It Was Rough Going Back To Persona 3, But I'm Glad I Did It!

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Edited By ZombiePie  Staff



One of these games is not like the other....
One of these games is not like the other....

If you were to press me on the matter, I'd cite Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 as my favorite in the franchise. However, I have given up trying to plead the case for the game. That's because I have a personal theory that everyone's favorite Persona game is whichever game you first sat down with and played all the way through. The foremost game in the series you invested 100+ hours into is most likely to be your pick as the high-water mark for the series. It's Pokemon or Mario Kart Rules but for a non-Nintendo property. Thanks to the Endurance Run, many of you think the best pick is Persona 4, and for millions today, the answer is Persona 5, which is turning seven the year of this blog's publishing date. What is a more worthwhile exercise is thinking about which game broke the dam in terms of the series becoming the ubiquitous role-playing game hallmark we now know and Atlus becoming a company with a global cache of credibility. It's a humbling thought exercise if you ask me, especially when you consider Atlus has been able to accomplish all they have in recent memory as a wholly-owned subsidiary and having started as an RPG mill that spawned during the 1980s Japanese asset price bubble. And how many companies besides it, Enix, Nippon Ichi, and Falcom, have remained this steadfast in honoring their roots and staying within their lane? Atlus is an aberration, which is why people seek out their experiences.

However, this blog isn't about me waxing poetically about Atlus and its history. No, I want to discuss why Persona 3 remains my "pick" despite its stark flaws and review what those quibbles might be. I played Persona 3 in high school and finished it the year Jeff Gerstmann was fired from GameSpot. I know this because I was stuck on a boss when my parents revealed they had made reservations for me to attend my now-deceased grandmother's birthday at a local Black Angus. While remembering where I've put my keys remains arduous, this memory has always stuck with me. That aside, despite being slightly late to the party, even then, it caught me at the right time and place. I was getting ready to transition to college and was dealing with bouts of depression and anxiety stemming from my life undergoing a massive metamorphosis. Something about Persona 3's bleak world and outlook and how outside forces are always out to get you resonated with me more than I can adequately put into words. Much like the dungeon of Tartarus, it was me against the world, and no one else understood what I was going through or thinking, and the best remedy was to continue to have little adventures that staved off reality biting at my heels. Likewise, while the game's monotony is a common complaint for many, the high school of Persona 3 feeling like a blur defined by irrelevancy felt deeply connected to my own experiences. And Persona 3 perfectly captured that sense of moving toward what I perceived as an unavoidable calamity while dealing with a growing sense of alienation and disillusionment.

And don't forget, the female protagonist is 1000% better!
And don't forget, the female protagonist is 1000% better!

Persona 3 was and is a special video game to me. Nonetheless, it was until recently a game I had only completed from beginning to end once. There are three primary reasons for this. First, Tartarus sucks complete and total ass, and how it limits what you can do to progress the game's story wasn't fun at the time, and it is doubly less fun today. Second, Persona 3 has a mid-game difficulty spike that comes out of nowhere if you are not ready. It will crush your spirit and motivation to continue if you don't fully understand how to maximize the characters efficiently and get the most out of the fusing mechanic. That boss battle against Jin and Takaya may be one of the most BURTAL gear checks in franchise history. It also doesn't help the game's story is the slowest burn of the last three numbered Persona titles and does not get its shit together until its sixtieth hour. Then, finally, Ken Amada. I don't care if that last phrase is a sentence fragment because that's all I need to say. He sucks, and anyone who complains about Yosuke in Persona 4 or Yusuke in Persona 5 for being "annoying" or a little "extra" has never had to listen to one of Ken Amada's MANY insufferable sob stories about why he's a poor sad boy that wants to kill someone important in your party. And, GOD DAMN, is his story arc with the male protagonist, the absolute drizzly worst shit imaginable.

I might love Persona 3, as I will review in the next section, but you will never hear me claim it is a perfect crystal without a detectible blemish. Persona 3 is a messy affair that has not necessarily improved with its recent re-releases. The "problematic" scenes and social links are still present without editing or rewriting. While the portable version of the game is the reference point for this blog, and that version sands off some of the gameplay rough edges of the original, there are several consequences with Atlus using it. The franchise has moved away from the rigid Wizardry-inspired dungeon-crawling conventions Persona 3 still saw to pay homage to, and that alone will make it a tough sell for those whose first Persona was 5. However, with the game now available on Game Pass, there's no excuse not to give it a shot if previous titles from Atlus have resonated with you. To understand how far the series has evolved as well as how little it has, playing Persona 3 is necessary. And as I discussed last year, though many misinterpreted my words at the time, Persona 3 marked the beginning of the end of the era when Atlus was "inside baseball" among genre enthusiasts, and their games reflected that. When I said the Persona series would never take as audacious a creative risk as the original ending for Persona 3, I meant it then, and I stand by that. With the series, at least now, always needing to consider multimedia and spin-off opportunities, the likelihood of a Persona game ever endeavoring to seek to tell a self-contained story or one that closes the books on its characters is simply unimaginable.

There Sure Is No Video Game World Quite Like Persona 3's

Oh, Tartarus, why do you have to suck so much?
Oh, Tartarus, why do you have to suck so much?

I noted earlier that there is something "special" about Persona 3's unflinchingly pessimistic world and outlook. I cannot emphasize enough how every part of the game communicates that point. With the characters existing in an isolated gated school, there's an overwhelming sterility with the world you initially inhabit. From the rigid school schedule your protagonist follows to the drones of NPCs that all feel like automatons, Persona 3 laid the groundwork for the series' sense of style that has since become a badge of honor. However, if you try to replay Personas 1 and 2, you'll notice that while they certainly have intense atmospheres, they don't ooze the grandeur of modern entries in the series. The strong sense of mood and tone Persona 4 and 5 exhibit in their opening chapters is something they owe enormous gratitude toward Persona 3. Persona games are also often associated with colors, and the blue and green filter of Persona 3 still pops out even if its graphical fidelity is starting to show its age. Though, the recent ports of P3P all having stable framerates and smooth animations more than makes up for that.

