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Top 8 Games I Played in 2012

In terms of playing games, this year was great for me! Nearly all games I played I sunk heavy time into and played to death. I'm the kind of guy who buys little, but plays a lot.

In terms of playing games released in 2012, I missed out on so much. Between the stretch of trying to control my budget and also not having all of the time in the world, I missed many of the 2012 gems this year. Walking Dead, XCOM, etc. -- I promise myself to get around to these as soon as possible! Regardless, not all of my "Top 8 Games" were released in 2012. But these are the games I played the most.

Might as well be GOTY 2011? Amirite?

Sounds lame, but how games make me really feel... y'know, down deep on the insides, is what really pushes me to keep playing it. So at the end of each description I'll give ya the feels!

P.S. Sorry for the walls of text, but I promise GBomb won't let me separate paragraphs in list form!

List items

  • Fez is so important to me. At first, you rock through this game. A nice, easy-going platformer with it's rotation mechanic keeping it fresh and new. Then, it just blows your mind. -- The puzzles were challenging enough but also accessible to make you feel like a genius for solving them. Yeah, I cheated and had to look things up from time to time, but that was only after beating my head against a wall for hours.

    This game has two things going for it that just makes me fall in love with it: Atmosphere and intrigue. Beautiful.

    Congratulations to Polytron, Phil Fish, and any others involved in this project. This game was breath of fresh air for most of us gamers. I can't say enough about it. It's one of those games that'll be talked about for years.

    This game makes you feel like a kid again.

  • This game has stuck in the back of my mind of being excited to replay over the course of the year. I can't stop thinking about it. I confess, I never played the original.

    Might sound like a weird comparison, but I love the show 24. Adam Jensen is my video game Jack Bauer. Holy shit. This guy really makes the game. SUCH a great character in a VERY interesting world. I absolutely loved running around in the cities. The RPG mechanics are extremely fluent with the gun action.

    The game's overall sense of story is incredible. Yeah, it's a little convoluded and you might need to stare at a Wiki to fully understand everything, but part of that makes it so intriguing. You really feel like humanity is at stake in the most literal fashion.

    This game makes you feel important.

  • I can't put it down. I've started and stopped this game so many times since it came out late last year. I'm STILL playing it! What brings me back?

    Polish and detail. Hooooly shiiiiit does this game have it. When you run through other game worlds and then come back to this, it's so apparent that Bethesda knows what the fuck they're doing. WHO ACTUALLY MODELS A BROKEN TREE TO LAY OVER A BEAUTIFUL WATER STREAM AND YOU CAN WALK UP TO THE TREE AND PICK MUSHROOMS OFF OF IT TO LATER MAKE POTIONS!?

    Yeah, I have a bone to pick with how clunky the NPC's feel with interaction and voice acting. Is it handled better than Oblivion? Of course. Compared to other games, it's anything but fluent. But when it's just you and the world, you can go forever.

    I'm STILL finding myself surrounded by quests, characters, and parts of the world that I've never touched. Of course Jeremy Soule ties the bow's knot in terms of soundtrack.

    This game makes you feel overwhelmed with beauty, awe, and exploration.

  • I've beat this game I think literally 5 times now. It's ridiculous. This year, I purchased it on the PC to play with my buddy, and I had a big smile on my face the whole time. I had a "Oh shit, I totally forgot how much I LOVE this game" moment.

    I've said several times in the past, the Dead Rising franchise is a game you have to learn how to play. For example, your 2nd (and on) playthrough will dominate your first in terms of fun.

    I absolutely love almost everything about this game. Killin' zambies. Terribly self-aware one liners. Combo cards. Chainsaw paddles. Psychopaths. Getting Katey all of her gifts. Freedom Bear.

    There's just a million great little things about it.

    This game makes you feel like all gitty inside about stupid little things.

  • I heard somebody say that Guild Wars 2's launch week was similar to an election day. Everybody was excited, anxious, scared, and felt a togetherness.

