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    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Jun 05, 2018

    A horror action-RPG developed by Dontnod Entertainment. In Vampyr the player takes control of a vampiric doctor during the 1918 'Spanish flu' pandemic in London.

    Vampyr, new RPG from Dontnod Entertainment

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    #1  Edited By Make_Me_Mad
    Vampyr is a new RPG from Dontnod Entertainment
    Vampyr is a new RPG from Dontnod Entertainment

    Vampire Doctor (But not That Doctor) in the post-World War 1 era: Cool idea, or coolest idea? I'll leave you to stew on that mystery of the universe while I lay down this link to an article about a newly announced game from Dontnod Entertainment; a crew of people you might recognize from a few other cool games.*

    There's not a lot known about the game; it's slated for a 2017 release, and lord only knows if society will last long enough to see that happen, but regardless I figure that a new game from Dontnod could use some exposure. Also, you play as a Vampire Doctor, which I have to keep saying because it's cool, damnit. Beyond that, there's the time period they're going for: post-World War 1 was a pretty weird era, and not one I see used in games often. I should find out what other games are set between the World Wars: also that line has now dated this post by implying that there were only two World Wars. We'll look back on this from 20XX and laugh at my stupidity.

    The idea of playing as a Doctor is, in itself, interesting; it means your character's already carrying certain expectations around with them, and having been a doctor during WW1, he's almost invariably seen some shit; not your typical video game protagonist levels of shit, either. This dude's job was to put people back together in a time when we weren't very good at putting people back together. Throw in suddenly becoming a bloodthirsty, cannibalistic creature of the night on top of that and I'm really interested to see where this game goes.

    I hope that they lean more towards Adventure than Action when it comes to this game, though; it's a great setup and I'm super excited for it, but it wouldn't be hard to see this game ending up as a Blood Omen 2. I still can't believe I played through that game, but I remain a sucker for vampires. At least Kain was super pretty.

    So, I dunno, doctor from WW1 comes home and ends up becoming a vampire and then moral decisions and maybe weird RPG combat ensue... actually that might be kinda cool. I could see Vampire Doctor having some kinda weird VATS thing of aiming at different organs or something in combat; that's probably within the scope of reason. I just hope they don't go too fantasy with it, because this seems like it could be a super rad little RPG/character driven kinda story. High hopes! High hopes that will inevitably be dashed!

    *Remember Me and Life is Strange are the other two games you might know them from

    Edit: In predictable fashion I forgot to add the link in the first paragraph. It's there now; don't miss it!

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    #2  Edited By tuxfool

    2017...That is eons away.Why are they announcing it so early, especially if Life is Strange still hasn't been released.

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    @tuxfool said:

    2017...That is eons away.Why are they announcing it so early, especially if Life is Strange still hasn't been released.

    My guess is that it's because Life is Strange is more of an adventure game, from the trailers and what they've said; closer to your Heavy Rains or Indigo Prophecies (but hopefully with a much better story). Vampyr's been described as an RPG and an Action RPG in different places (which is funny because it's one I'd actually really like to be a low-key adventure game sort of thing), so perhaps it's letting people know they're working on a more 'traditional' game?

    Also Remember Me was a brawler/Arkham-esque sort of thing, Life is Strange is an adventure game, and this is apparently an RPG in the making. Whatever else you can say about them, Dontnod are NOT afraid of experimenting.

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    #4  Edited By BeachThunder

    An RPG where you play as a post-WWI doctor - interested.

    An RPG where you play as a post-WWI doctor, who, for some reason, is a vampire - not-so-interested.

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    I liked Vampire The Masquerade and Bloodlines. So why not. I'll give this a shot.

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    Dontnod might be my favourite French developer. I'm sort of saying that on spec because Life is Strange just looks really fucking cool. Remember Me was an interesting idea that they never quite followed through on and had kind of too much brawler combat.

    OK, wait, Amplitude Studios is my favourite French developer, because Jesus Christ, that Endless series.

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    I'm far more interested in this than their other games.

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    #8  Edited By Make_Me_Mad

    @beachthunder: In a way I kinda agree with you. It's a really interesting time period, and a realistic character-focused kind of game would be rad. That said, even though the character does turn into a vampire, the part where it's post-WW1 and you're a doctor also still exists, so it doesn't turn me off the game completely.

    @sterling: If I hadn't played so much of Bloodlines I probably wouldn't be nearly as excited for this game as I currently am. I wonder how much 'trying to keep other people from finding out you're a goddamn vampire' there'll be in the game, exactly, because I always find that to be fun. Also tense as hell when done properly; there are a lot of ways they could go with this game.

    @bisonhero: Life is Strange does look really fucking cool. I'm looking forward to it a lot, and while most people don't like Remember Me, I had a lot of fun with that game. The designs and artwork were cool as hell, and the music was pretty great too; they made a really interesting world and the gameplay kinda screwed it up, but I'm a big fan of looking past the bad to see the good. Also, the voice work in Remember Me was pretty good too, from what I recall. If this game's only that good again, I'll still be relatively pleased. Low standards!

    @marokai: Same here. Life is Strange looks awfully cool and I really wanna see how that turns out, but just from the announcement/concept I'm fully on board with whatever this thing turns out to be. Hopefully it'll turn out to be something and not end up cancelled.

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    After Remember Me, I'll play anything they put out. Loved that game.

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    I like the concept. I hope it becomes a (good) game.

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    That poster in the OP looks amateurish

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    #12  Edited By Giant_Gamer

    I really hope they pull it off with the writing this time and we don't end up with characters saying things like "i'll vampire you soon"

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    Wow, that sounds like a fantastic scenario for a vampire RPG. I was excited to see what came of this until

    Remember Me

    Now my expectations have sunk considerably. I suppose one day someone will make a true vampire RPG to scratch that VTMB itch, but it's not today, apparently.

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    @kidavenger: I went to sleep last night still unable to remember what the heck it reminded me of, because the image as a whole seems very familiar; I was thinking it looked like a Card or cover of a board game I'd seen before or something. This morning I realized it's actually really close to the cover for Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, just with less gothy vampire ladies in schoolgirl outfits. I wonder if that was intentional.

    @giant_gamer: Yeah... yeah. While I think the voice acting was (mostly) great, I'm not gonna defend the actual dialogue in that game.

    @theht said:

    After Remember Me, I'll play anything they put out. Loved that game.

    Wow, that sounds like a fantastic scenario for a vampire RPG. I was excited to see what came of this until

    Remember Me

    Now my expectations have sunk considerably. I suppose one day someone will make a true vampire RPG to scratch that VTMB itch, but it's not today, apparently.

    I love that both of these posts exist so close together. All I can say is, as an RPG, Vampyr will presumably have way less brawler/rhythm combat going on.

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    Cool, glad they're making something that sounds a lot more interesting than Life Is Strange looks. Remember Me was great.

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    #16  Edited By EuanDewar

    Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is up there with my favourite games ever so if Dontnod can match (or even come lose to matching) my enthusiasm for that game then I'm all sorts of interested. I thought Remember Me was a real gem, so I'm quietly confident.

    Although the 2017 date does put a little bit of a dampener on things.

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    I'm very interested in it. Maybe this is old for the people that played that other vampire rpg(or are well versed in vampire fiction, for that matter), but this seems like a pretty weird setting to me. I like their sparse descriptions of Reid, too. A vampire treating their own vampirism like an illness? That's fun to me. Makes me imagine a pretty practical person.

    The title is probably never gonna not trip me up. It's just "Vampire" in Norwegian. Turns out the vampires plaguing London are undead vikings returning at long last for another round of pillaging.

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