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The pandemic has gotten me to look through my backlog and revisit old favorites.

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Shinji_Rarenai: Collection

These are the games I have. I created a separate list for the games I'm currently playing. I wanted to start alphabetizing this list so I can figure out what I already added.

Not listed:

  • Steel Storm from Humble Indie Bundle 3
  • Revenge of the Titans from Humble Indie Bundle 2

List items

  • Purchased as part of the Humble Indie Bundle 5

  • Humble Indie Bundle 3

  • Purchased as part of the Humble Indie Bundle. Haven't played it yet.

  • Humble Indie Bundle 4

  • Purchased as part of the Humble Indie Bundle 5

  • I've been meaning to borrow my brother's mic to try out the harmonies, but we always seem to forget when we get together to play.

  • I finally got around to playing this game. I really like the game, and how its story is based around how you can rewind time. I like that the music is serene cello, and how it doesn't sound too bad when it's rewound when you make a mistake. So far, I've solved World 3. Also have the PC version from Humble Indie Bundle 2.

    I got another puzzle piece in World 4. I can't decide if this is going to be the next game I'm going to attempt to finish.

  • I bought it used. I tried it, but for some reason the mic doesn't pick up my voice really well. I tried the mic test on the 3DS, and it's not registering. Not sure if it's the 3DS or the game.

  • I got this game for Christmas from Tekurah. I wasn't sure if I'd like the game when I got it. There's something, though, about the dialog and how it's written that just makes the game so much fun. I have a smile from ear to ear when I'm playing it.

  • Humble Indie Bundle 4

  • This game kinda fits the bill for being a chill game, but I stay up to play it.

  • I really liked the Civilization series. I think this is a good game to "relax" with when I'm not up to playing StarCraft II multiplayer.

    I just started a game after I bought it on sale. I just used the "Play now" option, and it set up a game where I'm the ruler of Egypt. It was just a coincidence that the revolution in Egypt started a couple weeks before. I haven't finished a full game yet.

    After trying Civilization: Revolutions on the iPad, I gave up and went back to playing Civilization V on the PC. I love this game. Because I had problems finding my Steam save at first, I ended up playing three games simultaneously. There's the random "Play Now" game where I played the Egyptians, the one I started on my notebook where I played the Japanese, and one on my home computer where I played the Americans. Now that I have these three games saved to Steam, I think I'll finish off each one, before moving up in difficulty level. I probably should play at "Prince" level, so that the computer opponents and I start on a level playing field.

  • Humble Indie Bundle 3

  • Humble Indie Bundle 2

  • Humble Indie Bundle 3

  • I really like the style of the game. I thought it was too easy, but when A. started playing it, she had some problems with the combat. So maybe this game is about right for an 11-year-old after all.

  • I bought this on sale for my PSP. It's an interesting idea: collectible card game plus tower defense. I don't really like tower defense games, though, so I got kinda bored with this after a while. I think the monsters and the fantasy setting did get me this game.

  • I got this game after playing the demo. The game is actually pretty fun. I think the art style and the music are great. The bite-sized levels in adventure mode are also a plus. Each level is probably only a few minutes. I am disappointed that the puzzle levels in the adventure game are duplicates of those in the puzzle level section of the game. I'd prefer if you were unlocking new puzzle levels, instead of rehashing ones you have already played.

    I wish there was a portable version that was any good. I tried the iOS port, and it was horrible. The poor graphics detract from the cuteness that makes the game fun.

    My favorite part of this game is the cooperative play. There's a little bit of a learning curve to this game. You'll have to teach a friend what all the special critters do, but after that, it's a lot of fun to see how long you can last. We've gotten 160,000 points, but we're trying to break 200,000.

    Probably the best $7 I've spent on the PlayStation 3.

  • When I got this game, I built a computer to play it. Now the computer I have should play it with ultra graphics quality. I stopped playing as soon as I got a StarCraft II beta key, though.

