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Persona PSP Breakdown

Atlus walks you through the different features of its upcoming Persona remake.

Jul. 31 2009

Posted by: Jeff

In This Episode:

Revelations: Persona


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Edited By guiseppe
@ashogo said:
" @guiseppe said:
" Did I understand it correctly that the only version that will have voiced CG-cutscenes is the North American one? "
Yup. The JP version only had text subtitles-kind of weird. "
Well I'm swedish so I guess I'm screwed too then. I'll proibably get it anyway though.
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Edited By Dizzyhippos

whats with the terrible audio?

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Edited By FrozenPhoenix

In addition to their own weapons, everybody has guns? Sweet!

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@Deusoma said:
"Yow, this looks awful."

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Edited By viklanderviking

I wanna say this looks interesting...but I can´t....and oh, the dude in the yellow hat looks like a real freak.

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Edited By Mcfart

I stopped the video when he said "more random encounters, less experience".

No thanks @ grinding. Also where's the searchable fusion database found in Devil Survivor?

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Edited By BananaHammock

No social aspect = not for me. Too bad.

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Edited By Track

Why the HELL are they remaking the FIRST Persona game? And not even with better graphics. Only the FF games can be remade these days and actually be worthy of playing. This game is NOT what I am looking for after playing Persona 4.

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Edited By Curufinwe
@Track: Saying that only FF games can be remade and worth playing is ignorant fanboy talk.  Giant Bomb deserves better than that sort of nonsense.

Persona is a classic that a lot of people missed out on and Atlus are doing a great thing by remaking it with so many tweaks and upgrades.
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Edited By jeffgoldblum
@Track said:
" Why the HELL are they remaking the FIRST Persona game? And not even with better graphics. Only the FF games can be remade these days and actually be worthy of playing. This game is NOT what I am looking for after playing Persona 4. "
Please leave.
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Edited By LordAndrew
@guiseppe said:
" @ashogo said:
" @guiseppe said:
" Did I understand it correctly that the only version that will have voiced CG-cutscenes is the North American one? "
Yup. The JP version only had text subtitles-kind of weird. "
Well I'm swedish so I guess I'm screwed too then. I'll proibably get it anyway though. "
You're pretty much screwed anyway since there's no guarantee the game will even come out in your region.
But if it does, I'm sure the localization would be based on the North American version instead of the Japanese one. Why bother re-translating into English when there's already an English translation?

The additional European languages could potentially cause problems though. Do UMDs have the capacity for multiple voice tracks?
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I'm shocked to see all the negative responses. I'm looking forward to it, and it's nice to see Atlus putting some marketing into it.

You have to remember, despite the fancy new interface and presentation, this is still technically an early Playstation RPG. Nostalgia goggles are firmly applied.

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Edited By LordAndrew
@Track: This game is actually a lot of what Persona fans did want out of Persona 3 and 4. The removal of things like demon negotiations really hurt for some fans of the series.

Don't you at least want to see what Persona was like before Persona 3? I'm a huge fan of Persona 3 and 4, and I sure do.
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Edited By LordAndrew

My first experience was the series was with Persona 3. I'm definitely interested in seeing the series' origins, and how the gameplay differs.

Plus, Atlus USA continues to pump out totally sick packages. Two soundtrack CDs packed in with a PSP game. That's how awesome they are.

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Edited By singular


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Edited By Ghostiet

I'd like to try it, but since I started my adventure with the Persona games with P4 and then went to P3, I'm afraid I'd play the first Persona thinking "God, they made it so much better in the next installments" and never get to fully appreciate the game. Also, I grew on the P4 characters so much it was very hard for me to play P3 and feel for the new/old guys and I had too much fun from Social Links in both to give up them.

Still, I'd played both P3 and P4 like centuries ago, so I'll probably make my girlfriend buy Persona for PSP before getting them on the PS3.

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Edited By ChrisTaran

Can not wait to play this! My most looked forward to game of the year!
<3 Atlus

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Edited By FluxWaveZ

He called Persona's SP; Skill Points but I thought in Persona 3 and 4 they were called Spirit Points.  Meh.

