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Virtua Davis

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Tomb Hater : At least there's closure now

Last week I bought the Tomb Raider Trilogy and It took me 29.99 euros to finally accept that I do not care at all about these games. I never finished any of the old games because they were bogged down by graphics that actually impaired your vision so solving puzzles became begrudgingly difficult to solve. I remember my first few moments with Tomb Raider 2. The depth perspective was confusing as hell and that tiger scared the shit out of me. Perhaps that tiger is the reason I come back to these games. The tiger stands for a time where a 3D rendered tiger jumping out at you in-game actually made an impression. I never got past the first level because I couldn't find the exit. The only fun I had was when I was using cheats.

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So I booted up Tomb Raider: Legend because I am the kind of guy who likes chronology for the sake of story but these new "stories" aren't dark enough, at least the old games were a bit mysterious and threatening. (I've played every level in Tomb Raider I-III by using cheats). And what's up with the tiger in this game? Why is that still in there? It seems completely trivial "someone picked the wrong place to hunt" she says after I am forced to shoot this tiger. Besides the frame rate drops are hideous and this for an "HD" collection. At least the game stays true to the old games by giving you shitty game control and confusing visuals.

I am gonna finish this trilogy because I am still attracted by the promise of adventure which has always been interrupted by frustration but who knows, maybe Anniversary or Underworld will finally meet this hungry tiger's needs? Because after this I am done, that Tomb Raider Reboot will not enter my disc drive. Or will it? Urgh.

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UPDATE: One year later and I havent even continued playing tomb raider trilogy HD, fuck those games.