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I play a whole lot of games but finish very few until recently. There are a whole lot I can't remember too well either. The ones I finished and remember are here. I used to usually just play games when I had a few free minutes without ever really finishing anything. Now I'm getting into the challenges more and taking a crack at finishing things off.

List items

  • The worst part about this game is the boss fights. Combat is semi-broken in a couple places. Some of the mission scripting is very bad or straight up broken. Still, it's a fun game. There isn't anything else out there that captures the spy and espionage like this game. Characters are fun and the amount of options available to finish a mission are awesome.

  • About 50-60 hours on my playthru. Pretty fun final fight sequence. The Sunken Temple sequence was difficult too, and fun. Overall this is the game Dragon Age should aspire to be.

  • Pretty alright for a hallway shooter. Decent online modes. Video cam stylization is very well done. Helicopter sequences are fun enough.

  • This game is nuts. It's very long (extended, director's cut). The story and side missions are pretty good. The battles are O.K. in terms of RPG gameplay. The environments and creativity in the creatures set it above all other RPGs I've played. The potions, bombs, oils, and spell-signs gameplay mechanics are refreshing and fun.

  • Very short. For a couple bucks it's O.K. if you like fairly basic puzzles and a weird story. The story doesn't really wrap up at all. Puzzle Agent 2..

  • Started well, then went kinda bad. The train station multi-stage escort mission sucked. The Strider battle was weak. Actually it wasn't that good of a game.

  • Amazing game! I am slightly disappointed about not having the reflex-style portal puzzles in this game due to game console influence on level design. The new game elements and the atmosphere make up for it though. The final sequence is pretty amazing and a good payoff.

  • Climbing the tower was fun. The motion comics cut scenes were excellent. The rest was more or less forgettable. It needed more over-the-top boss fights. It needed to take advantage of its vertical movement and level design more and switch out the wasteland city setting for something more surreal and vertical.

  • Best action RPG level designs and enemy designs of the last 20 years. This is an important game for it's online modes, particularly the Old Monk boss fight. The level designs are a high water mark for all fantasy RPG games. Only the swamp level stands out as semi-generic design.

  • The final level and fight were pretty stupid and not fun. Hell, not even hard on the highest setting. The fun is in the online play. Nothing beats farming snipers with a combat knife. Stupid snipers, easy kills.

  • Amazing Game! 3 Maps. 3 Classes. Incredibly fun! I got the achievements but still went back and kept playing. Planes are very fun to fly. Tanks are great. Taking out a tank is great too! This is easily my favorite online game for the Xbox360.

  • DLC for The River of Time - I got about 8-9 hours out of it. All very fun and in a nice new setting. The final fight sequence was good and fairly similar to the Sunken Temple sequence from the main game.

  • Repetitive and a little dull in the head, some truly terrible characters, a generally uninteresting and static environment. The one good thing is the fusing and power inheritance mechanic. The final boss was a joke and a pushover. The second chapter, called, "The Answer" was more interesting and more fun.

  • While looking for a replacement fix for my Dungeon Master habit I stumbled across this on the PC. I liked it. In retrospect it wasn't nearly as good as Dungeon Master.

  • played it on the Amiga 500 - loved it. Another mouse clickity click game.

  • It looked great in it's time. It hasn't aged well - especially the gameplay. Clickity click on the mouse buttons.

  • Finished it and found out I don't like RTS games at all. Haven't been back to the genre since. Wait does Warhammer 40k count? Damn! Turns out I like the modern RTS genre.

  • Yeah I cheated. I was O.K. at this game but never really that good. The game itself is Great though.

  • One of my first PC games. Great fun for the times but I wouldn't want to go back to it now.

  • I loved this game and played it pretty consistently on the Amiga 500. It's not much to look at now. 6 missions. Submarine aircraft carrier. Good times.

  • Finished career mode 2x to get all the belts and prep my fighter for online play. Career mode is solid and fun. Online mode is great.

  • One of those AMAZING games I can't believe I missed the first time around. This game is great. Everything about it.

  • Fun! The bosses were alright. The game still looks fantastic today. The first expansion adds some fun levels and an interesting power.

  • decent weapons and powers, sometimes interesting environments. No end-boss but a decision to make which is a nice bit of player choice to cap off a hallway shooter - three different endings. My only knock is the shotgun is weak. No range AND no power. come on.

