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Afro Samurai is a game that makes failure pop into my head instantly. I mean, if it wasn't an Anime, just the nam would bring back bad memories of Pirates vs. Ninja's Dodgeball. Luckily this game isn't complete fail, matter of fact it's not fail at all, super matter of fact, it's pretty great in some points but in others, not so much...

One of the great things is the gameplay. Sure, sometimes it gets tedious just running around, hacking and slashing people in the same way but seeing their blood spew out is so damn beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, not just is the blood great the entire art style is great. Just standing there watching Afro's hair wave around in the air quickly reminded me that the cell-shaded art style is by far my favorite art style. The graphics are great but there is some pretty bad frame rate drops at points. Mainly they'd just happen when I'd be fighting a bunch of guys but sometimes it'd just happen when I'd be platforming. Speaking of platforming...

It sucks, hard! Afro Samurai's platforming is possibly--no not possibly, BY FAR the worst platforming (recommend some horrid platforming games that can maybe rival this and I'll play them and possibly change this) I've seen in a game. One amazingly bad example of a bad platforming sequence is in the second-to-last level, at the end of the level you've got three bosses each one is annoying, and before getting to those shitty boss-fights, you've got to go through even shittier platforming sections. And guess what happens when you lose a that boss-fight? You start the fight over? No. You start all the way at the bottom and have to go through the shitty platforming again. I mean when I run right into a pole that I'm supposed to grab and he just falls down... that's not good at all. Great design choice!
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Oh, and chances are, you'll lose that boss fight. Why? Because the boss-fights are garbage...except the final 2, those are filled with badassery. There only real boss-fights that are actually good is the first Doppelganger boss-fight and the 2 aforementioned fights. I would mention some bad ones but I don't feel like naming every single other boss-fight in the game. I will call out one though. It's one of the final boss fights in the second-to-last chapter. The guy your fighting is pretty much a damn tank. It takes SO MANY shots just to kill this guy. It's fucking frustrating!

I've heard quite a bit of people moaning and stuff about the story but I really got into it. There was some really deep moments where I was like "oh shit, that's not good." I really love how it pokes fun at itself at the end though.The ending is really deep. I really want to go deeper but if I did I would totally spoil it so, I will end the story part with, I loved it.

The Soundtrack is pretty much the penicle of awesome. Not just the great singing, the beat is pretty amazing. You'll find yourself just sitting there tapping your feet and the real Rap really kicks in during big fights so your constantly just dieing for a boss fight to hear the song again... because of course, nobody wants to pay money for music. You will be hearing the song a lot and after the 5th level you've probably heard all the songs but I never really got tired of them

Afro Samurai really is a fun playthrough. But after you beat it, the only thing that was left was pretty much just the momentos that I personally think was just thrown it to make it seem like more of a platformer. That and adding some more achievements.

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Afro Samurai is filled with potential and if it would've done better in taking out the horrid ass platforming, fixing the bad boss-fights, and putting some better checkpoints in it. Until we hopefully get a second one, this game will remain average...


Afro!... and cigarette!
So, you like Samuel Jackson, eh? Oh, you like Afro's and Samurai's, you say? Well good sir/ma'am, Afro Samurai may be just the game for you! Yes, I do have Afro Samurai and yes, it is semi-shoopadoopy.

At the beginning of the game, I got pretty sucked in, great blood, terrific cell-shaded graphics, and a huge Afro, who wouldn't love it? In all serious-ness, at first I'm thinking, this is great, why would you not love it? And well, at like the beginning of the fourth chapter, you understand.

I mean, the graphics remain OK, despite the fact I ran into an ass-load of frame-rate drops in the second chapter. The blood still
No you!
No you!
beautiful and chopping body parts off is still visually satisfying. The main shit rain that pushes this game down is the difficulty and the platforming. Now, the platforming isn't that bad, it's the whole thing of having to run around then do some small thing just to open a path. In other games, that's great, but in this game, it's just awkward and frustrating. I spent over 30 minutes just walking around some area just to find out I had to walk back all the way to the beginning of the level...

Probably if you've read anything about the boss battles you know they're pretty freaking bad. Well, actually I didn't find them hard I just fount them...demanding... I'm about at the end of the halfway point of this game and I've only fought one big fight that was bad. It expected me to automatically know that you have to dash towards the guy and do vertical strikes, it sounds simple but I'm not a bright crayon, so it wasn't.

