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I should Giant Bomb more.

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I don't finish games. I haven't played some big games. I acknowledge that Dragon Age, , Donkey Kong, Wolfenstein and Far Cry would've made it onto this list if i had played more of them. I tried Mordor, but my play style kept getting me into endless fights and I grew tired of it.

Also, this list has more than 10 games on it, because it isn't a top 10

List items

  • Its Smash Brothers. Fanboy shit aside, this game was a behemoth of a product. Fun modes, tons of music, supports a million different controllers. Two thumbs up.

  • Started off strong, and given the fact that I never finish games, this was good enough for me. I did finish this one and was pleased with the ending, but some of the middle content would've been a pacing nightmare if I hadn't played it all at once.

  • I just feel the need to put this one on a pedestal. Hitman Go took a game, translated it to a different genre, and completely kept the feel of the original product. It is the Metroid Prime transition on crack. There are better games on this list, there are games that I enjoyed more than Hitman Go, but if there were one game that made me think "Fuck yeah, video games," This is it.

  • They made this for me. It sucks from a technical standpoint, the humor is hit or miss, but its my kind of dumb. The MMO simulator content is worth the memories.

  • I liked the first one better, but this was still a great game. Forza celebrates cars and the love of cars more than any open world racer I've ever played.

  • Its really good you guys. Cornrows kid is lame.

  • I didn't want to put it down. They fixed the loot and I actually prefer controller to mouse/keyboard. Maybe I'm crazy.

  • The perfect mobile game. Its fast, easy to pick up and also easy to put down.

  • I've spent 20 hours playing this game, I've accomplished nothing, and I'm down with that. This was my weird attachment for 2014.

  • Plays great. Looks great. Its short, but whatever.

  • It replaced Cards as the party game I want to play when its party game time. I still really like Cards though.

  • Better than it had any right to be.

  • Drunken baby fighting. I cannot play it because among my friends, the local multiplayer PC game scene doesn't exist.