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Horrible Things I Do - How do people enjoy summer "breaks" past the age of 23? Please send advice

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God, I am way too lazy to keep a consistent blog update nor do I feel like making or asking someone for new banners. Won't someone think of the children? (This was much funnier in my head and I was going to remove it, but this is a blog about sharing my shame so allow me to make a fool of myself all over the place here. Thank you.)

I'll confess that this summer (YOU GUYS, IT'S SUMMER! :D) is looking to be super hectic, despite my still being jobless. I forgot how hard seeking employment really was, then you combine that with all the stuff that's going on here at home and with my extended family and ooo-boy it's kind of a mess. Hopefully everything improves and I can get back into the swing of things in time for GenCon, school, and PAX Prime.

GenCon, School, and PAX Prime?!

I know! All of those things are expensive! And I've no income. But I have my means. Yard sales are pretty rad! And I've also been helping people with yard work and the like, feelin' a helluva a lot like a super late bloomer in that regard. Next I'll be figuring out how to run a lemonade stand. #YouKnowYourA90sKidWhen #HiImKortneyAndWasShelteredAndSpoiledAsAYouth #AlsoWasProAtLemonadeStandsTBH

So, yeah! GenCon (which is a 4-day long gaming event here in Indianapolis, focuses more on tabletop than vidya) is going to be August 14 - 17. And I'm going to be busy with it and related events from the 14th to the 19th. I can't say anymore, but I'll be working (even if it's only for a week!) and I'm incredibly excited about it. It's possible I'm allowed to talk about it, though. I never asked! I'm not the usual type to brag but I've been so god damn giddy about this that I am full to bursting.

Fall semester starts on August 25th. And I decided it'd be a good idea to try and get all of my class time condensed to 2 days and I regretted that immediately because now I'll be at school for 12 hours on Mondays and 8.5 on Wednesdays. Remember me for who I was. My brain is already liquid just thinking about how tired I'll be. Hopefully Tuesdays will be restful and not have too much sobbing.

And then the week after that is Prime. My eyelids are so heavy right now just thinking about it. But it'll be my first Prime. I really felt the need to go because of my worry that PAX will be less fun in the future. Is that silly to say? Probably. Man, do I not really like the few knuckleheads at PA. Makes it super awkward!


Hopefully this summer break can be something I enjoy. Only time will tell. Lots of stress all over the place, ahhhhh!

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But fear not, people of Giant Bomb (and the one weirdo from my personal life who likes to look up my online handle and spy(?) on me so that they have some fuel(?) to gossip with. It's a post on the World Wide Web, why you actin' a fool?) for I have a means of stress relief!

I've been playing a lot of games lately. I wanna play Mother and Mother 3 but my moral compass is saying not to. Derp. So instead, I've been going bonkers for:

Bravely Default

Edea in her Merchant outfit is utter cuteness.
Edea in her Merchant outfit is utter cuteness.

I may be a wee-bit of a slowpoke into getting to this one. But then again, I'm borrowing it and my backlog is massive. I've only just completed the part with the Wind Crystal, but it's hard to press on.

The reconstruction of Norende Village is actually creating more stress outta me, haha. I just want it to be done! I'm usually the type who takes her time when chuggin' through an RPG and the job classes and costuming aspect of it really speaks to me. I'm a sucker for games where the character model changes and reflects what they do. Final Fantasy X-2 really had me with the magical girl changing sequences. Whoops, tangent! Sorry!

But, yeah. I usually already do take my time and can be annoying to watch because I am incredibly thorough in my games. I hug the surfaces looking for special loot, speak with NPCs 2-3 times, back track, grind on monsters and try to collect everything I can early on, etc. The pace at which Norende is getting restored is borderline agonizing. I've only got 11 workers at this current writing. Trying oh-so-hard to be patient for midnight, when I'll be able to get 4 more. For each project you have one worker on, they'll complete the task at the time listed (which can be as high as 99 hours!) while each additional worker can cut the time down by about 50%, making a project completion time drop to about 15 minutes. My urge to collect and have cool things available to me while running around on the map is heavy. It's almost taken away from the game a bit. That, paired with most of the summons I've received only hitting with 1 or 0 damage, gotta say, it's rough! After some snooping, I found out that grinding for Job Points is pointless until about chapter 4/5 as well. (I get about 8-9 per battle. That ain't shit!) Kind of tough feeling very limited in the classes that I do have.

I've really no choice but to take this game at a slower pace and try not to roll my eyes too often when Ringabel says something perverted or super creepy. I do like Bravely Default, I just think this pace is nearly unbearable and can't wait until I'm just running around and being totally rad.

Tomodachi Life

Man, image share, why won't you work for me right now, I have so many dumb things to share and say about this game.

Like how I have Alex Navarro in my game and he is fond of wearing a hot dog suit. He wore it when asking my mom(?) out on a date and she rejected the weenie. After some random events and talking with the other residents, my mother is now married to Alex Navarro and this cracks me up beyond belief. I'll have to not be lazy about those images and post them. It's really entertaining!

Other residents include: Tyrion Lannister, Nicki Minaj, Sam and Dean Winchester, Castiel, the Inner Senshi, the mane 6 from My Little Pony, Gary Whitta's wife, and a few other Internet and RL friends of mine.

Tomodachi Life is interesting. The game isn't fun unless you have a lot of Miis. But it's hard to take care of the Miis when they aren't people/characters you know/are familiar with. Maybe I'm just a snob? Although it's cool being able to be a fangirl and throw in people I like this way.

I'm thinking Merlin will be next. Right after I break my boyfriend and AppleJack up. Curse these hands of mine for hitting the wrong prompts! I guess my Mii is destined for the single life.

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Okay. So rad stuff. First, GenCon 2014 is going to be cool. Other cool things:

You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Stand Up For Yourself!

I'm not sure if this is immediately obvious to people who have met me, apparently I'm one hell of an actress. But I'm super timid. And my means of reacting when I'm super nervous and embarrassed is to up the number of words that are pouring out of my mouth and get really weird and talkative, and looong awkward pauses. Or if you're someone I'm super close to, I talk even faster and interrupt my own train of thought with more tangents than a trigonometry class.

That said, I have a tough time standing up for myself and speaking out with my unpopular opinion.

Have you seen some of the comments sections on various websites? My word.

[The original text I was going to put here has been removed because I'm not quite ready to go on about my issues with white feminism here with y'all on Giant Bomb. But I spoke up in a face-to-face setting! And that was liberating.]

You Also Gotta Fight For Your Right To Party

My best friend, who is a person I met from the Internet because that's how friends are made, came to visit last weekend and I'm still super happy about being able to hang out with all my favorite people and have us all be in the same room. I'm also kind of super sad because TJ had to go back home at some point but it's really refreshing to know that I've got a really good, tight knit group of people I can rely on. I got to play the role of caretaker and cook dinner for my friends and we had a small little party and played games. Had a few heart-to-hearts with my friends, too. God damn, was that nice. Hopefully TJ can visit more when my friends' house is complete this September.

Man, my friends are cuties and I'm so super duper happy to have people I can be 100% open with.

I really wasn't able to say that before.


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