With that being said, I want to address the good things: The voice acting is superb. Your character is great, Samuel pulls off that annoying friend roll and (this isn't a spoiler so calm down) your Dad is dead at the beginning of the game and you see him at one point just gasping for air and you hear his dry throat heaving, ah, it's oh so good. The enemies all pull off some OK performances but Mr. Jackson is by far the best, I can't just credit him, the writing was pretty great also.

As the Rza would say, this soundtrack is the shoopadoop (I just had to say it again). I'm not a big fan of rap or anything and there's not to much rap in there but the small part that is, I love it. The overall beat that goes on during big fights makes you want to tap your feet and make made-up lyrics.

So, Afro Samurai is good but kinda bad, yep.

Ahhhh, it's a demo!
Ahhhh, it's a demo!
Well, I downloaded the Killzone 2 demo and I just have to dedicate like a paragraph to it.... yep, it's pretty good. I just want to say I'm gonna hop onto the happy wagon and say this is the prettiest game I've ever witnessed. So since I just payed it a big compliment I'm gonna throw some bad things out then wrap up this blog.

I ran into quite a bit of cheap deaths, it feels as if that sometimes you can take 15 shots and sometimes you'll die in just like 3 shots. Also, getting in and out of cover seems awkward and janky. It feels like my head is always sticking out and that leads me to believe that I'm gonna be shot in the head...

There you go, Killzone and Afro Samurai wrapped up in like... paragraph form! Hope you liked it, see you all next time.

Resident Evil 5...Chainsaw that hoe!

So, as most of you all know, the RE 5 demo has been released and I've voiced a small opinion of me just saying "Hey, it's not good" but not up until what just happened did I actually want to talk about how downright shit-poo this game can be... at points.

I say "at points" because sometimes, I love this game. When I'm just shooting and being attacked and not having to worry about my jackass AI teammate person, I actually enjoy it but when she comes into play, all hell goes down and I'm constantly saying sexist dirty things, I regret nothing! One thing that happened to me was there was like 6 or 7 African-zombie-people-things are coming at me and her and then, like the idiot she is, she just blatantly runs right into the huge crowd where they started barraging her with attacks in which I then had to run into the pile which led me to be killed.
You lookin' at me?
You lookin' at me?

There's one short little escort mission you do in which your just shooting some dudes with a rifle as she... I don't really know, I guess she's supposed to be unlocking that door at the bottom of the building but for a while she just kinda stands there an get's attacked and you have to shoot off the African-zombie-people-things while fighting off the shitty gun controls. All of that equals death.

But one thing I've hated much more than any of the previously problems, the so-called "boss fights." I mean the Boogeyman (Silent Hill: Homecoming reference) look-a-like is alright, I mean, it's beatable... it's still repetitive as balls having to just shoot, shoot, run up, press X and him not show a bit of reaction to just being punched in the face, though. The damn chainsaw lady is the most annoying, frustrating piece of garbage I've ever fought. I mean, I shot him/her in the face about 6 times with the Rifle and shot a huge ass exploding barrel thing that was directly beside here and she just went down as I rand up and punched him/her. While your running away, in the demo, there is
African-zombie-people-things coming behind you the entire time!

I'm low on time so I can't say anymore but damn it, RE 5 is pretty and sometimes fun but about 80 percent of it is garbage. I will see you all sometime on the site, Buh-Bye's-o-holic.

Ride the Rails!

o rly?
o rly?
Hey all! I'm back with a blog, a short blog, but you'll take it and you'll like it! Anyway, I picked up Skate 2 in the mail last Monday and I figured, you know I'd write something up about it.

When Skate 1 was announced I was at that point so tired of the Tony Hawks series, I immediately got excited. Then when the demo was released , I loved it, non-stop fun just skating around like a regular person in a skate-park. Not doing stupid stuff where you jump over lava with lizards in it that will eat your flesh off. If you didn't know, that will be in Skate 3. Well, then the full game was released *dun dun duuuun* and I hated it. I just got annoyed by constantly having to re-do challenges, that after a while, just got too tedious.

This brings me to Skate 2. And from what I've read on these crazy sites like Giant Bomb(c wat i did ther?), the game seemed to be actually shaping up to be good. But, I was pretty undecided on it because of the fact that they still haven't said something like "Oh, and the challenges are easier" or anything. So, like the dirty man I am, I played the demo, and I loved the demo.

Then, on January 26th, I got the game... and oh yea:


What an amazing 2008

Well, since everybody else was doing this, I figured I would! Mines gonna be more simple because, I mean, c'mon, nobody cares about me as much as they do the other people that's made some Blog's about this, but here it is, go!

