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The genius is about to "complete" his masterpiece!

The genious that is Pavel Dolgov is back at it again! He announced April 27 that he has begun working on a Complete mod for the great and awesome game, STALKER Call of Pripyat. I am personally super psyched for this! There is definitely some time till we'll see the mod in full motion, and the full release is most likely months away. But again, just that he actually is making a mod for this game is awesome! There is no details on the project yet, but I figure we'll most likely see most of the same things we've seen in the other mods for both previous games in the STALKER series:

  • Redone textures
  • Renewed and improved sound design + extra soundtracks
  • Bug elimination (there ain't too many bugs in CoP though)
  • And probably other new features which might improve the experience of the game

Call of Pripyat is by far a much more polished game than the previous ones. So when Dolgov made the Complete mods for those games that really changed the experience of the games in a positive way. But I am excited to see what improvements he can make for Pripyat which is already so good looking and functioning so well.
Check out his site at:
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Edited By spaceturtle

The genious that is Pavel Dolgov is back at it again! He announced April 27 that he has begun working on a Complete mod for the great and awesome game, STALKER Call of Pripyat. I am personally super psyched for this! There is definitely some time till we'll see the mod in full motion, and the full release is most likely months away. But again, just that he actually is making a mod for this game is awesome! There is no details on the project yet, but I figure we'll most likely see most of the same things we've seen in the other mods for both previous games in the STALKER series:

  • Redone textures
  • Renewed and improved sound design + extra soundtracks
  • Bug elimination (there ain't too many bugs in CoP though)
  • And probably other new features which might improve the experience of the game

Call of Pripyat is by far a much more polished game than the previous ones. So when Dolgov made the Complete mods for those games that really changed the experience of the games in a positive way. But I am excited to see what improvements he can make for Pripyat which is already so good looking and functioning so well.
Check out his site at:
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Edited By Pepsiman

I'm going to be honest: I thought this was going to be a thread about Bob's Game. The thread title sounded potentially ironic enough that it piqued my morbid interests, but alas, it doesn't seem to be the case.
Unless this is actually a secret conversion of STALKER into a new version of Bob's Game. In which case, I can get hella behind that and then some.

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Edited By The_A_Drain

I have all 3 STALKER games sat on my shelf, waiting to be played when I finally get a PC that can play it without crashing to desktop every five seconds. I'm gonna lock myself in a room and finish all 3 back to back, what I managed to play of the first one I absolutely adored.