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GOTY 2012

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  • My favorite Game of 2012, I had more fun with this game than all other games I have played, but my number 2 game came extremely close.

  • Final Fantasy XIII & XIII-2 are 2 of my favorite RPGs this generation, and of course XIII-2 gets on my list for 2012.

  • This was the biggest surprise of 2012, I was expecting this to suck but surprise surprise it was the most fun I had playing a beat em up, but it just edged out on top of number 4.

  • Awesome game and the original ending didn't offend me like it did so many others.

  • A better game than I was lead to believe by almost everyone and here it is on my GOTY list, this is why I don't listen to anyone, between this and Mass Effect 3 is why everyone else's opinion takes a back seat to my curiosity. Awesome game, Mercenaries can fuck off though. :)

  • Now I have not finished Dust yet but I am close, and what I have played has been nothing but a blast to play and I think it deserves to be on my list. I will finish you Dust, real soon.

  • The best spiderman game I have played and I have played most of them(not the portable versions)and it was a lot of fun.

  • This is another game I have not finished yet but the time I have spent playing this game was really fun and annoying, but it's also the only game of 2012 that made me play online multiplayer, and I hate playing with others, so yeah!