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Doom Eternal is tough, but still very fun. Also, Animal Crossing is a good way to start the day! Getting my new house in AC tomorrow.

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Spending all night at the hospital = not fun...

Especially when I'm not the one being treated. Anyway, I just spent the last 6 hours waiting to see if my Dad was going to have to have heart surgery or not. Fortunately, all the tests and everything revealed that his heart is fine, so that's the good news. He'll have to see if the chest pains he was having was due to something else (like a medication problem), but for now, looks like he'll live to see 60 in a couple of weeks. I have to admit that I was a little scared that they'd have to do surgery. It sucked to see my Dad, who is usually the "tough guy", seeming so helpless. He was scared, and when Dad gets scared, I don't take it well. The last time I saw him so vulnerable was when Grandpa died. I know he's only human, but a dad is the one person you look to when things go bad. If he doesn't know what to do, what then?

But, things worked out, he's home, and I just wanted to get this off my chest. To anyone who may read this, thanks for taking the time.