  • Interesting looking robot boss models but they play poorly. There is far too much camera shake in most sections of the game making some segments physically painful to experience. There are too many instances of camera control and player control taken away for no good reason. Generally the boss AI and boss encounter designs are bad. Usually a combination of bad geometry layout, bad AI pathing, and stun/animation-lock effects in a failed attempt to add danger to a otherwise toothless AI. But still a decent shooter with some cool environments.

  • A complete and perfect rip-off of the board game Battlestations;

    The final encounter with the flagship was fun and challenging.

  • As far as a shooter goes I don't see how it can get much better than this. The dream and drug sequences where stylish. The temple demon battle was interesting.

  • I had a pretty good time. It's not a good game. The final fight wasn't too interesting and a little easy.

  • A fun game with good visuals. The last boss fight was uninteresting. Player movement is amazing and fast. Decent weapons. Funny story and dialog.

  • The Lucifer boss was challenging. The dungeon crawling and demon fusing was fun.

  • All of the problems I had with Persona 3 were fixed in this game: better story, better characters. The final dungeon and boss was fun. The true ending path was pretty cool as far as hidden bonuses go. I missed it the first shot at it.

  • Great final level; good design, good puzzles, good fights. Classic game. The spell system was very cool and a good example of a game mechanic that was ruthlessly sacrificed on the alter of streamlined modern game design. I wish there was some modern equivalent of this real-time first person dungeon crawler.

  • Great game start to finish! I got stuck in 3 or so places.

  • sometimes glitchy with some shoddy cutscene animations, sometimes hamfisted storytelling, but mostly awesome. Up until the white platform at the end. Everything after that should have been cut, fade to black, credits. The reaper ledge fight was really dumb too.

  • The "bad" ending to the final mission is Great. The "save Shandi" ending is not so good. For an open world game the game mechanics are extremely slick and well executed. The atmosphere and execution of the story makes for a great ride. Getting pretty alright open-world gameplay and a fun story/setting in the same game is a real treat these days.

    The zombie mission is crap. That one mission combines everything done wrong in open-world gaming and manages to highlight the flaws in the Saints Row game controls and movement. It's unfortunate that it didn't get cut.

  • I spent way too much time playing this. The final battle was alright. I had the most fun doing the guild quests and the artifact quests. Steam Workshop is AMAZING and a sign of a very good direction in gaming.

  • This wasn't my type of game. Some of the scenery was very nice. The final fight was bad. The gameplay was generally bad with poorly communicated instant-death conditions and straight-jacket-style progression. This game excessively punishes the player for doing something the Wrong Way, but then also is extremely poor about communicating the Right Way. But it's also extremely easy at the same time. Best-of-class scenery, alright story, terrible game.

  • Alright finally a good game to play through! I enjoyed all the boss fights & especially the last few boss sequences. The dialog and setting were executed well and felt unique and interesting (as far as video games go). Some stuff was actually pretty funny. The story books scattered around were all good.

  • Pretentious, naive, juvenile, ham-fisted, unnecessarily verbose and patronizing. This game is shit. The areas are small, the stealth gameplay is dated, the shooting is mediocre, the level design is amateurish. So much hard work and detail went into certain areas of the game that it's sad and disrespectful of the game's writers to churn out such a piece of pathetic dog shit.

  • Great controls, perfected atmosphere, great sound, fun things to do, great level design, ridiculous and terrible story and characters. Absolutely atrocious and naive handling of everything from the underlying themes to the dialog. Unbearable cut scenes. Thankfully killing them all at then end is an option.

  • Well it's more half-life. Anyway it's a hell of a lot better than episode 1. I'm pretty O.K. with just letting Half-Life end here. It was a fun ride but I don't want any more. End sequence kind of sucked. But not as bad as episode 1.

  • Super easy, O.K. boss fights, more of classic Metroid gameplay which is always welcome.

  • The final level had an interesting twist. The first wave of enemies already had energy crystals. Subsequent waves didn't so their paths through the level were different. Good final level design.

  • Final sequence was interesting and worked with the story pretty well. Incredible storytelling techniques throughout the game using no cut-scenes and doing everything in-game, in real-time. Gordon is a fantastic character and I can't wait to play more Half-Life games.

  • Rock Solid Gameplay. The very pinnacle of well designed 2D physics integration without glitching or timing issues. Perfected 2D character controls. The final timing puzzle sequences were well done and polished. The ending sequence was awesome and fit the game's look and little bits of the story it had perfectly.