The story of Persona 3 starts bleak, and it rarely lets up. The protagonist's family is dead following a tragic accident, and almost every character in their party is in some way broken. There's always something about the build-up towards the first "Dark Hour" that still stands as one of the better starts in the series. That moment when you see most of the game's NPCs personified as coffins for the first time is stark and another major differentiator between it and its successors. While every game builds upon this sense of "Us vs. the World," Persona 3 expands upon that by scaffolding its mechanics with the general sense of loneliness and isolation that permeates Gekkoukan High School and the city of Tatsumi Port Island. Only you and a handful of allies are allowed the privilege of knowing what's truly at foot in the world of Persona 3, which makes what few additional relationships you pursue all the more special. While Persona 5 certainly pops with vibrant colors and Persona 4 benefits from a better marriage of music and visuals, Persona 3 is a tour de force wherein every part of it is committed toward a singular message and theme of death being right around the corner. The first true arcana you interact with is the Death Arcana, and there's an almost zombie-like monotony with life in the high school itself. Speaking of the Death Arcana in Persona 3, there's also something homey and quaint about a Persona game laying its cards out right from the rip and not messing around with red herrings about what your journey will involve or entail.


When you think about how the Persona franchise is one of the most easily recognizable in all of RPG fandom, it's weird going back to Persona 3. There's an edgy element to it that seems both punk-like and anti-consumerist, with its dark themes delving into depression, suicidal ideation, and addiction. Atlus had no expectations of mainstream popularity with this title, so they did not pull their punches. There's no denying that the game can sometimes be overwhelming, with some of its melodrama being "too much," hence why I mentioned Ken Amada as a major demerit. Yet, it's still hard to imagine a world where Atlus takes the same risk they did with Persona 3 in both the themes tackled in a Persona game and what thematic targets it is allowed to bring to the forefront. When Persona 3 first came out, if you had told me this series would lead to Atlus becoming a household name presented alongside Nihon Falcom, Bandai Namco, or even Square-Enix, I would have called you a crazy person. And yet, here we are. The series is still allowed to be introspective and edgy, but it has to be more PG-13, and it's never allowed to pull the rug from underneath you the exact way Persona 3 did. These games must now consider multimedia, expansion pack, and spin-off opportunities. There's nothing wrong with that, and I'm not trying to belittle the games from Atlus that have succeeded Persona 3. Nonetheless, while you play the game, it's self-evident Atlus never had that in mind when they made Persona 3, at least not at first, and that part of it is refreshing.

Not only that, but all future entries must plan with the general audience in mind, which, AGAIN, is okay. However, as I discussed in my blog about the ending of Persona 3 under the backdrop of Persona 5 Royale, there will NEVER be a Persona game with an ending as gut-wrenching and consummate as Persona 3's. And that ending is still one of my all-time favorite things Atlus has ever done. The reaction to my linked blog was mainly in response to the title, with most not reading the contents therein. Still, I stand by my overall feeling that there's something about Persona 3 killing your character, with you not being able to do a thing to stop it, that feels iconic. It still stands as one of the rare occasions, the other being Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, where modern Atlus fully commits to the grim themes they bill themselves as being the best at conveying in the medium. Also, this time around, I ended up playing the game using the female protagonist, and I, until now, criminally underrated the new social interactions this route adds to the story. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable also gives you some variability with whom your protagonist spends their final moments, which adds SO MUCH to the game's emotional potency.

There's No Denying How Less Crappy It Is To Play Persona 3 Nowadays, But It's STILL Rough

Don't worry, I have A LOT to say about world navigation in Persona 3 Portable.
Don't worry, I have A LOT to say about world navigation in Persona 3 Portable.

"Marin Karin." I am happy for you if those words do not bring chills down your spine. For those of you whose recollection of Persona 3 started with Portable, you survived the horrors of not being able to control your party members directly. The rest of us, even with FES, had to slog through the final stages of Tartarus and battle Nyx while praying that the companion scripts would cooperate with the most basic tasks. If you thought the Nyx battle was hard in Persona 3 Portable, imagine needing to deal with it while Yukari refuses to cast healing spells and Mitsuru is obsessed with buffs and debuffs for fifteen GODDAMN TURNS! I would not wish that sort of nightmare on even my worst enemies. With Game Pass, Steam, and Nintendo netting Persona 3 Portable, players also have more difficulty options, a far more intuitive "1 More" attack mechanic, cool co-op attacks, no need to worry about losing a turn when recovering from knock-down, and Fusion Spells activating from items rather than a fiddly menu system. The quality-of-life changes to Tartarus, the game's only dungeon, are nothing to sneeze at either. My memory of the original game was more substantial than my scant hours with Persona 3 Portable. So, this time, my mind was blown when I first accessed the main stairway from the lobby and saw I could immediately go to my highest achieved level on Tartarus. Oh, what I would have done for that feature when I first played Persona 3!

The other and far more critical reform Portable made from the original had to do with Social Links. You can only reverse or break a Social Link in Portable through poor dialogue choices. In the original game, not only could you ruin relationships that way, but also if you failed to hang out with characters for too long. There was no more frustrating feeling than being on the last leg of a Social Link, only to ruin it because you pushed your luck too hard by miscounting your leeway by a day or two. If that happened, you engaged in an INCREDIBLY "fun" routine of needing to run around the world buying gifts and then spending two to three days making up for lost time. If you were like me, then you ended up going to GameFAQs and looking up recommended flowcharts and calendars on how to avoid reversing Social Links as if you were planning out your monthly medicine schedule like a senior citizen. It sucked, and it's genuinely good a new generation of Persona fans doesn't need to worry about that. However, the Game Pass version still has the ability to reverse Social Links. As such, be mindful that the penalties for playing around with your dialogue options, even the slightest bit, are downright insane.

I am so happy that Atlus stopped doing this shit.
I am so happy that Atlus stopped doing this shit.

The topic of reverse Social Links leads us to a recurring sentiment expressed on social media and in recent re-reviews of Persona 3 in light of its subsequent re-release. Under the shadow of Persona 5, much of its mechanics, systems, and structure are being hammered as "anti-player game design." Even as a fan of the game, it's hard to disagree. I have seen no less than three friends on Twitter who were MASSIVE fans of Persona 5 go through the "Five Stages of Grief" regarding Tartarus and needing to come to terms with it being "it." It's still a shock to imagine a Persona game only ostensibly having a single dungeon. Still, when you consider a bunch of Wizardry nerds created Atlus, the context of their past slightly dulls the pain. Regardless, even with all of the quality-of-life additions with the portable release, Tartarus sucks. One of the few mercies the original release gave you, where arriving back to the main lobby would automatically restore your party's health and MP, requires you to pay a fee in Persona 3 Portable. The time component and moon phase mechanic associated with Tartarus is still too overbearing. Similarly, the tiredness mechanic remains one of the dumbest things Atlus has ever added to what is essentially a dungeon-crawler RPG series. Limiting the player's ability to explore their combat surroundings to the extent Persona 3 does is counter-intuitive to the gameplay ambitions of this series and the genre in general.