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Edited By Zeik
@Track said:
" Why the HELL are they remaking the FIRST Persona game? And not even with better graphics. Only the FF games can be remade these days and actually be worthy of playing. This game is NOT what I am looking for after playing Persona 4. "
Ignoring the idiocy of that statement, Persona 1 desperately needed a remake. The original US release was a complete abomination, it's practically unplayable by today's standards, especially with P3 and P4's great localizations. If this game was only a flat port with a new localization that alone would make it more worthwhile than any Final Fantasy remake out there.

Then there's the fact that they updated stuff like the UI and the overworld map, both of which were very clunky in the original version, which makes the new release much more enjoyable to play. (Especially the new map. My god that is a godsend, as the original map was horrible.)
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Edited By The_A_Drain

How about instead of fucking about giving away free stuff, you actually bother to release in Europe?!!?

Don't get me wrong, I love what you do for your customers, but i'm getting a might pissed off being totally fucking ignored and having to rely on Square-Enix to bring your games to me.

And no, I can't import it because sony are assholes, websites will NOT import to Europe after threats of legal action after the PS3 fiasco. There is no way for me to get this game unless you release it here, so fi you're not gonna bother, fuck you Atlus. You clearly only love North America.

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Edited By ChrisTaran
@The_A_Drain: This is Atlus U.S.A. doing this release. Not Atlus Europe (if that even exists?) Don't get pissed off at the North American arm of the company for not doing something it has any involvement in.  Complain to whoever publishes Atlus games in Europe.
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Edited By Zeik
@The_A_Drain said:
" How about instead of fucking about giving away free stuff, you actually bother to release in Europe?!!?
Atlus does not have a branch in Europe. This localization is done by Atlus USA, they only handle releases in the US. They have no control over how or when the game is released anywhere else.
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Edited By The_A_Drain

Nobody publishes Atlus games in Europe regularly, that's why i'm pissed off. Duhhh. Atlus USA, Atlus JP, who fucking cares? It's still Atlus and they've neglected Europe forever. They do have a Europe office but it consists of 3 guys, I imagine all they do is deal with licensing deals to the occasional person who wants to publish one of their games in Europe (like Square of Keoi or Nintendo)

My point still stands though, I don't care what branch of the company is doing what, this day and age there is no excuse for continually dicking Europe around like this.
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Edited By LordAndrew
@FluxWaveZ said:
" He called Persona's SP; Skill Points but I thought in Persona 3 and 4 they were called Spirit Points.  Meh. "
Were they? I don't recall SP being named at all in those games, other than being called SP.
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Edited By Zeik
@The_A_Drain:  Then you obviously do not understand how game localization works, especially when it comes to Atlus. Atlus USA isn't merely the US branch of Atlus, they're basically their own localization company. They localize games from all kinds of different companies, as they would never be able to support themselves on the few games that Atlus releases a year alone.

There's no branch in Europe because they don't have the money to be able to just open a branch anywhere they please. If you would like to fund the opening of an Atlus branch in Europe then I'm sure they would not oppose, but otherwise there's nothing you can do about it.

Also I know for a fact that there are still sites out there that ship to Europe, as I have a friend in Europe who imports regularly.
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Edited By ChrisTaran
@The_A_Drain: I can understand your anger, I know I'd be pissed if Atlus wasn't publishing consistently in the US. 

As far as importing, I'm not sure which country you live in, but I'm fairly certain Play-Asia ships to at least the UK and Germany. Try looking into them. I've bought things from them in the past and they're a trusted online retailer.
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Edited By The_A_Drain

I know how localisation works you burk. I also know that nobody ever localizes for Europe anyway, they simply assume that adding in deutch is enough, nobody ever does anything ontop of that. Almost all games take the US localization and simply apply all the appropriatte labels and chuck it out on shelves.

I'm still allowed to be pissed at a branch of a company who is fucking me over I don't care what you say, bottom line is it's still that company, and if they stopped giving away free shit all the time maybe they could afford to actually release the games over here. You can still organise a release with 3 people, heck even less you don't need a Europe branch to organise a release that can be done from anywhere.

