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Best of 2009

Surprisingly, 2009 had awesome games.

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  • As a huge fan of Batman, I remember having ozone-layer shattering high hopes for this game. But even I was surprised by the depth and quality that Batman: Arkham Arkham had to offer. Never a dull moment, the mix of action and stealth was only matched by the characters. And the fan service blew my mind. I mean, Ratcatcher is in this game. Like huh?

  • I got into COD4 late. I only got to Level 18 in multiplayer and grew to despise that ferris wheel bit in the campaign. But I bought MW2 day one, and never looked back. I loved the intensity of the single player (I nearly fell out of my chair mashing that X button in the finale!) and multiplayer is awesomely satisifying. Nothing more wonderful than taking down 3 dudes in a row within seconds. I also enjoyed the increase in moustaches in the campaign.

  • Usually I couldn't care less about 'collecting all the extra items' in games, but SC changed that. Hook-shotting my way up to the highest platform to get another passkey component was great fun. And the final gun you pick up is amazing.

  • I was really disappointed by AC1. Looked great, but so repetitive. While AC2 is essentially the same game with a bunch of new bells and whistles on it, the major difference for me was Ezio. Here's a guy I could get behind, unlike a soulless avatar like Altair. It's just a pity the ending of the game bitchslaps Ezio and leaves him to go insane wondering what the hell just happened.

  • Yeah I know this DS remake came out in 2008, but I didn't play it until 09 and it was then that it blew me away. I never played the original SNES version and I'm a lesser man because of it.

    Frog is the best JRPG character ever.

  • Dude, I'm still playing this off and on and the main reason is the loot. I just picked up a revolver that has lightning properties. The other reason is Bloodwing. Good boy Bloodwing!

  • Wesker Wesker Wesker Wesker Wesker Wesker Wesker. Also, Josh.

  • I got super excited about this game before release. Which is strange since the last skating game I got into was Tony Hawk 3. But I love Skate 2. The controls were satisfying as hell. Just a pity the game never really ends. You just play until it's gets stupid-hard and then you put it away on a shelf. And there's not much incentive to go back to it.

  • A charming little XBLA game about a painter and his dog chasing a rat through a dreamscape filled with flamingos, hot air balloons and and ice giant who has quick-time events all over his face.