Yet, I want to return to the topic of new Persona fans giving Persona 3 a shot and then them burning out immediately. I do not blame ANYONE saying Persona 3 Portable's slower pace, and more basic combat makes it difficult for them to feel like they should continue playing it. Persona 3 has, and always will be, a slow burn, which might sound odd to those of you ready to chime in that all Persona games err toward the ninety-hour mark and possibly North of that. The difference with Persona 3 is that it is slower than either of its successors by a considerable margin. While the game no longer requires you to worry about spacing your Social Link interactions, those character interactions STILL progress at a snail's pace. The main plot doesn't kick into gear until its mid-point, and I'd even argue things honestly don't get "interesting" until the lead-up to the Jin and Takaya battle. Honestly, the game's best character work and storytelling don't happen until September, nearly sixty hours deep into it. Everything before that relies heavily on the game's atmosphere and the optional Social Links you opted into, which might be enough for some but not so much for those expecting a "whole package" of multiple narrative threads converging with every hour you play it, like in Persona 5. Finally, mechanically, there's no denying that it feels incredibly "basic" compared to where Atlus is as a role-playing game developer today. As I said, it wears its Wizardry influences more visibly than modern Atlus titles. I think that's why I feel there's a timelessness to it, considering it's modern enough to have some of Atlus' rougher dungeon-crawling roots sanded off but not so close to the present that it doesn't thoroughly kick your teeth in from time to time. Nonetheless, there's no denying that it will come across as "sluggish" for many pining for the flashy fluidity of Persona 5's combat.

Persona 3 Is Still Narratively Messy And HIGHLY Problematic (i.e., I Forgot About All Of The Unsettling Social Links)!

Oh... RIGHT! This scene.
Oh... RIGHT! This scene.

Right from the rip, be aware that the transphobic scene is still in the game and untouched! I am AMAZED, especially after Atlus rightfully edited out the gay panic scene in Persona 5, Operation Babe Hunt was not changed or edited even the slightest bit. That scene was a massive black mark on the game when it first came out, and it sticks out like a sore thumb today. Now, there's no way for me to say this without sounding like a scumbag, but it wouldn't be a Persona game without Atlus either fucking up the depiction of an LGBTQIA character or jumping waist-deep into a problematic storyline with TERRIBLE implications. And boy, howdy, Persona 3 has BOTH! Every Persona game, and most Atlus games, have this flaw, and it seems intrinsic to the overall awkwardness of Atlus attempting to depict teenage intimacy and relationship-building for games made by adults targeted at adults. Full disclosure, I am a full-time public education teacher, and I want to say Kawakami's story arc in Persona 5 made me genuinely sick to my stomach. This statement is not a lie. I almost quit the game entirely because of it. When you add in the trans-panic shit in Catherine: Full Body with them not being conscious that there are aspects of Persona 3 that might need editing, I think we can agree Atlus is terrible at depicting certain parts of the human experience with the care and respect they deserve.

And let's be honest; some story moments and aspects of this game have aged like milk! However, to the game's credit, the parts that "work," really do work. I, and most that enjoy the titles by Atlus, can accept the premise of Persona 3 for what it is, as absurd as it might sound on paper. There's a secret organization of child soldiers that need to harm themselves to fight evil monsters and ghosts that only exist while the rest of the world lives for an hour as soulless zombies. It's a dumb and ridiculous premise, but there's something both counter-culture and punk about it that somehow has walked its way back to being relevant. The characters of Persona 3 are a close-knit group that knows the odds are stacked against them. Likewise, what few breaks from your ascents up Tartarus you get need to count, and the game's character work, IN GENERAL, is well-done and respects your time. So, who gives a shit if this game has an android dog and you need to buy weapons from a police station? Anyone who starts citing "plot holes" in any Persona game like they are their own JRPG version of Cinema Sins is a clown. What I don't think works well is how much more trope-reliant the story is compared to future entries and how by the numbers Persona 3 is until shit gets wild. But until that happens, you have a handful of problematic or clumsily handled Social Links to deal with!

And I am aware that you can tell Ken you just want to be friend. I'm not an idiot, but this is still in this game and that's a problem.
And I am aware that you can tell Ken you just want to be friend. I'm not an idiot, but this is still in this game and that's a problem.

So, you've reached the part of this blog where we need to talk about Ken Amada and the female protagonist's ability to date him. However, there are a few things I want to discuss before we get to that bombshell. First, with the male protagonist's route, I still hate how he goes on long rants and broods about wanting to kill or get revenge on Shinjiro, and everyone in your party does nothing about it even though he is visibly scheming to do something after telling everyone his origin story. One of the best parts about the female protagonist is that it allows you to avoid Shinjiro's death, and his death may be one of the most hamfisted and contrived moments in the entire game. That said, getting to know Ken Amada better with the female protagonist means you can also opt into a relationship with him. Yes, this relationship is optional, but it still remains one of the most questionable things Atlus has ever done. It's important to note that during the events of Persona 3, Ken Amada is ten years old, which would mean your character's actions possibly constitute statutory rape, if you read into the cutaway end scene enough, or, at the very least, amount to grooming. It is BY FAR one of the worst things Atlus has ever included in any video game under their label, and I say that having killed Jesus Christ and Hitler in some of their older titles. Watching a ten-year-old hem and haw about being attracted to the first strong female role model in their life since the death of their mother never felt good when Atlus first put it into Persona 3 Portable, and it's way worse today! It says a lot that one of the most popular mods for the PC version of the game outright removes the romance sub-plot with Ken Amada and caps him out at the end of his Social Link, but that's not an option for those using consoles.

Now, if you try to dodge Persona 3's most problematic Social Link by defaulting to the male protagonist, just be aware you're opting into a significantly worse experience, which the game does not warn you about even the slightest bit! For example, if you pick the male character, you have to deal with Kenji Tomochika, and at this point, I'm curious if someone at Atlus has an unhealthy obsession with teens dating their teachers. I already mentioned how the default version of Operation Babe Hunt remains unedited and is as sickening as it was when the game first came out. As a test, I wanted to see if the male route's Magician Arcana Social Link also went unedited, and I can confirm that's indeed the case. With the male protagonist, Kenji's Social Link still has you listen to him talk about his delusions of wanting to date and even marry one of his teachers. You are not allowed to intervene or else risk reversing his relationship and need to watch him go through the entire process of laying out this creepy parasocial life goal after high school. The kicker with Kenji is that his story arc concludes with him moving on from the problematic one-sided relationship as if nothing happened after crying about it once. The game treats the entire situation as a character-building moment wherein Kenji is never held accountable for his side of the situation and does not need counseling or therapy. I am not an expert on child and teen psychology, but Atlus' notions of how to resolve toxic or misplaced relationships are ten years out of date. They insist that getting past these traumas is something you do once and then move on for the rest of your life without any issues as long as you have one good friend.