  • Bad final level - suffered from some puzzle designs that were susceptible to glitches and sloppy timing. The story is a nebulous gas of nothing. At first it sounded like there was something of a story, but it's squandered on some metaphysical B.S.

  • Fun final battle, had to use a little strategy. Dated gameplay style and graphics but a classic and a hell of a good time.

  • Easy, very bland and sanitized plotline. Good for kids? It's an RPG, the story and progression are on rails. The random battles are annoying and not fun.

  • Terrible final battle. TERRIBLE. Downright embarrassing. What story it has is complete shit. Fun gameplay though. The challenge rooms are also good.

  • Crazy game, dated graphics and gameplay style but very fun for the times. Good concepts like place-able traps and cameras. I think it loops, I never saw the end.

  • Don't remember, something about a big castle out in the middle of lava wastelands. Riding on a sea turtle. Lost in dark woods for hours. Pretty fun for the time but sadly dated gameplay now.

  • Not easy at all - a rewarding finish.

  • Final boss fight was O.K. I just spammed grenades mostly. The level-up system is very cool. The 3D traversal is good. Turning the player can be awkward sometimes leading to falls. The story is mostly non-existent. Some of the enemy boss characters are a little interesting.

  • Fun final battle and escape. Classic game. Classic 2D platformer gameplay that's a mix of arcade and puzzle.

  • Fantastic game, good final battle although it was a little short. It's a rare 3D puzzle game that's executed perfectly and actually has an interesting setting and story.

  • meh elves. meh D&D. By the time I played this I was burned out on the D&D tank-healer-dmg combat design. The game is really pretty good. The combat mechanics just hold it back from greatness.

  • The aircraft carrier level was fun and fairly unique. The rest was silly.

  • Super easy but horde mode makes up for it. Terrible final battle - easy and boring and a real disservice to this game and franchise. The driving levels are shit too.

  • The mansion level was good. The mid-game boss escape/fight was good. Solid gameplay mechanics and an interesting setting.

  • Super easy but generally fun gameplay. The final battle has highly disappointing, unimaginative, and just broken. It was a pretty good time but not enough to do much of the DLC.

  • Thargoids! My game bugged out the first playthrough and was impossible to finish. Classic game. I played this one on the Amiga 500.

  • Disappointing final battle - far too easy even on insane mode. The story decision during the final battle was pretty damn awesome though. The story wrapped up nicely too. Fantastic setting, story, and decent characters. This game is certainly a landmark of game design and a signal of things to come.

  • Poison Ivy was fun but the final battle with Joker was cheap and easy. The games controls were excellent and it could be difficult at times without being frustrating. It rewarded good technique and was a joy to play. The challenge modes are also excellent.

  • Environment destruction system is incredible and very fun. Driving is decent. Shooting is decent. Final fight segment is pretty good. Story isn't bad. I was more than done by the end though.

  • A good story this time around. The final battle isn't anything all that special although the location looks good. The post-credits sequence of endless waves on the planet surface is an incredible and brave move on the developers part. It drives the story home. I didn't think they would actually show the player die but they did it. Jet Packs.

  • This game is awesome. It plays fast, very fast. It isn't frustrating though and there is some persistent RPG elements to "level up" the power of Bayonetta the more you play. The final chapters are well done and fun to play through. The final boss fight is great and has a variety of interesting segments. Fights during the credits is a fun gimmick. Also Space Harrier is totally in this game.

  • Simply an amazing game. The freedom and scope of the open world are astounding. The main story was decent and the final march on the Jefferson Memorial was pretty fun. It took me awhile to get into it, and the game takes big chunks of time but it was all fun.

  • Dark. Too dark. No really turn on the fucking lights. I played most of the game with the visor-vision thing going which made everything look pretty bland but at least I could see. The shooting is pretty 1990s but much slower. Still fun in it's own way. The story was silly and a little clunky but they kept it simple. The ending was pretty tame and lacked a bang which I expect from a shooter-centric game like this. This tech and setting in an a more open-format game would be incredible.

  • This is a Hall of Fame platformer, a pinnacle of quality and game design, and a whole lot of fun. The final stages were fun and difficult and the ending was somewhat unique and challenging. A set of 20 additional levels opens up after the ending to keep you busy if you want more! This is the best platformer to come along in many years.

