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Summer Hole #1: User Reviews - Heroes of Ruin

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So I finally got together my Heroes of Ruin user review (, and others hopefully are to follow until the end of the year.

Why writing a user review at all, since I have also a full-time job during the week? Well, for me a video game does have to be in a certain line of thematic interest, and/or I might feel that a game has been underrated on GB or GS (which unfortunately is the case for quite a number of them).

Psychologically, planning to do a review about a video game is also a good incentive for getting oneself to finish it in an acceptable period of time--thus quite recommendable an approach for everybody--, while it too permits having a clear(er) idea about and seeing its details (also with respect to comparable games).

One word still about Heroes of Ruin itself: though I found it quite a new type of pocket dungeon brawler playable via 3DS StreetPass rather than the web, it being "lite" in about all aspects: size, challenge, upgrade system, gameplay possibilities..., still is the main impression retained from the game, surprising perhaps considering Square Enix being its publisher.

Nevertheless, it is a game difficult to take away once started, while the main replay interest consists in the different techniques employed by each of the hero classes (Vindicator, Gunslinger, Alchitect, Savage). Unfortunately, Square Enix already stopped releasing new challenges every week which quite diminishes its possibilities.

And the not too predictable story too has its surprising turns--in short it's a game both underrated and not up to its very potential.

Oh, and as regards the term "summer hole": (in German language) this characterizes the period during summer when politicians are on holiday so that the media have almost nothing to report...

In any case, comments, suggestions, objections are welcome :)

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