Ah... right... this Social Link.
Ah... right... this Social Link.

Finally, we just discuss the male protagonist getting into a relationship with their homeroom teacher using an MMORPG! Yeah, that sure is something that happens in this video game. This Social Link starts with a fascinating premise of you identifying someone in an online world with their real-world counterpart and then quickly recognizing that their use of this online platform errs on addiction. If all that happened with Isako Toriumi were you needing to help her come to terms with her video game addiction as you increasingly wear out your own protagonist's endurance after pulling multiple all-nighters with her, that would have been fine. Nonetheless, YET AGAIN, Atlus thinks it knows how to handle teen-adult romance and has her confess her love to a player that she does not know is a minor. However, in the epilogue of this story arc, wherein Toriumi finds out that the person she's been confiding to and developing feelings for is one of her students, you get subjected to one of the weirdest and most chaotic scenes in the entire game. In a single scene, you watch Toriumi weep and moan about the possible end of her career as well as hear her say she's considering suicide, and the game promptly follows that with her thanking the protagonist for turning her life around after she's had a good sob. Upon which, she then asks him on a date! And then, suddenly, the scene ends with her storming out while saying, "Oh, to hell with this!" It's by far the weirdest and messiest thing in the entire game, and I still don't know how to feel about it other than I wished Atlus went back to the well and clarified their intentions with this entire story arc.

I Don't Know If Persona 3 Portable Was The Right Version For A Re-Release

Also, I feel like the graphical fidelity of the backgrounds sticks out like a sore thumb.
Also, I feel like the graphical fidelity of the backgrounds sticks out like a sore thumb.

I suspect this section of this blog will get me in the most amount of "trouble," but let me try to lay out my case before everyone clamors for my beheading. First, some rumors say Atlus went with Persona 3 Portable instead of the original game or FES because the source code for the latter two has either been lost or deleted. While that may sound crazy to some, it's not entirely out of the ordinary in Japanese video game development, especially not with Japanese role-playing game developers. The most notorious example, by far, has to be Squaresoft/Square-Enix, which has a well-known and well-documented habit of deleting the source code to its games months after they go "gold." The funniest example has to be when Squaresoft contracted Edios to make the PC ports for Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII. Because Square had already destroyed its source code, Edios was forced to make the PC ports by reverse engineering debug copies of both. Again, I'm relying on rumors and speculation on this point, but there is one thing I want to make utterly clear, even if this rumor is just that. I would rather have some version of Persona 3 available on modern platforms than none. For all of the shortcomings I will review in a bit, I still had a pretty damn good time with Persona 3 Portable and view it as a game worth seeing to the very end.

Ultimately, my issue with Atlus using Persona 3 Portable is that the newer releases are a shot-for-shot port. I know there are many Persona 3 Portable fans out there that will defend the game as their favorite permutation of Persona 3, but it is ill-suited in many regards for home media consumption. For one thing, Atlus' corner-cutting to make the original game fit onto a UMD feels especially conspicuous on modern computer monitors or 4K televisions. While some creative decisions, like cutting out The Answer or limiting the main character to swords, are understandable, others are not. I'd go so far as to say Atlus should pretend The Answer never happened for the rest of time. However, two massive compromises Atlus made so you could initially play Persona 3 while on the go really smart this time around. Those would be the removal of the anime cutscenes in favor of rudimentary visual novel portraits for all major sequences and set pieces and removing fully explorable 3D environments. The first of those, the cutscenes, might seem like a nitpick. The visual novel portraits are expressive enough and get the job done for the most part. Still, the absence of those anime cutscenes means Persona 3's gravitas and more dramatic moments lack the technical punch and superb production values we commonly associate with the franchise. Furthermore, considering Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 aren't lacking their cinematics, Persona 3 feels like the odd man out in some regards.

Hello Darkness my old friend.
Hello Darkness my old friend.

That blow to immersion is compounded by losing the ability to walk around and explore environments as you do in any other Persona game. Boiling down the standard exploratory efforts associated with the typical Persona side quest to using a cursor to click on icons leads to some of the more fun and wacky side quests losing their significance in filling in the blanks to the game's mythos. Instead, it makes the modern re-release of Persona 3 all the weirder considering it has these technical shortcomings, while Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 don't. Side quests feel sterile and incredibly by the numbers. I know people love the female protagonist, but none of the extra stuff from FES is in this version, and that sucks. Some people prefer the Desert of Doors to the Abyss of Time, but I'm not one of them. Sure, I will take the more in-depth difficulty options and being able to warp to the top of my last level on Tartarus to these issues. Nevertheless, there was a missed opportunity to provide a truly "authentic" Persona 3 experience with its modern re-release, which I think Atlus squandered.

Finally, it's not like the gameplay flaws and quibbles with Persona 3 have not been known quantities for over a decade. Therefore, leaving them intact for new generations to butt up against is simply cruel. I mentioned how the Ken Amada mod immediately shot to the top of the charts when the PC version of Persona 3 Portable was released. Yet, it's worth reviewing the mod that consistently ranks #1 for the game. The Manual Skill Inheritance mod addresses one of the most reviled parts of Persona 3, fused Personas inheriting randomly selected abilities you cannot manually edit. This annoyance is one Atlus had the wherewithal to remove from Persona 4 with the release of Golden, and it is a groan-inducing roadblock to deal with now. However, maybe it is good that some of the crustier aspects of Persona 3 are still there for some people to experience for the first time. With the number of people self-professing to be "fans" of the works of Atlus at an all-time high, it might be a fun exercise for many people to see how far the Persona team has come in the past twenty years. If you ask me, we are all good as long as the series never attempts to do first-person dungeon crawling again! So, give Persona 3 Portable a shot and enjoy it in all its messy but beautiful glory.

Also, because I'm sick, I'm thinking about replaying The Answer to remind myself why it sucks complete ass.
Also, because I'm sick, I'm thinking about replaying The Answer to remind myself why it sucks complete ass.
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So, what I'm getting from this is that you were an emo kid in high school. There's no shame in it, the mid aughts were a regrettable time to be a teenager. Anyway, what's your favorite My Chemical Romance album?