    As someone who's played a LOT of MMOs in the past, I was initially hesitant to get into this one. I liked the original Guild Wars, but it never really stuck. It was slow, with not much going on in the world. I was tired of how other MMOs worked too. Fetch quests, boring PvE, and dying servers.

    I believe Guild Wars 2 got it right. First off, there's ALWAYS a sense of togetherness in the world that you can join in on. My main problem with current MMOs is that they're singleplayer games on multiplayer servers. While you can play alone in GW2, the game literally BENEFITS YOU for hooking up with others. Holy shit! An MMO that encourages you from level 1 to 80 to play with others! Whodathunkit!

    The game itself is beautiful. It really sucks you into the world. Once again, Jeremy Soule delivers a perfect soundtrack that fits right into the game world.

    The game's mechanics are super smart. The fact that other players in the area helping you kill stuff doesn't BOTHER you but rather HELPS you is very much needed in MMOs. I was told that developers often had meetings to discuss "How did players bother your gameplay, and how can we fix that?" all of the time.

    They really got almost everything right with this one. The only drawback I had was hitting 80, since most of the endgame is a grind. Yeah that's cool and all, other games do that, but I was so convinced GW2 left behind all of the MMO traditions. Once I was sucked back into that, it lost my extreme love. I didn't want to sink 100+ hours grinding influence points to get legendary weapons. Raiding is more fun than that and I think they should of had their own twist on that.

    Regardless, the journey to 80 was very exciting. World Vs. World was an extremely well-done concept. The community is (mostly) super nice, reminding me somewhat of the Everquest days. The artwork and style is very original and fresh. Combat is proactive and fun.

    This game makes me feel a sense of togetherness and involved in other player's lives.

  • I got to this earlier this year.

    Production value. Wow. They really cranked it out of the park on this one. I love Rockstar, but I usually have trouble dealing with the way they handle their storylines. The whole "I used to be in the drug game and now I'm being dragged back in" deal doesn't really sell it to me in GTA series.

    L.A. Noire felt super original. Never really been done in such a big way before. It had a Dead Rising 2 aspect where the better you got at the mechanics (the interviewing), the more you enjoyed it. I can't say I loved 100% of every little thing about it. It definitely started to drag and, while it was great, overstayed it's welcome by maybe 5 hours or so. But the LEVEL OF CHARACTER is simply amazing.

    This game makes me feel like I'm in a movie.

  • I really wish this series was more popular. I love this universe so much. The original Darkness is one of my favorite games. It really knew how to push buttons and cross lines. The voice acting was super incredible and the gun play was good too.

    The Darkness II takes all of that, and throws a whole new level of polish on it. Although it suffers from a bad ending, the story is super incredible and interesting. Not only that, but Digital Extreme really did an amazing job at making the gameplay super fun and gruesome.

    The game makes you feel unstoppable.

  • Yes. In retrospect I'm disappointed with this game just like most of the world. But at the time, wow was I having fun. I loved running through this game multiple times and leveling myself up. If this game had one thing going for it, it was the way that you could respec your playstyle. I really only played my Barbarian, but man... I must of played him 20 different ways.

    Yeah, I had a love/hate relationship with the auction house. I loved that with my hard-earned cash through buying and selling I could afford items that I wanted. I HATED how it was so dependent. You literally couldn't play the game past Normal difficulty without having to "cheat" and just buy your equipment.

    This game REALLY bummed me out at the end-game status. There just was no reason for anything past saying "I beat X difficulty." At the time there were no Paragon levels. Even then, what's the point of having better Magic Find % if you're just gonna buy everything on the AH?

    Regardless, I definitely pulled some late nights with this game. By the end of the day, I had lots of fun playing with my buddies online. I just wish it could of went on forever.

    This game makes me feel like I was on a rollercoaster. Wish it would of never stopped. Then I had to leave the park after that. Fun while it lasted?