I don't care if someone combs through it spelling all the words properly, nobody ever does that for Europe anyway like I said, they just use the US localization. I just want the fucking opportunity to give them real monies for their product instead of fart arsing about on eBay because all the importers are too scared of Sony to send licensed product to Europe.
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Just because Persona 3 added the sim elements doesn't automatically make P3/4 better.  The combat, along with the contact system, and even the atmosphere, are just so different between P1/2 and P3/4 that drawing too many comparisons between the two doesn't seem entirely fair to me.

I would guess that Persona 4 is the best of the five games (yes, five), but the original Persona is so different from P3/P4 that you need to give it a fair shake, despite its lack of sim stuff.

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Edited By The_A_Drain

Unfortunately due to an import restriction Sony imposed to stop people getting a PS3 in Europe early (we had to wait 6 months after the Us release) import retailers will now no longer ship any officially licensed Sony products to anywhere in Europe.

Fortunately I was able to get Devil Summoner 2 as the PS2 is an open platform now and the game didnt need to be sony licensed. But this is a no go unfortunately.
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Edited By Zeik
@The_A_Drain said:
" @Zeik: bottom line is it's still that company, and if they stopped giving away free shit all the time maybe they could afford to actually release the games over here. You can still organise a release with 3 people, heck even less you don't need a Europe branch to organise a release that can be done from anywhere "
You say you understand, and yet this clearly shows you have absolutely no idea. Atlus USA not giving out bonuses would not suddenly mean that they could open up a branch in Europe. That's absolutely absurd.
Just because Atlus USA has connections to the main company in Japan does not mean they have any control over what they actually do there. Really the only thing that makes Atlus USA a part of Atlus is that they get first rights to localize anything Atlus makes. Outside of that they're basically a completely separate company.

They have absolutely no control, whatsoever, over what happens with European releases. None. Zero. Nothing they do has any affect on whether a game will be localized there.

You can bitch and moan all you want if it makes you feel better, but it won't change anything, as you're bitching to the completely wrong people.
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Edited By ryanwho

Persuading is way more "social" than social linking. All social linking is is you finding someone with an exclamation point over their head and listening to their woe story. In persuasion, you actually conduct a conversation in complete control of your responses. Maybe a little too much for people who think sitting through ten minutes of "wah momma died" and making one choice is a "sim", as opposed to making like 4 choices instantaneously with a variety of consequences. Go back to your cut-scenes and pretend you're playing a game, this isn't for you.

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Edited By The_A_Drain

I'm not talking specifically about Atlus USA you ignorant dolt. I'm talking about Atlus PERIOD.

And like I said, you don't need to open a whole localisation branch, you simply stick the US release out onto the EU market like everybody else does. I do understand how these things work, and I understand that Atlus don't see the profit in doing it because there games simply don't sell well in Europe. Unfortunately, I couldnt fucking care less. I want their fantastic products, but between them and Sony they have made it utterly impossible for me to get them without pirating, or giving my money to some eBay scumbag who wants 3x the price.
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Edited By Zeik
@The_A_Drain said:
And like I said, you don't need to open a whole localisation branch, you simply stick the US release out onto the EU market like everybody else does.
You clearly don't know what goes into localizing a game if you think it's as simple as just throwing it out on the market. Localizing a game consists of much more than merely translating it, putting it on a disk, and then selling it to people. 3 people alone would not actually be able to get the game out in any reasonable amount of time, even without having to actually translate the game themselves.
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Edited By LordAndrew
@The_A_Drain said:
" @Zeik: I know how localisation works you burk. I also know that nobody ever localizes for Europe anyway, they simply assume that adding in deutch is enough, nobody ever does anything ontop of that.  "
Atlus isn't a big-budget publisher. Atlus USA translates games from Japanese to English. Translating into multiple languages and releasing in a decent timeframe is no doubt a much more difficult task. I'm not sure Atlus has the resources for that. Bigger companies like Square Enix can probably do a much better job. So given the option, why wouldn't they?