  • I got this when I got my PlayStation Vita. I probably ought to review this game. I don't know if it's worth the $15, but I really like the art style. I wish I wasn't fighting the controls sometimes, though. I also didn't think it was an Angry Birds-like puzzle game. I got past the level where I was fighting the controls, and now I'm stuck on a puzzle. I'll probably come back to this at some point. I wish it wasn't $15, though.

  • Humble Indie Bundle 4

  • I got this game because I heard them talking about it so enthusiastically on the Bombcast. It was already on my radar, but after they spent a long segment on it, I thought that I *had* to try it out. I got through a few levels, and about 8 cubes, but I realized that I wasn't really keeping track on how the levels are connected together. I have a map that I can't read, and I need to spend time to figure out how the world map works. It's really interesting, though.

    When I was on vacation, I didn't have access to an Xbox 360, so I didn't play this game. I intend to get back to it, though.

    I started over. I started to really pay attention to the world map. I also tried to stick to one branch of the map and really figure out each area and how it works before moving onto the next.

    Now that I've played this game a bit, I truly *love* this game. I finished the game once, and started on New Game+.

    The later puzzles are really rewarding. To get the anti-cubes, you need to solve some pretty devious puzzles.

    I managed to solve one "on accident." (The Tetris piece tombstone, if you must ask.) I don't know if the game is more forgiving than what I expected the solution to be, or if I didn't fully understand the puzzle, but I managed to get the anticube while still in the process of getting to *my* solution.

    So far, I have not had to look up a single hint. I'm rather proud of that fact. I have collected 31 cubes, 6 cube bits, and 8 anti-cubes. I just got the Prenologist achievement. The leaderboard says I'm 121.9% complete.

  • I never did finish this game. I got it for my PSPgo, so that I'll have an RPG to play when I have time on the go. Being able to play it on the PS3 is a plus, but I think I spend most of my gaming time away from home. I'm at the part where I saw Tifa being taken away.

  • When this game was free on the iPad, my dad got it. He's addicted now. He's beating my scores.

    My brother and I started playing both the co-op and the versus mode over Christmas break. It's actually a lot of fun.

  • I got this game when I heard about it on the Giant Bombcast, Major Nelson Radio, and Weekend Confirmed. I had fun playing it, but it got really hard when I got to the mothership. And that was on *easy*.

    It does make great stories, though, and I really started getting attached to the crew members after I named them after friends and family.

    I'll get back to this game when I have more time.

  • Purchased as part of the Humble Indie Bundle.

  • Bought the iOS version for $10 on 2/12/12. I started playing this game, and the story is what captivated me. I finished this game. The puzzles weren't too hard, but the story's interesting. I think that's why I kept coming back to this game. There were even a couple plot twists I wasn't expecting (and a couple red herrings) which made the story more interesting. I guess it's like a good book - if it's interesting enough, you'll stay up to finish it.

  • Found it for $16 at Fry's. Haven't really played it, since I have the UMD and I got the PSPgo.

  • While I loaded all the PSP games that I could on my Vita, I'm only really playing a couple of them. I started this game over. It's fun, and being able to set the second analog stick to the face buttons should make some of the game modes a little easier.

  • Humble Indie Bundle 3

  • This game is faster on my iPhone 4S than it is on my original iPad. I'm glad I only spent a dollar on this - I've only played it twice.

  • "Purchased" as part of the Welcome Back program.

  • I bought this game when it came out and finished it that night. It's from the makers of Flower. As soon as I finished this game, I wanted to show it to someone. The game actually made me feel happy, sad, and scared at different times while I was playing it. It's short - maybe only two hours for the first playthrough, but it still managed to find a way to touch me. I want to show it to A. before I play through it again.

  • I played WarCraft III back in the day, and I knew about the DOTA add-on, but I never played it. I started League of Legends this week because I wanted to see what the big deal was about.

    It's different than StarCraft II because it's really hero-centric, and I feel like I don't need a high APM to play, though. However, it does feel like I need to know a lot more about the different champions, their special abilities, and how to either use the champions or fight against them. So far, I have a tutorial level and a beginner game with bots under my belt. I can see how you could get hooked on this game.

  • There's something fun about the challenge levels. I'm too busy playing to watch all the animations, though.

