I can count on one Hand modern era (360 to now) games that i've beaten more than once. You?

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#1  Edited By sometingbanuble

Another post about gamepass in that completed games get sendoffs and uncompleted games get castoffed. That got me thinking. I think the only game that has come out since the 360 that i have beaten more than once is FFXV. The pandemic did that to me. A completed game takes me to a specific place whereas a game i never finish doesn't really have a mile marker.

If you are like me and beat less than double digit games twice list them here. If you have more than double digits maybe this isn't the post for you.

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Yeah, can't relate to this at all. I replay games a lot, there are dozens of games released in the last 15 years that I've completed more than once.

In general, I'm not the type to dabble in a million different games. If I start a game, there's a 90% chance I am going to finish it before I play anything else, and I replay games I enjoy quite often.

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I'm always looking forward to the next experience. Thanks to the PS5 I'm actually replaying a fair number of games at the moment (Control, Ghost of Tsushima, Red Dead Redemption II, Final Fantasy VII Remake and Death Stranding) but I don't think I'll complete any of them other than Red Dead and maybe Control.

The back end of the PS4 did find me replaying a decent handful of games though, either thanks to DLC, NG+ as a patch or just enjoying the game so much I wanted to get the platinum and needed a second run to do so. Those games:

• Horizon Zero Dawn


•God of War

•Ratchet & Clank 2016

• Tomb Raider 2013 (played on PS3 PS+, bought on PS4 as thanks for such a fun game then wound up playing it all over again)

• The Last of Us Part II

• Uncharted 4

• DOOM 2016

• The Last of Us Remastered (a technicality in one sense, as I played the original, though I also played Remastered itself twice, so...)

• Uncharted 1, 2 + 3 as well after the Remastered Collection actually

• Grand Theft Auto V (three times total, liking it less each time, though the PS4 made it all shiny and new again)

• Pyre (though this game can feel pretty different depending on decisions and game outcomes)

Wow, exactly a dozen! This post was not for me! Bye!

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Well I bought and am going to (sometime soon hopefully) drop ~200 hours in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition after playing maybe ~500 hours across the original 3 games over the years, so that should probably tell you something about my appetite for replaying old games.

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#5  Edited By El_Blarfo

Let's see here... I've definitely TRIED to replay a few games all the way through but life usually intervened to stop me from finishing the project. Tried to return to the original Dragon Age but ran out of gas.

I think I might have just one: Arkham City. Games are long, man.

I'd really like to do all three Arkham games again though! Hell, even Arkham origins for completeness' sake. Wouldn't mind revisiting the Witcher 3 as well.

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I think I replayed Bayonetta once. Played through Kingdom Hearts 1+2 again when those got remastered. Does playing the handheld versions of Persona 3+4 count as replays if I played through them on consoles?

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I have to imagine the OP doesn't play certain genres. For example, as someone who plays simulation, strategy, and RTS games, if you don't play the game more than once... you are wasting your money.

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On the assumption that the OP meant single-player narrative/linear-ish games, I am in the same boat. There is too much stuff in my backlog or on the horizon to replay those types of games. Literally, the only one I did start to finish in 15 or so years was Uncharted 1 when they added trophies to it and I had nothing else to play on PS3.

I replayed the vast majority of Dragon Age Origins because I had a 5 year gap between playthroughs and had no clue what was going on in my old save (but did pick a different race and class for the "replay"), and replayed about 3/4's of Dark Souls because I lost my save when the PC version switched from GFW to Steam. Otherwise, I am always on to the next thing.

Just before I was about to hit post, I also remembered I replayed ME1 and ME2 on PC with some mods, a lot like Mass Alex. Reason being, I played through the first 2 on Xbox and decided I wanted to to do a full run of the trilogy on PC a few years back. But yeah, even if you include DA:O and Dark Souls, that is only 5 games.

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#10  Edited By glots

I don't think there's that many. Like some other people, I'm already busy enough with new games to have time to replay some older ones. Or if there's lull in terms of new releases, I usually still don't really want to go through the exact experience I already once did, even if I really liked it.

  • Lots of remastered examples, like God of War 1-2, Journey, The Last of Us and Uncharted 1-3.
  • I only wanted to try it on PC, but still ended up playing through all of Doom 2016 again, having first played it on PS4.
  • Control

Sometimes when I do see someone saying they’ve replayed a game (especially a linear one) like 6-7 times, it can make me wonder if I have ever actually really liked a game, when I only played through it once?