On topic, I've always preferred P3P to FES, even with the corner cutting. Also, what high-profile JRPG or anime series isn't weirdly homophobic?

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I totally forgot the MMO link was with your teacher. And here I was thinking their creepy portrayal of an adult woman falling for her student, despite the game's first villain being a male teacher assaulting his female students, in Persona 5 was at least one of the few social links that didn't rehash old Persona territory.

I hate to say it but honestly, after reading this and remembering some of those stuff that I probably buried subconsciously, as someone who would put Persona 3 & 4 as some of the best games of all time, I think I come away feeling more bad than good. I mean, I've cried playing these games, but now I just kind of feel like I have some stuff to rethink.

Also, bring back first-person dungeon crawling! Partially for my own nostalgia, but mostly because I suck and want to see how upset that would make everyone!

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Good write-up. Persona 3 FES was my first Persona game, and I sure did love it to death. Played it through one-and-a-half times, then ended up playing the female protagonist on P3P years later another one-and-a-half times (in both "half" play cases I remember getting up to the point where the Sun arcana social link was unlocked, and then losing steam). A great experience both times. I did really hate that the 3D environments had been removed for the portable version, but I at least had the advantage of having already played FES, so I could better imagine what they were supposed to look like.

Also, not for nothing, that P3P opening was friggin' awesome. The most wild thing about it was that they designed it so that you'd watch it right-side up for the male protagonist, but could also flip your PSP upside-down in order to watch the intro for the female protagonist. What a wildly creative and cool thing to do.

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I always loved P3's atmosphere the most out of the three "modern" Persona games. The midnight hour was cool. The protagonist's weird relationship with death was compelling (I have the below wall scroll hanging, and I love everything about it, very much including the homoerotic aspect). And as edge-lord cringe as it may be, I never got tired of characters shooting themselves in the head with their evokers to summon their personas; it was a powerful metaphor that never lost its luster.

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I'll cop to not remembering most of the problematic aspects of the game you describe. At the time I don't think they really registered. And actually, I've forgotten most of the main story altogether. What sticks with me are some of the individual social links. I was particularly fond of the old bookstore couple, Tanaka, and the old monk. P5 undoubtedly has massively improved gameplay, but none of its social links stuck with me in the same way that some of P3's did.

Anyway, I'd like to find the time to play through it again some day. Conveniently I don't really have the time right now, so I can hold out hope that an intrepid modder will somehow meld the FES and Portable portions, like we all wish Atlus had done for the re-release. Seems like a tall order and not likely to happen, but a guy can dream.

FWIW, speaking to your point about everyone liking the first entry they played the most, I tried to play P4 immediately afterward, but a bevy of small annoyances kept me from getting more than about dozen hours into it. I've watched the whole GB Endurance Run since, but never went back and played it myself. I think part of it may have just been fatigue at having recently finished P3, and also that the curtain had been pulled back for me on the underlying mechanics of the social links, etc., so that I was just seeing more of the numbers and it didn't feel as magical and organic as it had for my P3 experience.

Meanwhile, I liked P5 quite a bit when I first played it, but really loved it when I played Royal about a year a ago... more than I originally had, despite the fact that the added ending section felt like the worst kind of retcon. But all the other additions were so good. Taking into account my rose-tinted glasses for P3, P5R is probably my actual favorite, even though that first play of P3FES will always hold a special place in my heart.

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#4  Edited By Undeadpool

I'm also going to chime in as an exception to the rule: I have played Personas 3, 4, and 5 pretty close to all their release times (early in college for 3, toward the end of college for 4, and well into adulthood for 5) and I think 5 is the best of the series owing to what I call the "Don Dohler Effect."

Pointed out by Red Letter Media, filmmaker Don Dohler has made a series of schlocky, INCREDIBLY low-budget horror movies all with the very similar premise of a hostile alien crashing on Earth and terrorizing a community of the most godawful, white trash hicks you have ever met. Almost as if Dohler is trying to get "his movie" just right, and while I can't say that Persona 5 is the most novel or original, I also don't think novelty and originality automatically make something quality or good.

And Persona 5 is, simply for me, the BEST of the games: balancing gameplay, plot, and characters while the previous 2 games (I haven't played 1 or 2 but would really like to just for the sake of completion) do one of those 3 things extremely well while the other 2 things are just "okay" or even outright bad (I think Ken drags the entire characters category in 3 down, he is, as you say, the ABSOLUTE WORST). I think the plot, characters, and gameplay of Persona 5 are the most consistent in the series, and frankly: I think the characters are the best, and that's the most important pillar. Also I heard some maniac say that playing P3 without direct control is the "true way" to play it, because your character is only SORT OF the leader, and the other characters doing their own thing is more "thematically consistent," and that just sounds like the ramblings of an elitist. And I say that as someone who loves IPAs.

Having the male protagonist continuously able to date adult women is fucking weird. It pops up in all THREE (most weirdly casually in 4, of all games) and it's just weird. Maybe Atlus think they're doing a service for the straight, adult male crowd, giving them someone besides teenagers to romance, but that's probably far too charitable a reading, and doesn't fix the problem even remotely. The fact that the MC can date Kawakami illegally (in the game) but not Yusuke (who they REALLY seem to tease the ability to romance without every pulling the trigger on) says a lot about the dev's priorities, sadly. I get there's a cultural disconnect, but this franchise has a massive international audience and wouldn't be where it is without them, so it bears mentioning. It's WEIRD that they literally have a predatory teacher in 5 and then a teacher you can date and that's ""fine.""

I think, unfortunately, a lot of that problematic stuff from 3 is part of that nihilistic, punk-rock, super-edgy aesthetic mentioned, because sadly: you can't JUST take the good parts of pushing the envelope a lot of times, and it's impossible to say what will become mainstream and what won't (though I generally try to think that nothing ages worse than bigotry). And a lot of times "punk-rock" has shitty politics and views, especially towards women, PoC, and LGBTQA+ that hews far closer to the status-quo than any of the fans, or bands, would like to admit.

Didn't mean for this to get so scattershot, but I'm literally just now re-playing the game, and this is the first I've been able to express a lot of this!

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@atheistpreacher: This happened to me too! I played Persona 5 when it came out and liked it just fine, then I played it again when Royal came out and FUCKING LOVED IT (and not just for the additions, even the base stuff resonated way more with me).

