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Been a while...

Last time I spoke, I lived in Albuquerque and had a fiancè. It's now been at least 5 years and now I'm (back to being) a single guy and live back in eastern West Virginia. Just last week I graduated with a Computer Science degree with a concentration in computer graphics and games (programming), but I am now unemployed. That is not the death-knell of my gaming habbits however. Nowadays, I have an XBox One, my pc (which just got a graphics upgrade, to a Geforce 780 Classified)), an XBox 360, and a PS3 (although that's acting as my parents' blue-ray and netflix player).

The games I am anticipating now include: Watch_Dogs, Destiny, and Civilization: Beyond Earth; with a bit of interest in Harmonix's Fantasia (and hopes for a next-gen Rock Band).

I am also into non-electronic games...board games, of which I have a fairly respectable collection now.

I will try to get more active in Giant Bomb again.

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