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    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Mar 11, 2014

    Set in a far-flung, mech-filled future, Titanfall is the first first-person shooter built by Respawn Entertainment, the studio formed by ex-employees of Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward.

    Worth the full price of $60?

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    As someone without a large income, $60 is not something I care to just throw away lightly. All you duders out there who have purchased the game at full price and have put some time into it, do you think the amount of content in the game is worth the asking price? I enjoyed the beta and was really stoked to play the game but after seeing how little they added into the game from the beta I am not so sure I want to pay $60. Seems like the sort of thing waiting a month or so and catching it on a sale of some kind might make more sense. I know that value is more of each persons own opinion so I hope everyone can remember that when answering but do you think it is worth the money or is waiting for a sale my best option?

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    I don't think it is, but I haven't played it and honestly from everything I've seen of it I don't think I will.

    I don't find competitive multiplayer interesting for very long without any story/campaign mode (multiplayer or not) to hold it up. I know there is a campaign mode in this but it seems like a completely wasted opportunity (from all the video of it I have seen) to come up with something significantly more interesting.

    The game is all around competitive multiplayer. That's fine if you're into that but it's completely not for me. I know I'll play it for a very short amount of time, get bored with it because I'll never be able to compete at a level I'll find at all entertaining and I know I'll personally feel like it was a waste.

    That's just me though. If you're way into competitive multiplayer it could be cool I guess. They're supposedly going to have a bunch of DLC you can buy but I'm old school so buying maps, to me, is a completely ridiculous proposition and adds nothing for me.

    It would seem most (if not all) first person shooters made now are just not for me anymore. It's super weird to come to that conclusion but with them all seeming to be competitive multiplayer focused now a days that appears to be the case. I only find that interesting in short bursts- I find story lines and campaigns have much more appeal and competitive multiplayer is nice to extend the life of a game- not completely carry it. I actually feel their multiplayer focus on the "campaign" they have is a wasted opportunity, too. They could have come up with a legit multiplayer focused campaign with a story line and coop and even competitive stuff mixed in but instead it's just basically competitive multiplayer with a very slim story facade- the game play is literally the same thing.

    I am actually kind of disappointed but that's probably because of all the hype around the game- expectations are high. I don't think it's worth it, personally.

    To be clear, though, if you're into competitive multiplayer- like only into that and don't care about other stuff in games- then I think it's a fine proposition.

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    It's really hard to say- I was kind of in your boat after playing the beta and then reading the reviews, but buy that time my card was already charged and the disc was in the mail. Having popped it in for 3 or so hours tonight, I think my ultimate belief is: yeah, it was worth it. But it mainly depends on how interested you are in playing that particular game over and over again. I think that the burn cards, titans, modes and maps provide enough replayabililty to make it worthwhile, but if the community dries up quickly (a la Halo 4) and the price drops to compensate, I may end up feeling a little burned.

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    the 10,000 dollar question..... and I'm still waiting to hear the worst of the worst.

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    #5  Edited By Syed117

    How little they added into the game from the beta?

    Not exactly sure what that means. The beta had two maps, three game modes and a handful of weapons. The final game has 15 maps, 5 or 6 game types and a bunch of different weapons, abilities and many more burn cards.

    I never really understood questioning value propositions when it comes to multiplayer games. Yes, it doesn't really have a single player campaign in the traditional sense and maybe fewer options when compared to other multiplayer games, but time is the most important factor for me personally.

    What's the average single player game these days? 10 hours? People have no problem putting down $60 for single player games, but multiplayer only and it becomes a problem. How many times does the average person play a single player game all the way through? Twice, maybe three times. Even that's a stretch.

    If you enjoy multiplayer games and see yourself getting many hours out of a game, I think it's absolutely worth $60. If you're someone who buys call of duty, plays the single player and then puts it on the shelf, then no.