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I loved FES but despised my time with Portable. Simply too many cuts of things I enjoyed. I still bought the re-release on Steam though, in the hope that Atlus keep porting their catalogue.

And in the hope that modders will restore the 3D environments, cutscenes etc eventually.

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How did you get on with BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY

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The Persona games are underappreciated for sure. The art, story, and gameplay meld so well; if some described the worlds you would think "pass" or "that woudl never work". However the games actually are super engaging on all levels.

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I saw this just when I was starting my first Persona 3 FES play through in 14 years so I held off reading it until I played more of the game again. You aren't kidding when you say that it takes a while to get going. The first 20 hours are very slow and the game doesn't do nearly as good of a job surfacing how to do things compared to later Persona games. I'm also rewatching the Persona 4 Endurance Run, and it's obvious from it how much easier they made finding Social Links in Persona 4. They also seemed to structure the first 20 hours of 4 a lot more than 3, making it easier to learn the game's loop while also pacing the early parts of the story so you don't just end up grinding day after day for weeks at a time early on with nothing storywise happening. There's also the issue of having nothing to do in the evenings later in the game once you've maxed out your skills and finished the evening social links.

I also forgot just how problematic chunks of this game are and how badly some of it has aged. And it all happens right from the start with the Kenji social link. The beach thing is horrid as is Junpei in general. I haven't played P3P so I can't comment on any of that, but the stuff in FES is already pretty rough.

I'm having fun with the game itself though. Tartarus is weird. At times it feels hugely tedious but once you get to a certain level for each section and you begin cruising through it, it can be kinda fun. I always end up over-leveling for the bosses though, so they are largely not that tough.

But now for the real reason I'm here. We need to take a moment to acknowledge just how bullshit the boss with the roulette wheel is (you know the one. The October boss). I hope they rebalanced it for P3P because it is one of the most infuriating boss designs I've run into. If you die, you have to go through the entire previous day and several scenes of pre-boss dialog again, which takes about 5 minutes. Eventually you get okay at timing the wheel, but it still will take several boss attempts and involve a bunch of wasted time. It's entirely down to chance whether or not you will get the roulette board with status ailments on it. If you get the status ailment board, there's a good chance you can be killed in one turn. On the time I beat this boss, I ended up not getting that board at all and easily beat the boss. It took over 40 minutes to do so though, which sucked. On one of my attempts I got the status ailment board 3 times in a row and died from full health after two successive crits from the boss. I hadn't been beaten by a boss up until that point but died to the roulette boss four times before I finally beat it. Each time I was beaten it was the same thing: the wheel lands on distress or fear causing the whole party to be afflicted with that ailment, then the second shadow attacks and crits the main character twice in a row. Not fun.

Seeing the news that Persona 3 could potentially get remade or remastered makes 100% sense to me. Of all the Persona games, it is the one that has the most obvious issues that need fixing. It sounds like P3P fixed some problems, but the entire game needs to be looked at again with a more modern view since it needs more than just a few more bandaid fixes to make it appealing to people who started with later games.

Oh yeah, and Ken is awful.

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@ben_h said:

Seeing the news that Persona 3 could potentially get remade or remastered makes 100% sense to me. Of all the Persona games, it is the one that has the most obvious issues that need fixing. It sounds like P3P fixed some problems, but the entire game needs to be looked at again with a more modern view since it needs more than just a few more bandaid fixes to make it appealing to people who started with later games.

I hadn't even heard these rumors. More here for others who may be interested.

Boy would I 1,000% play a Persona 3 remake. Would be awesome if the only reason they didn't do the hoped-for blending of P3:FES and P3P is that they had decided they were doing this instead.

My main hopes for it would be that it have the male/female protagonist choice of P3P, and that they don't ditch the evokers. I could see them possibly doing the latter because it's a higher-profile series now and kids shooting themselves in the head is... a little provocative.

I also wonder what they'd do with the music now that Shoji Meguro has departed the company. Do they use all the same music? All new music? Do they get Meguro back on a freelance basis to touch up the old tracks?

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#12  Edited By Undeadpool

The fact that the mere suggestion of a P3 remake has the gatekeeping shitheads in a tizzy makes me want it even more.

Edit: You weren't kidding, the female protag is 1000% better, if for no other reason than you get a badass naginata!

Also not sure this was something added in P3P, but I still get the "barks" about party members or me being "tired," but the actual tiredness affliction doesn't happen until the next day, allowing me to basically clear the entire Tartarus run the first day I go in, since I almost always make enough money to pay the clock to recharge between runs.

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#13  Edited By Ben_H

I just finished off P3 FES. Overall I enjoyed it a ton and it was exactly what I remembered from back in the day. The story and overall theme of the game are still pretty good though I didn't remember just how dark this game gets. That last month is a huge bummer to play. The story overall feels a lot more relevant to me now than it did when I was in high school.

I remembered the last boss being tedious and that certainly still was the case. I made the mistake of trying to fight it at about level 76 or so, which was a massive mistake. After about 2 hours of grinding down its health in the final phase (it probably had about 100 health left. The bar was empty), it charmed Akihiko, who then cast diarahan on it and fully healed it for 6000 health points. A few turns later I gave up and loaded an old save. I levelled up about 10 levels and got all of the fancier personas. That made the boss take less than an hour but was still like 8 hours of grinding I'd rather not do.

In the end, I clocked about 100 hours to finish it. I don't think I'm going to even attempt The Answer. I tried it back in the day but bounced off it quickly (though part of that is because the copy of Persona 4 I ordered arrived at the local game shop so I switched to playing that instead). I am somewhat tempted to try out the new game plus mode since I never did back in the day though I also just installed Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 Royal on my Steam Deck so I'm probably gonna play one of those instead. I'm definitely tempted to give P3P a go at some point though.

@undeadpool said:

The fact that the mere suggestion of a P3 remake has the gatekeeping shitheads in a tizzy makes me want it even more.

Absolutely. The weird purists are just as ridiculous now as they were back when I first played these games over a decade ago. All of the quality-of-life features they added to later games exist for a good reason. The AI teammates are 90% fine/10% awful but the awfulness is so bad that it can ruin the game. They also massively optimized persona fusing in later games and the lack of features make fusing in Persona 3 FES super tedious. Even worse they don't tell you the levels of the quad/quin/hex fusion personas so you can end up rounding up all of the needed personas to fuse only to find out you can't fuse the persona. From Persona 4 onward they directly fixed this problem by listing the name and level of the advanced fusion personas.

