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Perhaps I after all, did really studied in Khidr Tower..who know😏

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Torchlight Games I've Finished the Fate game by WildTangent did brainchild idea and divide to two path: First path: is this Torchlight by Runic Games, and I would say it's was success as graphics that at last the designer made it good, and the all idea from Fate was untidy, now is good evoloving in maner of player how he like to do, the Second path:...of Exile, by GGG that found in 2006 and just set and did nothing until 2012 when they relase POE, and it's exactly Fate & Torchlight in serious graphics mode, and add ffx sphere grid talent was new thing and different than F&T....Listen I don't want to be detective but even the first trailer video of POE2 was druid transform to Bear! figer

*In the end. the story start from Diablo to Fate and Torchlight to Hellgate: London, and last Path of Exile....really; "What a small world" ... isn't ;)

2011~2019 Torchlight, complete campaign 3x*

2012~2014 Torchlight II, complete campaign 2x***

2023 Torchlight III, Complete it 1x (Forged)

2023 Torchlight Infinite, complete campaign 1x*

List items

  • The idea of effects spells from gems is really cool, and I upgrade my VGA & RAM just to see the full effect of multi gems spell at once, what a cool sight :D

  • To match the talent spell together and use suitable items for class, it just makes the hero undefeated! and the proc fixed will, and more balanced.

  • I wished for a game to be like Diablo with Gazlowe from Warcraft universe! it's like someone heard my wish xD

  • So this is the end of Torchlight :/ wasn't the 2 amazing game! why turn it to this, exactly what happen to Sacred 3! same style fast farm just keep do ton of Damage, anyway as game in mobile was not bad at all it's good, but still so sad about how Torchlight 2 at end turn to this low...

  • I wait it and create account in ARC site, but the game never released, later they change the title to TLIII, and so the online game been cancelled, but so the 3 game wasn't complete in my opinion, and want to give credit to idea of Forge Hero, was neat idea x)