    I played the beta for around 10 hours and I had a fantastic time. I know personally I'll get many more hours out of this game than almost any single player game. That's me though. I enjoy multiplayer games and the value comes from the sheer number of hours I get out of them. For me titanfall will be the best value of any game I'll buy this year.

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    Multiplayer games don't really last too long for me in general unless I'm playing with friends so unless my friends and I get it on 360 (since none of us have an Xbone or a decent gaming rig) then it's probably gonna be a no. I'll say that you shouldn't be too concerned about getting enough hours out of this game since it's all about the multiplayer, which you could keep on replaying for a good long while unless the community dies down soon. It would be more of an issue for shorter singleplayer-only games (I imagine there will be a number of conversations about this regarding MGS: Ground Zeroes next week) but even then it's still pretty subjective. If you're not dying to get in on it soon then you could probably wait like a month and see how it is then.

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    I'm really not that into call of duty style fps shooters, but I absolutely love this game! I've got a couple of friends with the game as well and being on the same team and leveling up really is satisfying whether you win or lose. There's so much customization of all your guns/perks/loadouts that it stays fresh.. I've played around 12 hours and still want to play more!

    and yes it's definitely worth $60...


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    #8  Edited By TheMasterDS

    I spent $560 for it in a way since it is the first meaningful exclusive. So sure it's worth $60.

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    #9  Edited By Mcfart

    Really like Call of Duty?

    Not too concerned about paying $60 for a videogame?

    Titanfall's the game for you™

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    I paid 60 for it only because I know I'll be throwing hours at it over time. It's my new favorite "I have an hour to kill so why not" shooter. I guess that justifies 60 bucks to me? Although, I was saying to myself this morning before work that it felt like there wasn't a whole lot of content for your dollar. I'd say unless you're absolutely sure about playing it doooooooooon't get it yet

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    It's really hard to say because these games depend on how hooked you get. I have 14days, 9 hours, 51 min. played in MW2 multiplayer. Is that more valuable than the 8 hour Gears of War campaign I immensely enjoyed? Or the hundreds of hours I've put into Skyrim?

    I've put time into Titanfall and I feel like I've gotten my money's worth. But then again we might be in different financial situations. Wait for a demo or something, that's my best recommendation.

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    If you like multiplayer shooters this is one of the best ones out there. You can make the comparison to call of duty sure but the movement and titans change the game a whole lot I think. Nothing else that I have played moves as quick and as fluid as Titanfall. It's kinda crazy how many people have turned on the game already. With that said, it's obviously essential they you like multiplayer games that move fast. It may seem light on content and I was a bit disappointed on how the campafib worked, but all the maps I've seen are incredibly well designed and work great. Some are based around more Titan combat and some around pilots and there are a few that find a happy medium. I've had an absolute blast with the game, countless amazing events have already happened to me and they keep happening because of how the game moves. So as long as the one condition is met, it is totally worth it

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    On paper, you think to yourself. it is not worth it. Leveling seems kinda fast to me, there are not that many weapons as compared to a call of duty or Battlefield, that campaign is not well done in my opinion. There are a few modes. But guess what? This game is fucking fun. So it really takes for you to step back and say, let me not look at the menu for the $60 but instead, how long and how much fun will I have with this game. Have you been able to play a Multiplayer portion of a game for hours on end? If yes, then this game is way worth the $60, if not, you probably wouldn't buy it for $30 anyway. How much fun will you get out of it is the question. Because the core game itself is really fun, just action packed and full of great moments. What I hate so much is people coming in to declare a game is not worth $60 so absolutely. Dude, Dark Souls 2 to me is not worth $60 because I know I would not have fun with it. But I know my brother is into those games so for him it would seem to be worth way more than $60. Multiplayer games are about how good the shooting feels, how the action can change depending on what you decide to do with your loadout or your decisions and that you don't feel like you suck at the game. Titanfall is the best at that right now, honestly. The changes they made make you feel pretty cool. I am stoked about the game because I just feel like I am back in high school playing Unreal Tournament again.