Making social links less obtuse would be hugely beneficial for newcomers. It's telling that the accepted wisdom is that to see all of the social links in Persona 3 you have to look up and follow a rigid schedule, and without that schedule you're likely to miss out on entire social links since they're hard to find organically. The game is awful about surfacing that some of the social links exist at all. In Persona 4 onward they are much more forceful about informing you of things and signalling where social links are.

The meat of the game is really good but between some mechanical/pacing issues and some content that has aged horrifically (or was never good in the first place), it's hard to recommend the game to people compared to the later games. If they fix the issues and get rid of the problematic stuff the game could be truly great. The story itself is cool. The characters, especially Aigis, Mitsuru, and Koromaru, are fantastic. The game deserves better than the iffy port of P3P that showed up on modern platforms last year.

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#14  Edited By Ben_H

Welp, an Atlas instagram account just accidentally posted the trailer for the Persona 3 remake titled Persona 3 Reloaded. It looks really good! Linking things from Instagram is a pain but it should be showing up elsewhere soon. It has Xbox stuff on it so it'll show up at the Microsoft event and will be on Game Pass.

edit: Here's a link for it. This video will probably not be up for long:

The female protagonist appears to be gone from the game though this is just a trailer.

If this leads to a Persona 4 remake I'd be thrilled.

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#15 ZombiePie  Staff
@ben_h said:

Welp, an Atlas instagram account just accidentally posted the trailer for the Persona 3 remake titled Persona 3 Reloaded. It looks really good! Linking things from Instagram is a pain but it should be showing up elsewhere soon. It has Xbox stuff on it so it'll show up at the Microsoft event and will be on Game Pass.

edit: Here's a link for it. This video will probably not be up for long:

The female protagonist appears to be gone from the game though this is just a trailer.

If this leads to a Persona 4 remake I'd be thrilled.

Stop cowering behind your throne of lies, Atlus! FEMALE PROTAG OR BUST! PUT IN THE FEMALE PROTAG, YOU COWARDS! And if you can't or won't, I have but one compromise.

Let me gay kiss Akihiko!!! DO IT, YOU FUCKING COWARDS!!!!!

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#16  Edited By AtheistPreacher
@zombiepie said:

Stop cowering behind your throne of lies, Atlus! FEMALE PROTAG OR BUST! PUT IN THE FEMALE PROTAG, YOU COWARDS! And if you can't or won't, I have but one compromise.

Let me gay kiss Akihiko!!! DO IT, YOU FUCKING COWARDS!!!!!

+1 :-D

Early 2024, huh? Excited to see what they do with it. I sure have a lot of questions. About music, about how they might be making the dungeons more interesting, if any of the cast from the original game will reprise their roles, whether evokers are still a thing, the aforementioned question about female protagonist (probably not or they would have shown her?), will it have "the Answer" in some form, are they bringing over social link bonuses from P5, etc etc etc...

EDIT: Y'know, it just occurred to me. Atlus seems pretty insistent about releasing new/definitive versions of these games every damned time. There was P3, P3:FES, P3P, then P4, P4 Golden, then P5, P5 Royal. It seems entirely possible that they are planning to release P3 Reloaded without the FES/Portable content and then add it in to a new edition a year or three later.

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#17  Edited By Ben_H

The music is the biggest question for me. I'm hoping they keep at least some of the music or make new versions of it. All of these Persona 5 players who haven't played Persona 3 need to experience the wonder that is hearing "When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars" for many hours and being baffled the entire time about what any of the lyrics are (that song's a bop though. My favourite song on the soundtrack by far).

Removing the female protagonist sucks but is one way of neatly patching over that glaring icky problem that was her Ken social link. I saw a bunch of people wondering if this was going to be a Persona 3 remake with no FES or P3P content (or maybe just the main part of FES with no Answer content).

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With the female protag potentially gone (come the FUCK ON , Atlus), I'm honestly more excited for the P5 Tactics spin-off.

The musou game was excellent, and I've been on a massive tactics kick lately.

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If the new P3 remake doesn't have FeMC then it's not the ultimate form of the game I've been waiting on and it's useless to me. Was really hoping this game would end the "which version of P3 should I play?" question everyone approaching this series has but I guess we'll continue to have that debate.

@ben_h said:

Removing the female protagonist sucks but is one way of neatly patching over that glaring icky problem that was her Ken social link. I saw a bunch of people wondering if this was going to be a Persona 3 remake with no FES or P3P content (or maybe just the main part of FES with no Answer content).

Maybe I don't remember what you're referring to but if it's just the FeMC romancing someone who's clearly much younger, I don't buy it. P5's whole first dungeon is about a guy who sexually abuses children and most Atlus games have plenty of homophobia that doesn't get removed later. It probably would only take a few line changes to make the Ken/FeMC relationship less extreme. Remember when the Catherine remake doubled down on the homophobia? Atlus loves having glaring icky shit in their games.

FeMC got cut because these games are made by straight boys who can only imagine the straight boy experience and nothing else matters to them.

Also, I'm a weirdo who LOVED The Answer and if that's cut too then wtf are we even doing here?

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@ben_h said:

Removing the female protagonist sucks but is one way of neatly patching over that glaring icky problem that was her Ken social link. I saw a bunch of people wondering if this was going to be a Persona 3 remake with no FES or P3P content (or maybe just the main part of FES with no Answer content).

Maybe I don't remember what you're referring to but if it's just the FeMC romancing someone who's clearly much younger, I don't buy it. P5's whole first dungeon is about a guy who sexually abuses children and most Atlus games have plenty of homophobia that doesn't get removed later. It probably would only take a few line changes to make the Ken/FeMC relationship less extreme. Remember when the Catherine remake doubled down on the homophobia? Atlus loves having glaring icky shit in their games.

Check out the OP for a good summary of the Ken social link stuff. Basically they give the player the option to date/groom Ken, which is super not cool given that he's 10. That's a very different thing than Kamoshida (who is an antagonist character not controlled by the player) in Persona 5 where he's portrayed as both a figurative and literal monster for abusing/grooming students and your goal as the player is to stop him. Games containing difficult subjects like Kamoshida's storyline are not that rare (Yakuza comes to mind. There's quests in those games where it's implied that very bad things are happening or happened to some characters like Makoto in Yakuza 0), but a game giving you as the player the option to groom a kid is very much Not Normal and doesn't show up in games for an important reason.

