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2018 GOTY Predicted

All 2018 Games known as of end of 2017 that I think have a shot at making my 2018 GOTY list, ranked. In other words, all 2018-expected games of interest to me.

Unlisted: Ion Maiden (would rank around 10th).

Games of interest that I expect to release post-2018 (in order of my predicted release date):

  • Strange Brigade [UNKNOWN]
  • Ghost of Tsushima [UNKNOWN]
  • Bayonetta 3 [UNKNOWN]
  • Shadows Die Twice [UNKNOWN]
  • The Last of Us: Part II [2019]
  • Pathfinder: Kingmaker [2019]
  • Iron Harvest [2019]
  • Psychonauts 2 [2019]
  • Shin Megami Tensei V [2020]
  • FFVII Remake: Episode I [2020]
  • Wasteland 3 [2020]
  • Phoenix Point [2020]
  • The New World [2021]
  • Death Stranding [2021]
  • Underworld Ascendant [2021]
  • System Shock remake [2021]
  • System Shock 3 [2021]
  • Star Citizen: Squadron 42 [2022]
  • Cyberpunk 2077 [2022]

List items

  • a good old reliable sequel: a developer I love, a genre I love, an iterative sequel to a game I like quite well, and the improvements here look superb; in many ways it feels like PoE1 was a dry run for this game, which is much more likely to deliver on the full emotional promise of the original Eternity Kickstarted

  • being a Valve game, this practically secures #1 position automatically, and it's also Dota and a card game, both of which I am capable of liking a whole lot under the right circumstances; my 2 main concerns are: will good ingredients make a good dish, and Brad Muir is Project Lead and I have consistently disliked all of his games...

  • theoretically, I really appreciate MH (deliberate combat, highly varied combat styles dictated by weapon choice, resource management and preparation before combat, enemy tells and behavior patterns being crucial to mastery, huge differential between a neophyte and master in competence), though there are some things I don't care for, mainly stylistic or flavor elements (food fetishization, some 'playful' human behavioral animations, uncanny valley animal companion design); this version of MH looks like an ideal entry point for me: PC release for ease of play, especially multiplayer, game is more solo-able than ever (but I'll try both MP and SP), and many quality of life improvements, more immersive game world with far fewer loading screens; if this game clicks for me, it could be top 3 GOTY, but if it doesn't, then it might not make my list at all; what I've seen and read of the beta makes me optimistic that I will truly learn exactly how much I am able to enjoy MH with this game

  • Suda's back in the diretor's chair, though it's a smaller role, since other indie developers are also directing their own mini games; I can't wait to see what Suda's going to do, and the other directors sound promising as well

  • love MGSV gameplay and Fox engine, and the recent SP trailer looked surprisingly good (cool features: resource/ammo scarcity, scavenging and crafting, base building, rescuing NPCs to become base inhabitants, MP and SP progression is shared in various ways); I still fear that the game will be poisoned to some significant degree by microtransactions

  • comparisons to VtMB and exciting; dev has a mixed record (Remember Me, Life is Strange), but more positive than negative; looks janky though, but that's to be expected in any 3D RPG from a small dev

  • don't know anything specific about this, but love the basic concept for Doorkickers and liked that first game a pretty good amount, so an iterative sequel sounds good to me

  • love Valkyrie Profile, so any similarities in a game gets my attention, though here the similarities seem to start and end with the combat system; Lab Zero seems like a great group of people, so I'm happy to support them; art looks very competent, but the appeal is hit and miss

  • don't know any specifics; the first game just didn't click with me, but on paper it sounds great (zombie action-survival, base management, JA-style teammate personalities and perma-death) , so I hope this sequel realizes that promise; I fear that the main addition is going to be multiplayer, which may suck and torpedo an improved SP experience

  • mainly interested on strength of RDR1 and Rockstar's general high quality, as the trailer looked pretty poor

  • hoping for an old-fashioned SP PC FPS in the vein of Half-Life, which Metro 2033 offered; haven't yet played Metro 2034, so being behind dampens my interest in this sequel a bit

  • (Act V, the final episode) no idea of anything about Ep V; mainly just interested in finally playing KRZ since it got such high praise in years past

  • next game form indie studio behind Slain, the heavy-metal sidescrolling action platformer, which appealed to me stylistically; this game keeps the heavy metal and adds Japanese-style late 80s sci-fi, which I'm super into