Look at most of the titles Atlus USA publishes. Most of them come from developers that probably can't afford to set up shop in North America. So Atlus USA handles it. Would I prefer if they did have a presence in North America? Sure, but it's probably not very practical for them.
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Edited By FluxWaveZ
@LordAndrew said:
" @FluxWaveZ said:
" He called Persona's SP; Skill Points but I thought in Persona 3 and 4 they were called Spirit Points.  Meh. "
Were they? I don't recall SP being named at all in those games, other than being called SP. "
I'm not sure if it's mentioned in-game, but I'm checking page 28 of the Persona 3 FES manual and they refer to SP as Spirit Points.
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Edited By guiseppe
@LordAndrew said:
" @guiseppe said:
" @ashogo said:
" @guiseppe said:
" Did I understand it correctly that the only version that will have voiced CG-cutscenes is the North American one? "
Yup. The JP version only had text subtitles-kind of weird. "
Well I'm swedish so I guess I'm screwed too then. I'll proibably get it anyway though. "
You're pretty much screwed anyway since there's no guarantee the game will even come out in your region.But if it does, I'm sure the localization would be based on the North American version instead of the Japanese one. Why bother re-translating into English when there's already an English translation?The additional European languages could potentially cause problems though. Do UMDs have the capacity for multiple voice tracks? "
As long as I get the basic NA version, I'll be happy.  I didn't know that it might not come out here, I just figured it would since Persona 3 and 4 did.  I wouldn't want any game to be translated into swedish because I've played games that has done that and it ruins the experience.
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Edited By The_A_Drain
@Zeik said:
"@The_A_Drain said:
And like I said, you don't need to open a whole localisation branch, you simply stick the US release out onto the EU market like everybody else does.
You clearly don't know what goes into localizing a game if you think it's as simple as just throwing it out on the market. Localizing a game consists of much more than merely translating it, putting it on a disk, and then selling it to people. 3 people alone would not actually be able to get the game out in any reasonable amount of time."

You clearly know even less than I thought then.

The game already comes out of Japan with enough subtitles to release in Europe, and no company has ever bothered to localise for the UK, they simply throw out the US version.

There's no excuse in this day and age not to release the game in Europe, it does not require any localisation, any extra costs, or any branch openings. Get that stupid beleif out of your head you obviously have absolutely no idea.

Yes, it really is as simple as whacking it on a disc and selling it to people, from US to EU at least. I am fully aware of how much effort needs to be put into a JP to NA/EU release however, as a friend of mine does it for a living.

Also, to other people commenting, stop telling me I don't know jack about Atlus USA, i'm not talking specifically about one branch of the company over any other, and i'm well aware of Atlus USA's history, I am however talking about the company as a whole continually ignoring Europe, it's unnacceptablt given the small cost they would incur by releasing here. They simply cannot be bothered it's that simple. All they need to do is take the finished NA release from Atlus USA, and chuck it out to Europe. That is what every other company has done since the dawn of time. That's precisely how much localisation goes on from NA to EU, absolutely zero. (Although occasionally people will add in a few languages here and there, but compared to the initial localization thats nothing)
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Edited By Lilarcor

This is by far my least favorite Persona game, but all the changes look really cool. Hopefully this is a sign that Atlus USA is paying close attention to the feedback from the American players and making changes to the localized version that makes the user experience better for us for all of their games going forward.

Unfortunately, I'm missing out on this game either way, because I don't have a PSP.

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Edited By Zeik
@The_A_Drain:  Fortunately Atlus USA themselves recently did a handy rundown of their localization process. Now not all localizations will be the same, but you can clearly see that there's quite a bit of time and effort required to get the game out to people, even if you remove the actual translation process.