If you're going to tell us that Atlus has a track record of having icky things in their games, you should probably read the rest of the thread first since that's covered a bunch in the OP and in the replies. We are fully aware of this. This thread is in part about how much these issues stick out nowadays and how it would be nice to see Atlus finally get rid of some of the more glaring problematic issues when doing rereleases since these games are now reaching a much wider audience (especially since they're on Game Pass now) that could be going into these games completely unaware of what's in them.

I hope they keep the female protagonist in the game too. It would be nice to have that option as it's clear that a lot of people care and this choice meaningfully changes the game.

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#21  Edited By MobiusFun

Oops, called out. Yeah I didn't read the OP, I just wanted a thread about the trailer. I'll read it now so I'll stop making bad assumptions. Sorry!

Edit: yeah damn, my previous post looks dumb now. The only thing I really remember about Ken is 1) him killing a guy and 2) all my friends hating him in the fighting game, lol. Ken's not in the trailer either so maybe they cut him too!

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No worries.

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There's no way femprog is gone. Right?


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@mach_go_go_go: I stand by my edited post from yesterday in saying that I wouldn't be surprised if the female main character ended up being future content or in a new edition similar to P5 vs P5R (or P3 vs P3P, for that matter). That would be a very Atlus way to do it.

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It would be really weird to not include her. It's not like they released P3P and then spent all this time pretending she never existed they brought her into spinoffs and even chose P3P of all things as the game to bring to PC for the "Hey remember these games we want to remaster?" releases.

Holding out hope that it'll just be a special reveal down the line.

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Yeah, that's the one thing. They could be saving some details for future reveals. But who knows.

Also, at the Xbox thing they just revealed a new non-Persona game by Atlus made by former Persona team people and they explicitly called out that Shoji Meguro is doing the soundtrack, so he's still working with Atlus in some capacity. Hopefully that means they got him working on the P3 remake or at least are able to use some of the old music.

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There's no way femprog is gone. Right?


What about a themprog?

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Eh. I can't really get excited about remakes these days. I don't need a Persona 3 that looks like Persona 5. It'd be nice if they fixed the transphobic beach scene, but I don't have much faith in Atlus doing that.

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#29 ZombiePie  Staff

@shindig said:
@mach_go_go_go said:

There's no way femprog is gone. Right?


What about a themprog?

The Xbox Showcase also confirmed that they are going with a completely new set of VOs for the new game and I feel... conflicted. Obviously, I understand it would have been a daunting, if not impossible, task to gather to original cast and re-record their lines, and possibly the audio doesn't have the fidelity you want. But man... some of those original voices ARE THOSE CHARACTERS, at least to me.

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If nothing else, this gives me a reason to finish FES. Assuming my PS3 hasn't died to dust.

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@zombiepie: Well I wouldn't have expected to see Vic Mignogna back but a whole new cast is interesting. Union reasons maybe.

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Junpei's VO has pretty much been kicked out of the industry for being a sexual predator, so there's a least one positive in a re-cast.

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@zombiepie: I feel better about that knowing the original (well, P3 Portable) is still available. I never understood / looked into the reason to re-cast Chie in P4G.

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@mach_go_go_go: I think Chie was like... her only credited voice over role so she may have just peaced out by the time Golden was made.

Golden had other cast changes though that I think was because the project was non-union, so maybe a factor there as well.

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@zombiepie: I feel better about that knowing the original (well, P3 Portable) is still available. I never understood / looked into the reason to re-cast Chie in P4G.

From what I read, the original Chie voice actress only did a few video game VA roles then switched to other areas of acting so she wasn't available to voice Chie anymore. The other thing was that her performance was quite different than the Japanese performance whereas the new voice actress's is much more similar in tone and energy.

Whether new Chie is better than old Chie is entirely subjective of course. I just finished P4G and while I found the new VA annoying at first, I eventually got used to her and came around on her performance. I think the new VA's Chie suits the character more. She's perhaps a bit over the top at first but she tones it down as the game goes on and it fits the character well.

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Interesting... so IGN's interview with the producer of P3 Reload confirms that this is a remake of the original Persona 3, so no female protagonist and no The Answer.

They want to avoid cannibalizing themselves to avoid making the recent P3P release pointless to play or they are planning another revision of P3 Reload later down the line like they have with all the other Persona games. Either way ATLUS is exploiting their fanbase similar to what SquareEnix does with FF7.

On the upside, at least their new game from their Project 0 team (ex-Persona guys), Metaphor re Fantazio looks promising, it needs work on the graphics though, looks even worse than P3 Reload IMO, could also be due to their proprietary engine vs Unreal.

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#37  Edited By AtheistPreacher
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There's a whole lot about that article that I don't like.

One, it's very frustrating how wishy washy it is about whether it's a really thorough remake of the content or keeping as much intact and just bringing it up to spec.

And of course, the general misunderstanding of why people have wanted a remake of this game in the first place. We have multiple versions of this game all with strong points and it sure would be nice if we could bring it altogether in one definitive package. This interview at least implies that Atlus says "We hear you, and that's why we're really focusing down on another completely different version of the game."

Just overall they've really taken me from being very excited to "Well I'll play it if I have Game Pass active, I guess."

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#39  Edited By AtheistPreacher
@efesell said:

And of course, the general misunderstanding of why people have wanted a remake of this game in the first place. We have multiple versions of this game all with strong points and it sure would be nice if we could bring it altogether in one definitive package. This interview at least implies that Atlus says "We hear you, and that's why we're really focusing down on another completely different version of the game."

I definitely agree with this 100%. But I suppose I'm also just blithely assuming that they will get there eventually, that there will be a "Royal" equivalent that does have everything. In that sense I'm just not all that worried.

There's definitely a part of me that wants to just not buy the initial version of the game and wait for that definitive version. But realistically, eh, I'm gonna buy it at release anyway. I feel like Atlus has earned the right to exploit me a little. Not only because the modern Persona games have been so good, but because the crazy bastards localized Demon's Souls in 2009. Honestly, think how fucking consequential that was for a quick second and how different the video game landscape might be right now if they hadn't.

So, okay, Atlus. Come at me. I'm an easy mark, basically lying down and exposing my throat to you. Sell me your dumb half-assed P3 remake for full price, only to sell me the "real" one with all the extra content two years later. I'll let you sucker me. Just this once.

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Yeah, I guess I'm an Atlus mark too. This is frustrating, because it feels like an easy win. They bought themselves time to do a full remake of the complete P3PFES experience by putting out P3P so recently, and instead are just going to take all my money. And it is money they'll get I guess.

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I guess coming to Game Pass gives us all a chance to be conned on a discount.