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The Most Disappointing Games of 2010 by random_guy23

After writing up my best games of 2010 list, I thought I would do something different. So, here it is, the most disappointing games of 2010. These are games that had so much anticipation for, and when I got them and actually played them, they let me down in several ways. Let the list of shame begin! 
P.S. Actually, this year, there wasn't many absolutely terrible games, but there were some. This list won't be as long as the last one!

List items

  • Medal of Honor, when I finally recieved it, was a broken, buggy and busted piece of software. The frame rate was terrible, the menu's often glitched, and the game had literally thousands of scripting issues. It is such a shame for a game that had a long time in development, and generated so much anticipation.

  • The third game in the EA Skate franchise looked to be a winner before release. The new city, the new modes, and new customisation options all looked awesome. And yes, they are awesome, its just a shame that behind all that lay a game that had last-gen ugly graphics and an unstable frame rate. On top of this, the game didn't improve much on the previous game in the series. A disappointing entry in the series, but it still is miles ahead of the Tony Hawk franchise nowadays.

  • Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands was an easy choice for this list. The game was just simply disappointing, from start to finish. The whole game just felt too basic, and it seemed as though the developers wanted to give a pick up and play element to the franchise. This was the easiest game i've played in the whole series, and to be honest, did it need to be? The game is an action platformer. It's supposed to be challenging to some degree. Yes, the game had some nice graphics, and the presentation was spot on, but I really don't want to easily walk through a Prince of Persia game, I want the game to challenge me, just like pretty much every previous title in the series.

  • The new Guitar Hero game in the franchise that will probably never end (as long as they are still being produced by Activision) had me stoked this year. A trailer was released showing Rush (my favourite band) announcing that 2112 (a rock masterpiece, if you haven't heard it, dig yourself out of the cave you are living in and listen to it) was in the game. It's just a shame that I had to play OVER 50 completely unknown (and quite franky shit) songs that I've never heard of just to be able to play 2112. Disappointing.

  • Mafia II had a great story to tell, and in most cases, it told it well. Its just a shame that around this excellent story was a game which had dated graphics, a choppy frame rate, and no side quests. Come on, no side quests in an open world game? Who in their right mind made that decision! Just Cause 2 did it, and guess what? Its the better game. Disappointing, again.

  • This game looked brilliant before release, like pretty much all of the games on this list. The developer Fatshark looked to have made a solid online multiplayer wild west shoot up em. In fact, what they had made, was a shameful, buggy, and generally frustrating multiplayer experience. Better luck next time, but a good first game for an indie developer.