  • Purchased as part of the Humble Indie Bundle 5

  • "Purchased" the PSP version as part of the Welcome Back program.

  • Part of the Humble Indie Bundle V.

  • Purchased as part of the Humble Indie Bundle. Haven't played it yet.

  • I got this when I got my PlayStation Vita. It's still a great game. It's a good-enough replacement for the original game that I don't miss the old game on my Vita.

    This was one of my go-to games while I was on the airplane. You can spend *hours* playing this game.

  • Humble Indie Bundle 2

  • I bought Minecraft on May 19th. I have having so much fun with the sort of pointless wandering and creating things. What's more, my girlfriend's daughter has started playing with me. It's a lot of fun.

    This is my new addiction. I got it right before I went on vacation, just to see what the fuss was about. After surviving a night, I was hooked. I wanted to build a bigger cave, and then I wanted to create more things. I started exploring more. Now that I've played a while, I've leveled off a mountain and put a fence around a large field to keep monsters out. I created a house made of glass (so that I could see out - I was getting claustrophobic inside the house at night when I could hear the monsters lurking outside, but I couldn't see them.) I've dug a mine, all the way down until I've hit bedrock.

    I don't really know what to do, but the aimless sort of wandering just seems to be exactly what I want. It's the ultimate cure to a long day, and I don't have to be in top shape, like I need to be when I play StarCraft.

    With my girlfriend's daughter playing with me, it was a lot of fun. She's been getting in trouble lately, so we haven't been able to play. There's also a number of new Java vulnerabilities that can let hackers attack your system, so I guess it's a good thing that we're not keeping a server up 24/7.

  • "Purchased" the PSP version as part of the Welcome Back program

  • Got this for the iPad. Great game. A. thought that the ABC gum for hints was disgusting.

  • I wanted a good puzzle game for the PSPgo. This one fit the bill. For $5, I found an addictive puzzle game. It's not as good as Lumines, but it has more staying power than Kurulin Fusion. There are even "monsters" to collect, which are a lot like trophies or achievements for the consoles.

  • This game was on sale on Steam for $4. I heard multiple recommendations for this game, so at that price it was a no-breiner. I only played a couple of levels, but I could see how it could get addicting trying to 5-skull each level.

  • Have the iPad version. Also in Humble Indie Bundle 2.

  • After listening to old Giant Bombcasts for Game of the Year 2010, I took a look at a demo. This game's really fun. I bought it for full price ($10) instead of waiting for a sale. I got the PS3 version because I like the PS3 controller better.

  • I love this game. It's a unique strategy/rhythm game. I was hooked after my first time playing it.

  • This sequel has more units, and seems a lot longer than the first game. I was really hooked when I started the game, but my enthusiasm is starting to wind down. I think I was having more fun opening up the new units. I'm stuck on a level where I can't beat a tough Dekaton. I probably need to grind to level up my Patapon, so that I can get further in the game.

    I had to replay the demo to get the bonus items for a new save. I started over because I forgot what I was doing and what all the songs were. I also had the idea that I would write a FAQ for this game, but I never did finish it and it bogged down my playing the game. I might continue with that, maybe with a second save or something. I still have fun playing this game, even though I started over (again!)

  • Purchased as part of the Humble Indie Bundle. Haven't played it yet.

  • For some reason, this game just hooked me. I used to buy the Japanese puzzle magazines where you could win prizes if you finished the puzzles and turned them in fast enough. A friend actually won a PSP that way.

  • This looks interesting for the Vita. A pinball game could be fun. It's $10 and you get both the Vita and the PS3 version.

  • I got this during the PixelJunk anniversary sale. It's a *great* game. I didn't really get it at first, since it just seemed like another tower defense game, but now that I'm playing it more, I'm getting obsessed with "rainbowing" the levels (passing with a perfect score) and advancing.

    I'm at the medium levels now, and they are getting harder. I'm not sure if I want to change to Casual difficulty or not.

  • I finally got this game in 2010. I finished it, but I was surprised that I only got 5 achievement points for finishing it. The achievement points I got were on accident, too!