  • no specifics, just another throwback to old-school cRPGs; inXile's record has been spotty, so my expectations are pretty tempered

  • (concluding eps) had no interest, just minor curiosity, initially, but reviews and buzz have been surprisingly positive so far on early eps

  • next Vanillaware game, 13 Japanese school kids + day of fate/judgement + mechs, character design looks drab, and background art style is kinda appealing and kinda not, but the trailer music was great--very GITS Sac-like

  • I actually really liked the trailer for this--very anime, the FLCL influence shows, kind of hybrid of turn of the millenium and modern anime--especially the visuals and music; don't know anything of the gameplay, and I don't like coffee AT ALL, so this may go bac for me, but that trailer honestly grabbed my interest like few trailers manage

  • turn-based isometric mechwarrior; I hope the SP content is good, as I'm a little concerned by only seeing the game shown off in the context of competitive multiplayer, which I have no interest in

  • this looked quite good, but I don't remember what it is...

  • new mechwarrior with (apparently) a SP campaign; good previews, for whatever a positive preview is worth

  • it's a David Cage game, so I think I generally know what to expect from those now; expecting a kinda of luridly captivating and backwardly endearing disaster

  • (remake) I'm curious more than excited to see how this turns out; not particularly interested in playing SS1 again, even though I like it, since my favorite things about SS1 are how ambitious it was for its era and its atmosphere, neither of which this remake will have, I expected

  • seems like good reception from fans, just another good solid traditional DQ game, some weird feature about being playable in either 16-bit form or full 3D form

  • modern-setting adventure about a murder mystery or something with many characters and endings, some very positive underground buzz

  • from FTL makers; read a preview on PCGamer that made this sound really well-made, deep, rich, and compelling to play, so I'm optimistic that, like FTL, it'll have some brilliant design, high replayability, and a lot of fun synergy of game mechanics

  • eh, I like modern FC gameplay quite a bit (the shooting feels very good), but I'm very skeptical of the story this time around, since it's potentially so sensitive and past stories have been basically all terrible

  • some kind of action-shooter, maybe third-person, in the Front Mission universe, with Yoji Shinkawa as art director

  • next RPG from Tokyo RPG Factory after I Am Setsuna, which struck me as ignorably middling

  • I liked VC 1 moderately; don't know any specifics about this new game; if this one is merely as good as the first, but necessarily without the first's novelty, then meh

  • this looked good, but I don't remember what it is...

  • by THQ Nordic, of which I have a positive impression right now since they seem to be earnestly trying to revive old obscure PG games, of which I think this might be one?

  • Iga's indie debut, art looks quite good, but I've never been into Metroidvanias

  • from Payday dev; Payday-style weapons and objectives, but L4D-style enemies and theme, and more horror; probably revolves around risk vs reward (stay for more loot vs flee to survive)

  • the next RTS from Petroglyph, so I'm mildly interested due to that pedigree; core conceit of custom-crafting a faction sounds pretty novel, but probably not enjoyable

  • don't know any specifics, but presumably bigger and better than the last one

  • anime Dark Souls, but the anime is the super trashy terrible kind

  • undeniable appeal of shooting and running from hordes of zombies in a rural, somewhat openworld setting, but characters and dialogue look awful

  • my interest in TWD is very diminsihed now and I still haven't mustered the interest to play Final Frontier, but my past enjoyment of TWD still makes me a little curious about this wrap-up (but it's gotta be bad, right?)

  • XCOM-like, but with differences; I heard some positive buzz that got me interested, but I can't remember it now

  • a sci-fi actin RPG from Klei, whose Invisible Inc I liked well; that's all I know, that's barely enough to get it on this list

  • looks A LOT like Advance Wars, don't know anything else; I think I heard there are no hero powers; I'm sure it's impossible that this could be nearly as good as Advance Wars, but I have to wonder how close it can get...

  • chunky pixel art, maybe Switch exclusive, action platformer with a grappling hook

  • cyberpunk setting, maybe adventure game, mixes pixel art sprites with rendered backgrounds, kinda stylish look, but also feels like it's trying too hard

  • middling-looking 2D sidescrolling platformer with combat (cool grapple hook though), but also a farming game somehow, artistic style looks so-so

  • chunky pixel art, a bunch of flashy spell effects, action rpg + roguelike, whatever