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Games that will drive you to the brink of insanity

Have you ever found yourself waking up in a daze and finding yourself on your couch? looking around seeing maybe a bag of chips, some soda cans, etc. then finally you look up and see your TV on blinding you, finally your eyes adjusts then..... BAM it hits you. You passed out because you were so frustrated and pissed off that you went into a minor coma so your body would keep from getting all stroky like and going on a rampage of throat slitting and baby punching. This is a list compiled of games that personally make me just wanna shove a chainsaw down the developers throat and turn on. 
ill add more when i think of some

List items

  • This is one of those games where i played the computer tons and tons day after day then decide to play online. thinking "Hey! i could kick some peoples trash online." then get your ass handed to you by someone whos just trying to practice some combo while deflecting all your attacks and making you look like a complete dumb FUCK!

  • Just one of those games where one day you can be having fun then suddenly the next your just getting fucked in the ass by some annoying ass little kid who never ever shuts up. Because its always fun to try your hardest and get shot down by some 12 year-old while trying to avoid some other person on your team who thinks its HILARIOUS to team kill you, and for some reason out of all the 12,000,000 times this person kills then t-bags the fuck out of you, the game wont let you boot there ass back to the elephant dick loving paradise that sick ass-hole that person lives in.

  • while this game is funner than shit, it can drive you to the bring of mindless insanity. I've died more times in this game in 1 day than i have out of the years i've been playing halo and call of duty combined. PIG FUCKING TIT TESTIES!!$#@tgdsfGDSKLFJ

  • Dude.... just Dude..... if you've never played them.... then you've never experienced pure evil. to think that this was the original sequel to super mario bros.(i think) is insane. this game is sooooooooooo FUCKING difficult it makes me wanna take a sledge hammer to an orphanage and go to town. its not that its bad, it's just insanely difficult. i literally spent close to an hour on one of the early castles! WTF.... just wtf....

  • Haha Jk... well i guess it could be considered "Hard" (giggity) since you cant really beat it as far as i know.