Top 3 Hated users

3. Lies
2. Solid_SnakeXx
1. HandsomeDead

Awesome Users

To be honest, there are to many to name, if you think I may have forgot you PM me, because I probably did. Anyways:
Matt Bodega
Aspiring Andy
DualReaver (RIP)

I was actually thinking about providing a link to all these profiles but no, to many. I know I forgot some so tell me. Before I go I just want to give away three special awards.

Favorite guide maker

Vinchenzo! Many people say Lies, and yea, for good reason. But Vinchenzo has made some amazing Achievement guides! Check them out and rate if you haven't!

Greatest link provider

Sweep- PM me for the link that Sweep gave me, it's great!

Greatest and funniest person I've ever played Gears of War 2 with

Matt freaking Bodega! Prior to contrary beliefs he is, in fact, the god of all gods.

My 2008 awards!

Best Sequel
Metal Gear Solid 4

Best War Game
Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway

Best Shooter
Left 4 Dead

Best Sports Game
NHL '09

Most Disappointing
Mirror's Edge

Best Inclusion of an F-Bomb
"Fuck you say?" from Saints Row 2

Best game anyone can play

Most Surprising
Fable 2

Best Fighting Game
Soul Calibur IV

Best Sound Effects
Left 4 Dead

Game that's most like FreeLancer
Dead Space + WarHammer Online + Wipeout HD = FreeLancer

Game that makes you want to punch every Panda in the face that doesn't mate
Imagine Party Babyz

Game that is most likely to make you shit your pants/bowl
Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Best Graphics
Metal Gear Solid IV

Best 360 Game
Gears of War 2

Best PS3 Game
Metal Gear Solid IV

Biggest Announcement
Final Fantasy XIII coming to the 360

Best Soundtrack
Fallout 3

Best Storyline
Metal Gear Solid IV

Game with Cheesiest Diolouge
Gears of War 2 (I don't know why)

Most Controversial Game
Grand Theft Auto IV

Most Interactive Game
Mass Effect (PC)

Best New Video Game Character
Sack Boy

Best Co-op Game
Left 4 Dead

Best game anyone can play despite review scores
LEGO Batman

Game of the Year
Metal Gear Solid IV

There they are! No descriptions, just winners! Flame me in the comments section if you please.

Death of a loved one

Well, sadly when I got home from school last Friday, my parents told me that my Grandfather has sadly passed away. This was my only Grandparent that I actually grew up with all my others passed away at like 3 years old or before I was born.I was actually planning on putting out my winners for my "Best of..." awards tonight but with this happening, I'm gonna postpone that until further notice. I'm not really gonna get into his passing because this isn't really the place for that but he did pass on in his sleep which is great for him. And to wrap up this very short blog, I just want to say:

RIP Gerald Lee Malone, March 15, 1940 - December 5, 2008, Age 68. You will forever be missed and loved.


Best Of 2008 Nominees

Yea, I stole GamerGeek360's blog name. Well, there was some categories where I was just like I don't know but like 1 or 2 nominees so, I have some that's just named "SOLID WINNER" so you won't know the one nominee I chose. Well, I worked on this for a while and hear is the trashy things I came up with!

Best Sequel
Gears of War 2
Metal Gear Solid IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Saints Row 2
Fable 2

Best War Game
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
Call of Duty: World at War

Best Shooter
Gears of War 2
Metal Gear Solid IV
Left 4 Dead
Saints Row 2

Best Sports Game
Madden '09
NHL '09
MLB 2008: The Show
Fifa '09

Most disappointing
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Mirrors Edge
Too Human

Best Inclusion of an F-Bomb


Best game anyone can play


Most Surprising

Left 4 Dead
Call of Duty: World at War
Fable 2

Best Fighting Game

WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw  2009
MK vs. DC Universe
Soul Calibur IV

Best Sound Effects

Gears of War 2
Call of Duty: World at War
Left 4 Dead

Best Storyline

Gears of War 2
Saints Row 2 (I actually loved the story)
Fallout 3

Game with cheesiest dialogues


Most controversial game

Fallout 3

Best interactive game


Best new video game character

Travis Touchdown
Niko Bellic
Issac Clarke

Best game anyone can enjoy despite bad reviews


Best co-op game

Left 4 Dead
Resistence 2
Saints Row 2

Game most like FreeLancer

DeadWar HD...combination of games

Game that makes you want to punch every panda in the face that doesn't mate

Kung Fu Panda
Imagine Party Babz
Imagine Girl Band

Game that is most likely to make you shit your pants/bowl

Dead Space
Alone in the Dark
Imagine Party Babyz
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Best Graphics

Gears of War 2
Dead Space
Fable 2

Best 360 game

Gears of War 2
Fable 2
Ninja Gaiden II
Left 4 Dead

Best PS3 Game

Dead Space
Far Cry 2

Biggest announcement

Final Fantasy XIII going to 360
Uncharted 2 revealed!
Ensemble Studios closing

Best Soundtrack

Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Saints Row 2
Fallout 3

Game of the Year

Left 4 Dead
Fable 2
Far Cry 2
Gears of War 2
Call of Duty: World at War
Fallout 3
Saints Row 2

I'm done! Ask me any questions in the comments section please.


