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2020 is almost over and I think the only 2020 release I played was the C&C remaster.

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My favorite open source games.

These are/have been my favorite open source games over the years.

Only counting complete open source packages, not source ports requiring proprietary/commercial data to run (Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Descent, C&C/OpenRA, Total Annihilation etc.)

List items

  • Spent years playing this throughout the early 00's.

    A great take on the early Civilization (1 & 2) formula, huge quantity of countries to choose from but little of the overly complicated religion and culture mechanics from Civ V and VI.

  • Originally a commercial release published by Eidos in 1999, released as open source in the early 00's and has seen some fantastic updates and additions over the years.

  • One of my favorite X-COM-likes. It running on the Quake 2 engine sadly means there's no destructible terrain, but I really enjoy its take on the Geoscape portions of the genre, letting you manage lots of bases and installations across the planets as well as having a fairly well tuned difficulty ramp (it still feels very different from Firaxis' XCOM games though, sometimes for the better and occasionally for the worse - cover is harder to come by, and it keeps the classic X-COM mechanic of having fairly narrow vision cones for your soldiers, requiring you to use up movement points to look around you). Absolutely love the soundtrack.

  • This (and its predecessor Nexuiz) does a great job at taking on the Quake 3 Arena format, some really enjoyable weapon designs and levels, though at times it sticks a bit close to its inspiration.

  • A cool Elite/Frontier style space sim. Had the ill-fortuned spinoff Jumpdrive/Paragon, but the core version is a really good take on the Frontier formula with a vast universe to explore.

  • Another arena shooter, not as much a fan of the weapons as in Xonotic, but this one has some incredible mobility instead.

  • Based on the Spring engine, which originally was a port of Total Annihilation.