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    #14  Edited By TheManWithNoPlan

    I've been having a whole lotta fun with it, so for me it's been worth it. To be honest, I think it's entirely relative to each person whether this game, or any game for that matter, is worth the asking price. I played the beta, so i already knew I loved the game before throwing down 60 bucks on it. Basically, if you're looking for a multiplayer game with really tight controls, fluid movement, giant robuts and good number of maps then Titanfall's for you. Maybe just wait for a sale down the road if that entry price really seems a bit too much.

    I'd also like to say as a side note, I think it's a bit reductive to just call this Cod with robots, but I'm not going to fault people that do. It is made by the original Cod people, and also because it's pretty easy to simplify any game these days as being just a clone of another high profile game. You can go to some really depressing places if all you do is reduce this hobby down to copycats and imitators. I play games to have fun, not to only play the newest and most original video games. I wouldn't have much fun with the hobby if all I did was that.

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    It's not the first game I paid $60 for just to play multiplayer and it won't be the last. I paid $60 for Battlefield 3 and another $60 for BF4. I know they both have different modes and a single-player but I never touched it in those games. I don't regret paying $60, (well $50 if I'm honest), for this game. I would recommend though that you only buy it as long as you know what you're getting into.

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    I have no interest in the game, but I'd say yes if you think you'll play it for 10 hours and enjoy all play time you get out of it.

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    @josher14: It sounds like you might be into CoD-style games.

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    #18  Edited By SomeJerk

    I've told friends to think this way:

    1) Are you used to buying yearly COD games for $60 and finding value for money in playing only MP, not caring about SP ever?
    2) Did you lose interest in Ghosts?
    3) Did you try the beta and enjoy it, or do you really really like what you see?
    4) Are you okay with buying DLC map packs less than two months from now?

    Certainly works for some. Many of us need SP. Even something like BF4. They put time and money on SP for Ghosts and BF4, not that you'd notice with BF4, but where did the time and money go with Titanfall? What are we paying for? Safe to say I'm No Yes Yes Fuckoff and unable to find value in $60, which happens to be the digital PC version price.

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    I don't know looks like a stand up fun online shooter to me. That right there would mean its worth the 60 bucks. The only thing that it would come down to is how much would you play it yourself. For me, i'm often hot and cold on shooters and only get fired up when my other friends are playing too. So i lose interest in a fair amount of multiplayer games if i don't have some kind of driving force to stick it out.

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    #20  Edited By Klei

    I evaluate a game based on the hours of entertainment it'll grant me. Considering I'll end up playing Titanfall for hours, if not days, I'd say it's worth it. A lot more than a single-player game that will last me 12 to 20 hours.

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    This is the kind of question you have to actually answer yourself, it is going to depend on your taste and gaming habits.

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    I don't justify game purchases based on what's "in" a game.

    1) A = How much am I going to enjoy the experience?

    2) B = How long am I going to enjoy the experience?

    A x B = My willingness to buy the game.

    A simple list of features doesn't inform my purchases very well. That's why I love quicklooks. Does the game look awesome to play? Will I get a couple hours out of it? Then sure, I'll buy it.

    In fact, this looks like it'll be my go-to multiplayer game for quite a while. I tend to enjoy singleplayer and indie games most of the time, so I can't attach myself to numerous multiplayer games, and since I could only pick one, Titanfall was it.

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    If you're a fan of the genre*, of course it is.

    I can't think of anything "Triple-A" since Battlefield 2 that focused so much on multiplayer, and frankly it's about damn time that something like this is back. As someone who only plays multiplayer in these games, this is a better value than Call of Duty, because I'm not buying a bunch of garbage I'm never going to touch.

    If you're not the biggest fan of multiplayer, then this just isn't for you. I dunno, I'm sorry, but every game can't cater to everyone. This one is for us multiplayer shooter people. Enjoy it for what it is, 'cus it's great at being a multiplayer shooter!

