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Thought On the Official Age of Ultron Trailer

Some things to take away from the Age of Ultron trailer:

1. We get a glimpse at Pietro (Quicksilver) and Wanda (Scarlet Witch) in an angry crowd of potential protestors? Are they kidnapped from this crowd and experimented on by HYDRA? Are they trying to incite a riot?

2. At the 28 second mark we get an inside look at the new Avengers Quinjet. This new craft is noticeably larger from those we’ve seen in previous films and also has the ability to transport and deploy smaller craft such as Black Widow’s motorcycle.

3. Also at the 29 second mark we see Bruce Banner clearly disturbed about something. Is he losing control of The Hulk? Did something cause him to transform without warning?

4. At the 32 second mark we see the “Frankenstein” version of Ultron that seems to be made from broken/destroyed Iron Man armors and drone pieces.

5. We get our first look at what an Iron Man drone is going to look like in Age of Ultron at the 37 second mark. They are, at least, blue/white colored with a number designation and the Avengers logo.

6. A theme for Age of Ultron might be “strings”, or “puppets”. We know Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are captives of HYDRA at some point, Ultron created by Stark (assumed), and Vision having been created by Ultron. Lots of characters potentially being controlled by something else who breaks free from their “strings”. It will be interesting to see if this carries to any other characters as Captain America, Hawkeye, Nick Fury, and Black Widow have seemingly all broken free of their former SHIELD strings.

7. At the 1:02 mark we see Ultron standing in the wreckage of some building with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch on either side of him. They do not look worried, injured, or scared so I think its safe to say they escape HYDRA and work in tandem with Ultron at some point in the film.

8. The 1:05 mark is where get our first official glimpse of an Ultron drone up close. Great looking stuff. What follows is a shot of dozens of Ultron drones coming out of the water and climbing a rock face and building side.

9. At the 1:13 mark we hear Stark claim that, “it’s the end. The end of the path I started us on.” Following shot gives us a look at Black Widow and Nick Fury. Will this film possibly come full circle for Tony from the first Iron Man? We know he isn’t going to be dying in this film as he’s signed on for Captain America 3. Black Widow responds that, “nothing lasts forever.”

10. Something has clearly gotten to Scarlet Witch as she’s in the middle of destruction, crying out to the sky.

11. The 1:21 mark is beginning of one of the trailer’s money shots as it debuts the Hulkbuster armor. In the comics this armor is actually an addition to another set and it seems to be the same in the MCU as we see Iron Man inside. He’s facing down The Hulk in what is probably South Africa.

12. At 1:27 we see an example of the new Avenger’s Quinjet deploying Black Widow on her new electric motorcycle.

13. At 1:29 we see Quicksilver potentially saving Captain America from an Ultron drone.

14. 1:30 shows Scarlet Witch firing a red energy blast from her right hand.

15. 1:31 seems to be from a flashback sequence as we see Steve Rogers, in his army uniform, at a USO dance.

16. 1:32 has an up close of Andy Serkis in an unknown role. Potentially works for HYDRA?

17. 1:33 shows Captain America, with shield, either on his own motorcycle or Black Widow’s.

18. 1:34 is an interesting shot as we see Thor, sans armor, emergy from water. Is he captured?

19. 1:35 Black Widow and the Hulk share a touching moment as they touch hands. This definitely gains credibility to the rumors that Banner and Widow have fostered a relationship.

20. 1:36 shows a ballerina scene…potentially hinting at a flashback to Black Widow’s past?

21. 1:37 more shots of the snowy mountain action set piece where the Avengers are storming a HYDRA base in the mountains. Hawkeye, in his new coat, is seen fighting here as well.

22. 1:39 Thor stalks and picks Stark up by the neck. This is more than likely after Ultron’s reveal to the Avengers earlier. What did Ultron say to the team, in total, that has Thor so angry?

23. 1:41 more Hulk vs Hulk Buster.

24. 1:45 shows something unknown attacking Captain America as he’s dodging a car that’s been thrown or sent his way.

25. 1:52 shows the arm of a fallen Thor and Captain America’s broken shield.

26. 1:56 is the second money shot as we see Ultron (Prime?) in his glory. Unlike in the comics he has a fully articulated face in Age of Ultron. We see him declare that there are “No strings on me.” Lots of emotion in his face. I can only assume this was done to give Ultron defining characteristics from his drones since they will probably be in the same shots together. I’ve seen reports that Ultron is going to be upwards of 8ft tall.

27. 2:00: Title card showing Avengers: Age of Ultron.

There are noticeable differences in tone from the last Avengers movie. While there were serious things going on in The Avengers it was still rather light, but this feels more similar (at least in the trailer) to Captain America: The Winter Soldier than The Avengers. Then again, first trailers can be somewhat misleading as we saw with Iron Man 3’s pretty dark trailer that brought up comparisons to movies like Dark Knight Rises. Everything in the trailer looks dire for both our heroes and the world they inhabit. I can see this leading to a massive turn by the public against them which could be what Captain America 3 deals with. While I don’t agree with the Civil War being used in the MCU at this early point in its life (lack of heroes/villains for one) I can see maybe there being imprisonment for people with powers or something of that nature…maybe the MCU civil war deals with the government demanding anyone with powers be forced to work for them opposed to simply being registered.

I am incredibly excited for this movie and cannot wait.

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