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Best of 2010

they're all sequels D:

List items

  • With new instruments to learn and Harmonix's continued incredible DLC release schedule, this game is the Rock Band 2 sequel we didn't know we desperately needed.

  • I feel dirty including a November release in my Best of 2010, but this game has not left my Xbox 360's disc drive since it came out.

  • While the singleplayer campaign is short-lived, the co-op experience is not to be missed, and Uplay rewards and DLC have kept this game from dipping below my radar.

  • Playing through this whole game on an online skate team made it feel that much more streamlined and overall better than its predecessors.

  • This game is colorful and fun and polished and frustrating as hell at times.

  • It's Halo: Reach. :|

  • My only complaint is I haven't played more of it!

  • A great game for just turning your brain off and watching things explode for a while, made even more ridiculous by multiple DLC vehicles and weapons.

  • This game probably would have made a bigger stir if they'd nixed "Red Steel" from the title and just called it "GUN AND SWORD GAME: WILD-WEST EDITION".

  • I'm not sure it's possible to "finish" this game, per se.