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Disney Mirrorverse Character Wishlist

Another predatory freemium game Mirrorverse might be, but dang if it doesn't have some great redesigns for various Disney and Pixar characters. That in mind, this is a list of who else I'd love to see get added to the game, if only to see what reimagining's they would receive.

List items

  • A longshot, granted, but I've always liked Amelia. She's sexy and cool, and she's already a bit more combat oriented than many Disney characters, so the transition to Guardian would be a lot smoother, I'd think.

  • For Pocahontas, I'd imagine they'd lean into her connection to the wind to make her basically like an airbender, which I'd be fine with.

  • One of my very favorite Disney females, I'd love to see her in Mirrorverse. Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame needs more love in general.

  • Wouldn't make much sense to have Esmeralda without Quasimodo, would it?

  • If we're gonna get Esmeralda and Quasimodo, why not throw in Phoebus too? Besides, Mirrorverse could use another armored, knight hero besides Anna.

  • One of the most underrated Disney villains ever, with a design and background that lend themselves naturally to a game like this.

  • They added Jack Sparrow, why not Davy Jones too?

  • Given the presence of several Incredibles characters already, I'd argue this one has a decent chance of showing up at some point.

  • Another Pixar villain I'd love to see. His reptilian body could go in a few different directions in the Mirrorverse, though I myself would love to see them make him look like a Jurassic Park Dinosaur or something.

  • I mean, they made Snow White into a fighter, why not Aurora?

  • Same thinking as above. Actually a little surprised they haven't added her yet given how she's one of Disney's main poster-kids.

  • With Woody and Buzz already in the game, I feel like Jessie's got a chance of showing up at this point.

  • It would be a playable dinosaur! Who wouldn't want that?

  • Between his staff and his general wisdom, I could really see them going a wizard/sage route with him.

  • Seems like an obvious fit for this sort of game to me, especially with Tiana having also been added to the roster.