  • More linear and restricted than the first game with less powers and upgrade options and a universal cool down timer. They gave us the charge power in the Vanguard class though which is AWESOME and very fun. The final boss was a complete B.S. joke. A giant mechanical human Reaper made from people-paste?! Way to take an excellent story and just shit all over it guys.

  • Helicopters, only a handful of enemy types, mediocre driving levels at best. super easy on the default difficulty setting. The style and some of the scenery and graphic design make up for it though. The final fight was with a helicopter of course.

  • Amazing! The final stretch of missions were good. The little pieces of RPG gameplay and story worked very well. I liked the scale of the game and the ramp-up on the late missions.

  • The final boss was O.K. but not the best boss in the game and not particularly difficult on the "medium" difficulty setting. The plot twist at the end was telegraphed pretty hard starting from about the middle of the game, so it was no surprise. I was hoping for more zero-G combat towards the end. I thought that was the best part of this game. Overall though, a satisfying end.

  • Liked it! Great graphic style and good humor. The final battle at the amusement park was good for this type of game.

  • The arena segment at the end was pretty cool. The entire game was too easy though. Or maybe the assassin class is just a DPS machine.

  • The original final battle was pretty good and somewhat challenging. The DLC was VERY easy and not very fun.

  • For what it was this game was pretty good. The humor worked and the art style was excellent. The final battle was junk though.

  • Collected all the achievements and put up a decent score in the Sequence section - finished. The Smile achievement was cool and required some planning and bomb strategy. Overall it's a good followup except for the new bloom post-processing filter. Too much bloom.

  • I got all the achievements and hit the difficulty plateau, so as finished as I can be with it. This is one great arcade game and will probably join the list of classic games.

  • Overall an O.K. platformer but the zoomed out sections suffer from poor and non-uniform frame rates. This makes timing difficult especially in the vertical falling segments. The controls were a little sloppy and the green jugs of blaster goo would occasionally glitch. The final boss-puzzle was good and the ending was very satisfying.

  • The last battle was a little insane even on normal mode. Good! It took some time and felt satisfying. More game opens up after the end in the form of random dungeons if you want to keep going.

  • Oh wow, let me tell you, this game. This game was .. dumb, clunky, annoying, laughably constructed, and just downright terrible. However there was a story and the story wasn't too bad until the final 2 chapters. The York and George characters were pretty good. Finally, it was something very different from just about everything else out there. I'm glad I played it and I generally had a good time despite the gameplay mechanics. The end boss was challenging without being frustrating and was pretty damn cool.

  • Garbage. Pretty garbage. Dumb chase scenes. Takes control away frequently mid-action. Bad combat scenes with grenade spam and laser-snipers too boost difficulty in a shitty, cheap and easy way. All the problems of 2 - janky movement and animation blending, 30fps pasted over with absurd amounts of motion blur and a narrow, vomit inducing FoV.

  • Great atmosphere with a decent puzzle gimmick that doesn't wear too thin by the end. One of the puzzles in Metaphysics has a little too tight positioning for the solution. Other than that the puzzles were fairly decent.

  • No final boss, just some jumping monkeys in tech suits. The DLC missions were pretty good though with a decent attempt at a boss fight. Great weapons, great controls, kind of low-res textures but above average art.

  • A very good start, a decent game. The puzzles were average. Some were a little finicky and relied on the somewhat ragged edges of the primary game mechanic or just odd timing.

  • A tragically bad game. Weak combat controls and animations, generic boss fights. The story is at least not as sanitized and dull as most RPGs.

  • It's a stripped down, small-scale dungeon explorer. Turn combat. Good variety of allies and abilities. Fairly fun boss encounters.

  • Finished finally after walking away from it for a year. Similar to Demon's Souls - world building, boss encounters, and level design taken to a whole new level.

  • Weak final boss. Weak boss encounters in general. Not as interesting or inspired as the first Dark Souls. Poor environment design and world layout compared to DS1. Better gameplay.

  • Not too bad, pretty small scope but some really nice art. Weak final encounter.

  • Heroes Paradise version, Move controller. Fantastic combat and bosses!!! Crazy world, weird story and characters. It's ambitious and silly in a fun way.

  • Weird in a fun way with some decent boss fights. Some really stupid dialog and the credits music is hilarious and bad.

  • Pretty silly and kind of slow response to input. Bosses are not that interesting. Alright soundtrack, decent lightgun game with the Move Controller.