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Perhaps I after all, did really studied in Khidr Tower..who know😏

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Warcraft Series I've Finished

World of Warcraft, Complete

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Complete

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, Complete

World of Warcraft official retirement at wrath gate when the game died at the gate of Icecrown with balance tree spell and PVP, and they start ruins the game and manipulate old story from "cataclysm expansion" till recently. "No logic"and"abandon fact"and "funny excuse"

( "Gromsceam shaman ele", "Doomhammers turan shaman melle"Molten server shutdown -"Gorehowl shaman melle", "Azmodamn fury and arms"server-warmane last login 2018...and another 6 characters.

*I still belive these molten and warmane test server from blizzard company, but they hide it, even the report tickets system was working, and the way the reply exactly like employees GM from offical server game, I can till becouse I played offical wow game in 2004 and 2009 from buddy account.

List items

  • So exciting to see Rexxar adventure, and thrall how to lead the horde, and the Jaina how going to leade the human race. Cleared every dungeon, every raid, every quest, every lore quest, max achievements! but all this time I have been playing, never feeling the impression of Warcraft, don't know why!?

  • Amazing expansion frosty in a cold land, many raids, many dungeons, and the PVP evolve to become high hardcore rank, amazing! 100% cleared The game, dungeons, raids, quest, lore quest, achievements 11000 around that numbers, only I missed the wrathful 2 piece set, and hard mode Ulduar raid + ICC raid 25HC :\

  • More zone more race more cool looking items, with nice art, the game keep advance. 100% cleared the game also dungeons, raids, quest, lore quest, only arena PVP I missed on this expansion :\

  • Disappoint me in the end, they just manipulate the story as they want. and destroyed the talent spell and the PVP balance that evolve from 2004 till 2010...just fussss gone!