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    Of course it is. It's a blast.

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    #25  Edited By spraynardtatum

    It isn't for me. I'm waiting for a price drop for sure. It looks fun but I'm more than capable of waiting.

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    #26  Edited By Jrad

    I played pretty much all I needed to during the beta -- maybe 8 or 9 hours. I was super hyped before then, practically ready to preorder, but after my time with the beta that all evaporated. I tend to get bored of games quickly though (literally the only multiplayer game I've dumped a significant amount of time into is Dota 2, with 900 hours and counting) so my experience was probably pretty atypical. I had fun for the first few hours, it just felt too much like CoD. I'd say if you're the kind of person who can sit down and play CoD for hours and hours and not get bored, then Titanfall is probably right up your alley, and probably worth $60. If you're looking for a 'fulfilling' experience there are almost certainly better options.

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    #27  Edited By zombie2011

    Yes it is!

    I don't get how when a $60 game like Titanfall or South Park comes out everyone is always worried about the value proposition. However, when an 2-3 hour indie game comes out for $15-$20 it's not about the value it's all about the experience.

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    #28  Edited By chilibean_3

    This isn't really a difficult thing. It's a really good, really fun multiplayer shooter. It's well worth $60 if that's what you're in to. If you aren't into that kind of stuff why are you even considering it to being with?

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    @zombie2011: it's just a psychological thing. Thinking more money translates into more content, when in reality it should be the quality of the experience. Obviously there is a fuzzy zone, if those 2 hour games were 60 dollars then fine I can certainly see an argument to be made, this is not that case. I think of it like this, you can spend 50 dollars on 1 or 2 incredible steaks or you can spend 50 dollars on 7 steaks and have them be ok, more doesn't mean better.

    Patting myself on the back for including steak in my post, steak is delicious.

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    You're the only person who can make that call.

    Do you have a local place that still rents games? Maybe give it a try before you buy.

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    Here is my hot questionnaire for Titanfall:

    1. Do you like competitive shooters like Call of Duty?

    2. Do you have friends who would be willing to play with you?

    3. Are you willing to fork over $25 for additional maps at some point?

    4. Do you still even like Call of Duty?

    5. Do you want to play something on your otherwise dust-collecting Xbox One?

    If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then I think you have your answer

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    Activision isnt pulling the strings this time around so I doubt it will retain its price like CoD games do if you can wait a month I would.

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    #33  Edited By crithon

    I still find it fascinating reading these responses.

    I put in 20 hours into the beta, and yes i loved it but I didn't buy it. I still feel EA is clever in shooting itself in the foot. I'm a different type a gamer, who does enjoy competition but I like setting up my own host map and just go no clip and explore the skybox. Been doing that since Quake 3 days. So I'd like just a bit more then what's being offered. You know like the museum map after the end credits of Modern Warfare 2. And even in the beta, I did feel Attrition was too aimless compared to hard point capture or last titan standing, it's a shame the lack of variety in the full release gameplay modes didn't change up.

    I'm still holding out like 6 or 8 months later there's some great change in the game, an update, or some dlc. It's a clever design and it could use just a bit more tweaking..... I still bet 6 month not like a steam sale and I'll still be paying 60 bucks, but I'm only saying this because day one stuff is always rocky and the game will still be good later down the line...... Maybe gamers skills areimproved and I'm being stomped on as I logged in.

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    I like this game but it should have been released for like 40 bucks on XBLA. There is 0 depth to it and the perks for leveling up aren't that great. I played through the first part of the campaign and still have no idea what is going on because the campaign is basically some dude talking to you while you wait in the lobby. The burn cards are kind of a cool addition, but, this being a COD like game, I feel like it wouldn't have been too hard to put some killstreaks in there, or do something to at least give it a little more meat. I would say wait for it to go down in price and buy it. I am hopeful that people will like and support Respawn's efforts with this title and that they will go on to do a sequel that really fleshes out the Titanfall universe.

