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BL2 Release Is Drawing Closer

So with so much time invested in hours of play with several saved characters (each built a little differently) in the first BORDERLANDS I'm getting a little eager with the release of BL2 drawing closer. With so many good memories blasting skags and bandits (both solo and co-op) I'm wondering how BL2 is really going to stack up. I mean the first game brought together a lot of concepts that kept the game fun and interesting even with playthrough after playthrough. I (probably like most) gave each class a go and found something extremely fun about each character/class to keep the game fresh even after countless hours were sunk into it.

What has been "bubbling" in my mind is: with the familiarity of the first game I guess there's a worry of burnout with playing BL2. I mean it's hard to imagine that happening with so many new characters, locations, guns and so much more that burning out could even be possible but it's still something I've been mulling over. The characters we fell in love with in the first game are still going to be around as NPC's which I thought was pretty cool of the developers, letting us know they're not forgetting what we loved about the first game (aside from the guns). I was a little hesitant to do a pre-order because I mean... the "mech" class character is going to be available to buy anyway and if the "extra" content would even be all that great since they're going to go into your inventory items at the -beginning- that they will probably be nullified pretty early on with loot you find within the first few hours but I digress.

I really -DO- have high hopes for this game and just kind of worry about the game losing that spark that kept us all up and going for an amazingly fun gaming experience the first time around. Each class seems like it improves upon concepts/skills in the previous game and I'm eager to try those out as well. The story seems like it was flushed out a bit more and draws the player in a bit more than the broad vault hunting story of the original. The graphics are still the comic book style that made so much of the original Borderlands really "pop" for a lot of players unfamiliar with that kind of style and was really cool. Last but not least the loot-weapon systems seems to have been given a serious overhaul and that at it's heart drove so many hours of gaming just to get something better, something better, something better. With all this in mind I really don't see how the game could possibly go wrong but it has happened with several titles in the past and I can't imagine anything more heartbreaking than a let down with a game of this scale and potential.

Are these fears groundless or has anyone else given though to any of the above mentioned concerns that could possibly derail what promises to be such a great game?