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    The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Apr 27, 2007

    A free-to-play MMORPG set in the Lord of the Rings universe, at the same time as The Fellowship of the Ring.

    Anyone still playing LOTRO?

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    #1  Edited By Jedted

    I remember on a recent episode of the Bonus Round(think it was the one with Jeff) some dude said how Lotro started to disapear soon after launch.  No doubt the release of Mines of Moria sort of brought it back into the spotlight if only for a little while.

    Is Lotro just another "no name" MMO that gets lost in the Shadow of WoW?  Or do you think it still a note worthy game?

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    #2  Edited By PureRok

    The game isn't that great (not bad either) after the novelty of being in Middle Earth wears off. Sadly, I was in the Beta before the game went retail and was suckered into buying the lifetime membership ($199) because I was still entranced by the glee of seeing the Shire and various other places.

    So... it's fun for the first day or two and then it just sort of peters out.

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    #3  Edited By Jedted
    PureRok said:
    "The game isn't that great (not bad either) after the novelty of being in Middle Earth wears off. Sadly, I was in the Beta before the game went retail and was suckered into buying the lifetime membership ($199) because I was still entranced by the glee of seeing the Shire and various other places.

    So... it's fun for the first day or two and then it just sort of peters out."

    I think you can say that about any MMO really.  I played WoW for a couple days and then got bored with it cause i couldn't get into the story.  With LOTRO i have a much greater interest in the setting and the lore of the world but that's just me.  The only reason i stopped playing is cause my computer crashed and i haven't got around to reinstalling it.

    I geuss it just comes down to whether or not you like the setting or not since that's one of the main reasons people get into MMOs.
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    #4  Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

    It's still a hell of a noteworthy game.  The staff's dedication to updates and additions is incredible, with new free content coming out about every three to four months.  Plus, it's really an artistically well done game, and one with a decent sized userbase.  Personally, I much prefer it to WoW simply because of the lore and the attention to detail.

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    I really dont understand the occasional bad words you see said about this game. Ive been into RPGs for years, as for MMOs, was a WoW fanboy since its release, I loved Guildwars and dabbled in WAR. I went back to WoW recently to play the expansion and thought it was ok but i just felt that id been there, done that. Every place you go theres some ogres that all live in the same rehashed caves, theres scorpions that you need to kill 20 of etc etc. Its sad really because i remember how much i used to love playing it. I also have a lot of respect for Guildwars which i play every now and again but thats a different game.

    Like a lot of people, id never even though about LoTR online but recently, after playing WAR for a bit and quitting it was my last hope for a new decent MMO to play. Now yes, ive not been playing that long but i can honestly say that it has blown me away. And i mean that. Every good idea i have seen in other games is in LoTR and usually executed a lot better. For the first time im actually botherd with what the quest givers are saying. There a proper story arc thats progresses through a mixture of quests and instanced events. It is also very atmospheric and the graphics are stunning.

    There no point me going on or debating about it as you can get a trial for free and see for yourself. You might not think its that good, you might prefere WoW for a variety of reasons (which there are some) but like me, you might feel like slapping youself in the face for not playing it sooner.

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    #6  Edited By Jared

    This game seems to be more popular then ever, there's a lot of new players coming to the game right now. Plus, the devs are always pumping out new content for this game that's very high quality.

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    #7  Edited By Pazy
    @Jared said:
    " there's a lot of new players coming to the game right now
    In a month or so's time I will be one of those new players :)
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    This actually one of the better mmo's out right now, and has veyr beautiful graphics, and the community is staying at a constant level, and from what I remember were an awesome group of people, very helpful.

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    #9  Edited By Pazy
    @Bucketdeth said:
    " This actually one of the better mmo's out right now, and has veyr beautiful graphics, and the community is staying at a constant level, and from what I remember were an awesome group of people, very helpful. "
    Are they nice enough that at low level they ask people they find to group up, or will not get annoyed if low level players ask for help or clarification? I had a real problem with that in WoW where I would try and ask higher level people than me for help and they would either not respond or swear at me :|
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    #10  Edited By Deathshroud

    I was wondering if currently people here are playing this? I was thinking about getting back into it and was curious what current views were on it. I think i have like a 40 something character that i did enjoy playing. 
    I quit for awhile once stuff in WoW got back up to speed for my guild. But now my Guild disbanded a few months ago and it seems like I am dead in the water when it comes to WoW . All i ended up doing were daily quests. I used to raid pretty much 3 to 4 times a week ...But now with the ending of my guild and the time i took off from the game because of work and other things. It doesn't seem like I will really find a guild again. I considered waiting until the expansion and see if making a new character might help. Thinking about it now though I kinda realize its over for me and playing that game.   
    I am really wanting to get back into the raid or dungeon type stuff again. I hoping that i can get with a guild /clan that can provide that and was wondering if LOTRO is going to do that for me. 
    Funny thing that spurred me about getting back into MMOs was i watched the Matrix Online shutdown vids again one day while playing others games. And it made me nostalgic for what i used to experience  when i played WoW and some other MMOs that i feel was kinda lost over time.  
    Amyway enough of my rambling . Thanks in advance for any feedback :).
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    i actually just started after getting a free CE version of the vanilla game at PAX East.
    got it signed too buy a couple of the turbine team guys there.
    there is a much deeper lore in it than in any other MMO I've played.

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    #12  Edited By Deathshroud
    @odintal said:
    "i actually just started after getting a free CE version of the vanilla game at PAX East.   got it signed too buy a couple of the turbine team guys there.  there is a much deeper lore in it than in any other MMO I've played. "

    Yeah thats one of the main things that I like about it. Lots of story and depth.
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    #13  Edited By the8bitNacho

    Man...if I ever get around to installing Windows onto my Mac I might just start this up again.  I loved LotRO when I played it.

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    #14  Edited By Deathshroud
    @Kombat said:
    "Man...if I ever get around to installing Windows onto my Mac I might just start this up again.  I loved LotRO when I played it. "

    Well i am glad i am not the only one who has review interest in LOTRO. I am going to download it tonight (lost install cds) and hopefully can play tomorrow
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    #15  Edited By Deathshroud

    Well i started playing again and but pretty drawn into it . I played from about 8pm until...well now ...almost 4am without realizing it lol.

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    #16  Edited By Hourai

    I've played it on and off since August 2007. Have a Hobbit Burglar and Human Hunter around 25-30 on Landroval. If any dudes on here are still playing in about two months when I get more free time, we should play together.  I always end up getting bored and stopping because all my friends are playing WoW instead. Damn WoW.

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    #17  Edited By Deathshroud
    @Hourai said:
    "I've played it on and off since August 2007. Have a Hobbit Burglar and Human Hunter around 25-30 on Landroval. If any dudes on here are still playing in about two months when I get more free time, we should play together.  I always end up getting bored and stopping because all my friends are playing WoW instead. Damn WoW. "

    That is the server i play on and i am at lvl 29 right now yeah if you want to team up when you reactivate ill join up with you.
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    #18  Edited By ThanatosXRS

    I just re-sub, its a great game. I'm AshleeAnn 55 cap. Landroval, I know its a female character, but I was playing around with classes and loved her so I kept her.

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    #19  Edited By jipearce

    Yes, I am currently playing the game. The recent release of Rise of Isengard is enough, but there is still so much in the game to enjoy. Not to mention that currently the Harvest Festival is taking place.

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    I still play it too, its free and amazing!
    Oh and @jipearce

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