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    I think some people are forgetting something.

    The game is REALLY fun (not just kinda fun), and most people that have played it have said this. Shouldn't that be worth your money, regardless of what you think 60 dollars should look like? It may not look like 60 dollars worth of game on paper but if its the most fun you've had with a game all year then is it worth it?

    Something to think about.

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    This is clearly a personal question based on what kind of games you play and what your financial situation is. Personally I played the beta and loved it. The speed and ease of movement is great and everything seems well balanced. Is it worth $60, I don't think. Their doesn't seem to be enough game modes, there are really only 3 game types. Maybe more weapons or varying loadouts would help. I still would like to pick this up at some point, but at not $60. I would be willing to pay $60 right now for the game and all DLC, otherwise I wait for some kind of sale or game of the year.

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    #38  Edited By SacT0wnF1n3st

    Absolutely not and I'm on my first prestige or generation as it is called this time. Is it fun? Yes it is very fun and enjoyable but it is not worth the 60 dollars that I paid for.

    The amount of maps is plenty but the collection of weapons, titans, perks, and modes is abysmal. I mean three assault rifles and the best one is already unlocked at the first level. One shotgun, two SMGs, two sniper rifles etc...

    And only six game modes (well it could be considered five because variety pack is just a mix of the other modes).

    Titanfall is the first game ever that I feel ripped off paying 60 for.

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    Absolutely not and I'm on my first prestige or generation as it is called this time. Is it fun? Yes it is very fun and enjoyable but it is not worth the 60 dollars that I paid for.

    The amount of maps is plenty but the collection of weapons, titans, perks, and modes is abysmal. I mean three assault rifles and the best one is already unlocked at the first level. One shotgun, two SMGs, two sniper rifles etc...

    And only six game modes (well it could be considered five because variety pack is just a mix of the other modes).

    Titanfall is the first game ever that I feel ripped off paying 60 for.

    See I see the beauty of the game is that its streamlined. I think tons of guns/mods/perks ruins games like this, I love that Respawn cut that fat. In this instance less=more and because of that I think it's MORE deserving of it's price tag.

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    I think it was the worth the $45 I paid for the PC version, I wouldn't pay $60

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    Most fun I've had playing a PC shooter since the launch of TF2 so I'd definitely say it's worth it and I paid for the season pass already too.

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    I paid 42 for the PC version, to be fair I wouldn't pay 60.

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    I paid $60 for it and honestly bought an Xbox One more or less just for it (at full price before the bundle). As others have said (and most people seem to be ignoring) the game is incredibly fun. Obviously that's a subjective claim, but if at any point in the past you like a CoD style game, this is like that but completely rejuvenated and fresh. You can do incredible things that you'd expect from scripted sequences in your average shooter campaign, except you're doing them multiple times every game and you feel like a badass every single time. Maybe it'll get old eventually, but I put like 8-9 hours into the beta and at least 6-7 into the retail game, and I have no interest in stopping any time soon.

    People are so obsessed with value as if it's some objective metric. You know Ghosts had a decent length single player, a full co-op mode and a multiplayer as deep and varied as any modern CoD game, yet that game is almost universally panned as being mediocre and potentially the beginning of the end for that franchise. Titanfall has a fraction of the content yet every single match I've played has been a blast, win or lose, with friends or alone. Is the campaign weak? Yeah, it's a piece of shit. But if they completely excised it from the package it would still be a $60 purchase for me.

    The point of games is to have fun, not to squeeze every ounce of content possible out of your purchase regardless of quality. Titanfall works because they included all the crazy, cool stuff and ignored everything else. If you don't like competitive multiplayer shooters, you will not enjoy Titanfall and it's not worth your money. If you either like shooters now or have in the past but have become disenfranchised lately, and you have access to $60 (even if it's a big purchase), then I would say absolutely get it.