And yes, things like testing and quality assurance would in fact still be required for a European release, as there are conversion processes that the game has to go through in order to make it compatible for PAL consoles, and modifications of any kind always require testing.
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Edited By FrozenPhoenix
@FluxWaveZ said:
"@LordAndrew said:
" @FluxWaveZ said:
" He called Persona's SP; Skill Points but I thought in Persona 3 and 4 they were called Spirit Points.  Meh. "
Were they? I don't recall SP being named at all in those games, other than being called SP. "
I'm not sure if it's mentioned in-game, but I'm checking page 28 of the Persona 3 FES manual and they refer to SP as Spirit Points."

Whenever Persona 4's Main Character levels up, it'll say:

>Your Hit Points and Spirit Points have increased.
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Edited By The_A_Drain

Except converting to PAL is very simple and doesn't require an awful lot of testing at all. Especially when you consider that doesn't apply to the PSP, doofus.

The rest of the localisation really doesn't matter at all, very little of it actually applies to a handheld game, and even then a lot of it can be glossed over acceptably for a console game. It really doesn't require anything like the amount of money to go from JP to NA, to go from NA to EU. Fuck EU, hows about just the UK, we represent a huge portion of the EU market and require even less localisation (still read: none whatsoever, especially for handhelds)

Said it a million times, theres simply no excuse, Atlus is a big enough company to undertake these sorts of things easily enough, and there is more than enough money to be made from the UK alone to make it worthwhile.
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator

This trailer felt a little too much like watching a day time shopping channel. Still, I do have to applaud them for the use of the phrase "It's harder. That's right, just the way you like it".

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Edited By FluxWaveZ
@FrozenPhoenix said:
" @FluxWaveZ said:
"@LordAndrew said:
" @FluxWaveZ said:
" He called Persona's SP; Skill Points but I thought in Persona 3 and 4 they were called Spirit Points.  Meh. "
Were they? I don't recall SP being named at all in those games, other than being called SP. "
I'm not sure if it's mentioned in-game, but I'm checking page 28 of the Persona 3 FES manual and they refer to SP as Spirit Points."
Whenever Persona 4's Main Character levels up, it'll say:>Your Hit Points and Spirit Points have increased. "
Right, there's that.  So either SP was called Skill Points in Persona 1 or Mr. Aram made a mistake.  Either way, it really doesn't matter.
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Edited By Wiseman4545
@The_A_Drain:  I always find it absolutely hilarious when people like you bitch about things like this in comments or message boards, as if people working at these companies actually come hear and read them.

If you want something done why don't you try contacting the company itself and making your voice heard? Whining here to people who couldn't care less doesn't get you anywhere. Even if it may not make them decide to open a branch in Europe, it's certainly more productive than what you're doing here. And if nothing else, they may actually have a real explanation as to why they have not done it so far. Maybe they'll even be so nice as to tell you themselves that there is in fact more to localizing than you seem to believe.
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Edited By Crocio

Looking forward to the soundtrack. Liked the obvious humor.

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Edited By Catolf
@JeffGoldblum said:
" @Track said:
" Why the HELL are they remaking the FIRST Persona game? And not even with better graphics. Only the FF games can be remade these days and actually be worthy of playing. This game is NOT what I am looking for after playing Persona 4. "
Please leave. "
I concur
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Edited By Wiseman4545
@Catolf said:
" @Mcfart:
Umm if you continued watching you would have seen that they made it easier with LESS random encounters and MORE Experience...duh "
Actually no, they were referring to the original US release with that comment, which was dumbed down during it's localization. This release is going to stay true to the original Japanese release, which did have more encounters and less exp.

The game does have an easy mode though, which really doesn't require any grinding at all.
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Edited By Catolf
@Wiseman4545 said:
" @Catolf said:
" @Mcfart:
Umm if you continued watching you would have seen that they made it easier with LESS random encounters and MORE Experience...duh "
Actually no, they were referring to the original US release with that comment, which was dumbed down during it's localization. This release is going to stay true to the original Japanese release, which did have more encounters and less exp.The game does have an easy mode though, which really doesn't require any grinding at all. "
Now I need to re-watch XP
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Edited By Cult_of_Cthulhu

fully voiced in the north american version only? what is this tard talking about. it will be fully voiced in all english speaking releases, including UK, Australia and Europe.