    So I completed Mass Effect 2 this weekend. It was awesome but I can't help but feel the ending for me wasn't so epic because everybody survived, on the bright side that means that my next playthrough where everything goes wrong will be shorter because I'm not planning on doing any loyalty missions. I also feel that in the final cutscenes none of the characters feel real. I guess it's because there were too many squad mates so they weren't given to much to say in the final minutes. 
 Epic but the climax is left wanting.
 Epic but the climax is left wanting.

 In the first Mass Effect you always feel like squad mates were hinting towards what decision they thought you should make. Garrus was one of these characters in my opinion. The final decisions in Mass Effect 2 however are strange because it is easy to see if they are paragon on renegade due to the layout of the conversation wheel but you don't really know what each of your squad mates would think about the decision. Sure after you have completed the suicide mission if you are still alive you can ask  people still on the ship what they thought about the decision but thats after everything is done. I don't know I just feel like they weren't really there during the dramatic climax of the game and tat they were blindly following order whereas throughout the rest of a the game the were willing to criticise and second guess your decisions or advise you before making that decision. That's just my point of view but I still enjoyed Mass Effect 2 more than anything else from last year.

A small issue in the community.


    On to problems within the Giant Bomb community. I don't know I guess I just don't like seeing so many locked threads in the off-topic section. I mean if theres anything we want the Giant Bomb community to be is random and funny bcause those are the reasons we all like Brad, Jeff, Ryan and Vinny and I think it is only appropriate that we as a community can echo their sense of humour as it is in-tune with our own. A small amount of the moderators however seem to think differently to how I do. I'm not going to call out any names and make this a personal attack but some of them seem to think that topics in the off-topic section need to have something very meaningful and almost  philosophical to say to warrant a thread staying open.  
 Look, some community policing.
 Look, some community policing.

They act like the only solution of a slightly silly thread is to close it. This community however I think is very intelligent and funny and if they see a topic not worth their time then they will ignore it. If they see a controversial thread they will argue and if they see a silly thread they will join in. I think that threads that cause arguements however are a very  integral part of an online community such as this. We shouldn't be expected to agree on every single point. We are all unique people but who can agree on alot of things and that is why we all come to Giant Bomb regulary. A small minority of the Moderators on these forums though don't allow us to argue and debate and I have seen perfectly good off-topic threads being closed for 'becoming and arguement' or for ' descending into sillyness.' I mean I come to Giant Bomb alot of the time to descend into sillyness, it is my favourite thing about this website along with it's video game slant obviously.
You cant help but feel  that the discussions the guys have on the bombcast would be locked in 3 minutes by the moderators if they were a thread here on the website. I don't feel it is appropriate that this is the case. We are here because we all enjoy the discussions of Brad, Jeff, Ryan and Vinny along with their writing skills and also like to have similar hilarious and off the wall discussions but a certain minority of the moderators will not allow this discussion because it is silly or is nothing worth discussing. I don't know I just feel this small minority have lost touch with what Giant Bomb has become and they are a bit overzealous with the power of policing the community that they have been given.
I think that if my blog gets more than 20 comments with some comments that one or two of these moderators dont agree with it also will be locked, but if I am open and don't mind the comments on my blog why should it be closed? It's on my page can't we just keep peace allow blog comments to only be disabled by the person writing the blog, that makes sense to me. 
Again these are all my opinions and I'm not trying to get into trouble and start a flame-war or get banned so please don't be too harsh if somebody doesn't like what I've said. I'm sure the majority of people don't have a problem with the way the forums and being policed and if the majority think that then it's not really a problem it's just me thinking there is.

Not blogged in a while.

    So some people will have noticed that I've not blogged in a while, thats because I don't think im really that good a writer (the same reason I don't have many forum posts) or that I do have that much worth say. I like taking in content alot more than producing comment, huess thats just the kind of person I am. Anyway I'm sorry if the writing quality in the blog is very poor and I'm sorry if there is alot of bad spelling and punctuation. I read most of it over before posting.