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Games/Franchises that I don't like.

Just a list of franchises and games that I don't really like at all. Don't get offended now.

List items

  • The only big important thing about this franchise is the whole Disney collection. I've played both games, and found them to be predictable boring dribble that is usually found in bad animes. The characters and their get up is unimaginative and unrelated to me. The story is tame and usually makes me want to skip their constant blathering about nothing. The combat is a combination of action and RPG elements which both aren't executed well at all. They're just decent, but even the developers needed to do something so they added a "press triangle to win" feature in KH2. I can barely even remember what happened in either of these games. All I can truly remember is the gummi ship, which is disappointing considering this is supposed to be an RPG made by Square Enix. What makes me actively hate this franchise are its fans and their constant desire for a third game in the franchise.

  • I have nothing against this game at all. I just couldn't get into it. I uses this as a game that signifies my lack of interest towards the real-time strategy genre.

  • Something tells me that I should not hate this game so much. Than I'm reminded of the "story" or lack their of again and I approve of my active hate for this game. The billions of guns appeal of this game is lost on me when the action and story elements are decent at best. This game never took a hold of me as the quests are usually MMO missions. This is something that infuriates me and is probably the thing that I hate most about video games. This kind of mission based gameplay is old and should be extinct in games that aren't MMOs. No I don't want to go get you such and such thing. No I don't want to go to that cave again. The combat is okay, but it doesn't compare to a regular shooter. I don't get why people like this game so much. The appeal and addictive nature of this game is lost on me. The lack of any story or characters doesn't help either. Oh and this game would look great if it wasn't all brown. I rest my case.

  • I don't like most stealth games except Metal Gear. Take that for what you will. I use this game as an example.

  • uhh.. I should have probably quit this game from the moment I realized that I had been in the same village learning the same shit that I've known for ages now. Being and playing as a wolf is also terrible, I don't like the controls when I'm a wolf. Also, waggling your wii mote isn't engrossing game play, it's stupid and you should play this with a controller. I was disappointed with this game and still dislike it to this day. At least Midna was cool.

  • Don't really like these games, except RE4. I don't like most survival horror games in general.

  • Don't really get the appeal of this game and why people adore it so much. I found it difficult to actually play and enjoy at the same time. It's not that it is hard or anything. Rather, the camera and basic combat feels off to me. I think there are two kinds of people, people that like this game or hate it. I know where I am in that discussion.

  • I think this is self explanatory.

  • Mostly due to Peter's hype of these games and how they're decent in the end. Gameplay is far too easy to even feel challenging and the story in most of these games is predictable at best. Also, don't like the interactions between NPCs and most aspects of the Fable franchise in general. I don't get why this franchise is popular to begin with.

  • Not really a big MMO guy. Also, didn't get hooked on WoW like most people.