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@glots: As all my favorite message boards have died in favor of Twitter, Facebook and generally just logging off to take care of family and health concerns, I found myself on Reddit about three years ago and have steadily been subscribing to the subs for various games I like as they come out. I'm too lazy to unsubscribe as I lose interest and there's just too many people involved for me to post like I would here or other more personality-forward boards, but it's truly fascinating to me how much certain games click with certain people.

Like, I really really enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima but that is one of the most active forums I follow there and I just can't believe how much content people wring out of that game, even with the Director's Cut coming out this year. The Control sub is thriving. Or at least it seems to be from my home page. I don't get it (and I'm replaying both games on PS5 this winter!) but I'm happy those people are happy. Hell, I made a shoddy recording of an easily missable late-game monologue from Control that's on my otherwise dormant Youtube channel and it's between 30,000 and 40,000 views with at least one or two new comments a month for going on two years now. And the only time I think about that game, prior to this PS5, was whenever my desktop pinged me with a new comment on that video.

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#12  Edited By theonewhoplays

I think generally you have less time for games as you grow older, and games are also getting longer. TLoU2 was pretty much the size of two Uncharted games. I'm not sure what constitutes 'modern' but I have replayed the Max Payne games tons of times Other games I've replayed at least once are the first Tomb Raider reboot game, the FF7 remake, TLoU, Uncharted 1-2, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising (a lot), and a bunch of the Kingdom Hearts games thanks to the 60 fps remaster. DMC3 and 4 are also fun to play through now and again.

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@nodima: Tsushima does at least offer an open world, which technically offers a bit more to sink your teeth in than a narrative-driven linear game, but I’ve definitely been surprised by those examples too, like playing through Witcher 3 half-a-dozen times or Cyberpunk as a recent-ish example. I know those games have their optional ways to complete missions and all, but the core of the experience still remains mostly the same each time.

I’m glad for those people though! My backlog would probably be a lot lighter if I squeezed every game beyond dry. I *really* liked Spider-Man and got platinum from it, even when some of side-activities started to become a real drag by the end of it, just because the general gameplay really clicked for me. But replaying it numerous times after that? Thanks, but I think I’ll wait for the sequel.

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The only ones I can think of are co-op experiences that I got into with friends (Gears, Division, Diablo 3, etc.). As with many co-op experiences, it was more about spending time with friends than the specific game we were playing.

I've really enjoyed my time with a lot of single-player games and I've dipped back into them to get achievements or finish quests I didn't get to the first time. I don't think I've dedicated the time necessary to finish the campaign more than once though.

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This is your third or fourth thread in the past couple of weeks about beating games. Are you going through a backlog or something?

Also if you consider the Xbox360 a modern console then yeah, definitely. Off the top of my head: Half Life 2, Portal, Halo 3. These days, if a game has a "campaign" that you play through and finish and watch credits for, I generally won't replay it for the same reason I don't rewatch too many movies anymore. There's a huge library available, and I'd rather see something new.

Again, this is specifically for one-and-done games with a single player story campaign. The current one I'm playing is Halo Infinite. I just got to the "open world" part of that game, and I don't know what to think yet. 343's decision to make the intro sequence into a traditional scripted corridor shooter made me just want more of that, and now suddenly I have a map with waypoints.

But that's a different thread.

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Doesn't happen much. Too many games in my backlog to spend time revisiting. But I have done multiple playthroughs of both Bayonettas, Vanquish, Wet, and Mirror's Edge.

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yeah i don't often replay games , haven't since i was a kid. even if i wanted to i don't really have the time for it . off the top of my head the only 2 i can think of tthat i have are stardew valley and sleeping dogs.

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#18  Edited By Shindig
  • Metal Gear Solid 4 (once after the trophy patch came in)
  • Dark Souls (several times on different platforms.
  • God of War
  • God of War 2
  • Shadow of the Colossus
  • ICO
  • Dark Souls 2
  • Dark Souls 3
  • Bloodborne
  • Sekiro
  • Metal Gear Solid V
  • Fez
  • Rez
  • Half-Life 2
  • Hitman Blood Money
  • Hitman Absolution
  • Hitman (the World of Assassination Trilogy)

It's happening less and less, especially with longer games. I get one shot at an RPG, to be honest.