My award plans!

Well, since the last blog I wrote got some comments, I figured I'd pop another one out! As you might've noticed (you probably noticed if you was me or ReTarDedFisHy), ReTarDedFisHy posted on my comments about my GOTY awards. If your wondering, I'm going to put them out. But I wanted these to be more than just another average GOTY blog, so I want to tell everybody from now up until then I'll be accepting YOUR questions that you choose. I've got a rule though. They have to be appropriate!!! So don't ask me who has the biggest boobs on GiantBomb because I won't be answering that. Otherwise, they can be about anything. But, any question you can think of that I accept, I will try and think of 5 nominees and post them sometime before the end of next week. Of course, I'm gonna be doing the obvious ones like, Game of the Year, best shooter, best PS3 game, best 360 game, etc. I suggest you check back on my comments page frequently as I will be posting some of my own little questions. Of course, when I say questions I mean stuff like me coming to my comments and saying "What was your Game of the Year?" you know, stuff like that. So, your directions are as followed, read blog > type comment > place question(s). Just to give you even more of an example I'm gonna post on my own blog with an example. If you have any questions about THE BLOG, just PM me, I will surely get back to you (and don't call me Shirley).

                               Current Ones

"Worst game of the year"
"Best game that anyone can play"
"Best inclusion of the F-Bomb"
"Best game that's kinda sorta like Freelancer"
"Game that made you want to punch every panda that doesn't mate"
"Best Game That Would Make You Shit Your Pants/Fishbowl"
"Best Soundtrack"
"Game of the Year"
"Best 360 game"
"Most Surprising"
"Best Graphics"
"Best Sequel"
"Best Sports game"
"Best fighting game"
"Best Shooter"
"Most disappointing"
"Best sound affects"
"Best storyline"
"Game with the cheesiest scripts/dialogues"
"Most controversial game"
"Best War game"
"Best interactive game"
"Best puzzle game"
"Best Video Game Character of 2008"
"Best game anyone can enjoy despite bad reviews."
"Biggest Announcement"


The return of me and of previews ZOMFG!

Yep, I haven't been around in a looooong time, to be exact, two weeks...? Really? It felt like forever.  And before I give you my new preview, I want to say, I've never been into The Office but recently, with thanks to the NXE, I've been watching loads of The Office and I freaking love it! Right now, I'm watching episode 4 of Season 4 and Steve Carrel is acting like he's Meryl Streep from The Devil Wears!

Well, I've also started to get into 1up. And yea, I know it's becoming the next Gamespot but I love it, the reviews are kinda odd because I mean, they give Gears 2 an A while they give SvR '09 a A-...confusing but OK...WAIT! A is better than and A- isn't it? Damn, I'm bumfuzzled. But I didn't go there for the reviews I went there for the podcasting! And it's great. I love 1up FM and 1up Yours, there both great and a nice addition to all my podcasts I listen too.

I've played a lot of games since my last blog and since I'm getting into 1up, I'm gonna adrress them with there rating system! So here they are, no descriptions, just scores!
LittleBigPlanet- A
Quantum of Solace Game- C-
Left 4 Dead- A
MK vs. DC Universe- B-
SvR '09- C+
Gears 2- A+
Call of Duty: World at War- B+

That's all! Time for the preview!

Prince of Badass
Prince of Badass
Well, I wasn't interested in this game 'till about a month ago. I don't really know why but the art style reall sparked my interest and I'm still very into this game. PRINCE OF PERSIA!
The Good
Beautiful Art Style
Great Characters
Interesting story
Revamping the series was a smart idea and it worked very well
The new world is great.
Voice acting is smooth
The Bad
Repetitive Boss Battles
Not much re-play value
Gamespot- 9.0
Giant Bomb- 4 stars
1up (OMGZ I totally added teh 1up's to d list!)- A

Hope you liked the preview! Well, I probably won't be blogging for another 2 weeks! See you all later!