    And to all the people bitching about the DLC: Jesus Christ, what year do you think this is? The game has more maps than your average shooter these days, and they are all great from what I've played. Nothing was excised, nothing is missing from the package. And if two months down the line you don't think $25 is fair for a season pass, don't get it. The Halo and Gears ones were $30 if I recall, and CoD has been $50 for a while now. The idea of complaining about potentially getting content added to an already great game at a decent price is completely bonkers. It's 2014, it happens, and as someone who likes a lot of shooters, it's a great thing that adds value, not a negative.

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    #44  Edited By SharkEthic

    @phampire@colourful_hippie: How long have you guys played it for? How long do you see yourselves playing it for? And if the answer is anything above, say, 15-20 hours and the majority of those hours were fun, isn't the game worth $60 by default based on our present day pricing standards?

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    It seems cool so far, and there are a good number of maps and whatnot. I think what stands out to me though is the lack of variety in gameplay modes. There are only really four game types and for a MP focused game there should be a lot more. Halo is one of those games that always felt like it had a huge variety in game modes and not enough games have that level of customizability in the modes. A horde mode style mode would also be pretty fun, but the Grunt AI is pretty awful.

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    #46  Edited By colourful_hippie

    @phampire@colourful_hippie: How long have you guys played it for? How long do you see yourselves playing it for? And if the answer is anything above, say, 15-20 hours and the majority of those hours were fun, isn't the game worth $60 by default based on our present day pricing standards?

    The value I derive out of the game is unique to me because the perceived value is obviously subjective just like your arbitrarily chosen range of 15-20 hours being the sweet spot for $60 worthiness.

    I'm most likely going to prestige before the week is up which is something I'm shocked finding myself say which is a positive for Titanfall for sure but at the same time there are caveats. This game just feels very bare bones, it has a few neat tricks which they execute on pretty goddamn superbly but it's not something I see myself playing for days on end because the rote nature of the gameplay will become more apparent as time goes on.

    This game will probably be more along the lines of something like Team Fortress 2 (which costs $0) for me in the sense that I'll hop on, play some matches, and then hop off, but I'll never marathon through endless matches ever again like I'm doing now for Titanfall launch week. I'll most likely get my extrinsic value back in terms of hours played over time but in terms of intrinsic value I still would rather not pay full price, $60 for the game plus the season pass would be more appealing for me.

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    @colourful_hippie: I will buy this game the day that they offer it for $59.99 with the season pass. That's a great idea.

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    I'm kind of all over the place with this game. Was really looking forward to it, pre-ordered only to have Xbox Live lock me out of profile till Wednesday. It's definitely fun, but there doesn't feel like there is any real depth to the game. It's an extremely mobile Call of Duty, but still Call of Duty at heart.

    My hope that this would be something to tide me over till Destiny arrives, but not as of yet. Still a lot of fun, just not quite what I was hoping for, nor did it turn out to be the "end all / be all" that it was assumed to be.

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    #49  Edited By phampire

    @sharkethic: I've played about 12 hours so far, I have friends who have it or are getting it so i'll probably play it on and off for a few weeks. While 15 maps is nice I feel like the game could really use more variety in game modes. I seem to have the most fun in Last Titan Standing and Hardpoint. It would not surprise me if I get at least 40 hours out of it. It also helps that I haven't played COD since MW2 and a Battlefield game since 3, so I'm not suffering from shooter fatigue. Liking parkour and giant robots helps too.

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    #50  Edited By UitDeToekomst

    As someone who has always been (very, very close to) exclusively a single-player game guy, I would say that it is worth the cash. I have probably sunk around 20 hours or so into this game over the past 4 days and am enjoying the heck out of it. I have to say, though, if you have friends to play it with - or meet people that you can chat with - it is infinitely more enjoyable. I assume that is a pretty common thing in multiplayer games? I don't know... having only played a wee bit of Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed multiplayer before this.

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