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I think my replaying of PS2 and 360 games is pretty similar, i don't need to list them all there's a lot of them.
HOWEVER, now that my PS2 is basically a light gun machine and my 360 is probably dead i replay those games through emulation, many 360 games have PC versions anyway but only a few of those aren't broken, and some have remasters but only the popular ones, so i'm much more likely to replay PS2 games now than 360.

Currently on my mind for games i want to replay, Enslaved for 360 (via the pc version), Onimusha (updated PC) or Mr Mosquito for PS2.

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#20  Edited By bybeach

I remember when I first started playing games (mostly pc) I would often play them twice immediately, That is, if I really liked them. Push up the difficulty, find more hidden areas and loot, enjoy the story more, that sort of thing.

But I have fallen off on that. Though a year later or more, I will go back to a few games. I do love my steam library for that really. So in the future, I will replay say, Control. Another is the Dead Space remaster. And there are more I'm sure.

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Yeah, about one hand; maybe, a hand-n-half.

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I very rarely replay games all the way through, though I have started a lot of replays of RPGs that never got to the end. I think the only games I have beaten more than once since the start of the 360 era are Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Fallout New Vegas, Diablo III, Halo 3, and Halo 3: ODST (which I think I’ve completed 4 or 5 times at this point, somehow). I’m also currently on track to completing all the major Skyrim questlines on one character for a second time. Just too many dang games I want to play!

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#23  Edited By artofwar420

I rarely replay games. But there are a few that I always find time to give a try for a while.

Dead Space 1. Still the game that defines the PS3/360 generation to me, brings a lot of nostalgia back. Although right now I'm in the middle of a PC playthrough. Looks amazing but it's kind of a pain to run, like many of the aging PC ports.

GTA Vice City, San Andreas. In that order. I often replay the story every other year or so. Or when I get the inkling to mod them.

Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3, 4. Kojima when he found out he could out-Kojima himself. I retry these every few years.

Dark Souls 1. Trying to recapture the first time magical time I beat those gargoyles while also accidentally getting their weapons.

Skyrim... but that seems to be always installed so it's almost like Solitaire or Minesweeper at this point for me. ALSO I've yet to finish the story. I've gone through 3 computers, I've moved places, I've had long term relationships, been single, lost pets, lost loved ones... and still I haven't finished the main quest. Combined hours of all version of Skyrim: Close to 1000 hours and counting, 75% of which are probably just modding.

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I'll only replay games if I can get trophies for it. Off the top of my head..

- South Park: The Stick of Truth (PS3 x2, then PS4)
- Assassin's Creed II (PS3, then PS4)
- Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (PS3, then PS4)
- Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (PS5, then PS5 NG+)
- Journey (PS3, then PS4)

I'll likely also do an NG+ run of Ghost of Tsushima, if I ever get around to buying the Director's Cut.

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#25  Edited By Googly

Bioshock, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Vanquish, DMC: Devil May Cry, Diablo III, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil Village, Rayman Legends, Bastion, Batman Arkham Asylum, Red Faction Guerrilla, Saints Row IV, Shadow Complex, Scott Pilgrim vs The World The Game, Tomb Raider (2013), Sleeping Dogs, Spelunky, Dead Cells

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Games I have replayed:

All Splinter Cell Games

Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3

COD4, COD MW (2019)

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Batman Arkham Asylum




Fallout 3, 4

Halo 1, 2, 3, Reach, ODST

I am sure I am missing some other games.

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#27  Edited By FacelessVixen

Saints Row 3. Saints Row 4. Skyrim. Gears of War. Halo 3. Metal Gear Solid 4. Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction. Bayonetta. Dragon's Dogma. Dark Souls. Borderlands. Need for Speed (2015). Need for Speed: Heat. Burnout Paradise. Akibia's Trip: Undead & Undressed. HuniePop. Destiny 2. Dissidia Final Fantasy. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 and 2. Persona 4 Golden. Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Resident Evil 5. Nine playthroughs of Mass Effect 1. And over 1,100 hours in Fallout 4.

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Mass Effect Trilogy is probably the only one. After playing Cyberpunk I have been itching to go back and play through Deus Ex: Human revolution and Syndicate again. But in general, I have a hard time replaying games. Hell, it took me years of trying to be able to watch a movie twice. And games are often a much bigger commitment and competes with ’new/shiny’ games all the time.