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1985 Ranked

Not enough people talk about City Connection

List items

  • Mario is a better wizard than Gandalf

  • I want to print a full level of City Connection onto a bomber jacket

  • We can all agree Space Harrier is a menace. Look into your heart and tell me you think the cyclops mammoth deserved it

  • You can spend all day wondering why they replaced all the asteroids with Easter island heads in that one Gradius level, but you'll never understand it. Not even the developers do

  • Arthur is one of the only canon video game never-nudes

  • I've always assumed Paperboy was a fan of NOFX

  • Look at this art. This is the most chaotic aesthetic I've ever seen. It makes Sukiyaki Western Django look like......regular Django

  • If you put every fake video game Bruce Lee in an MMA ring, Yia Ar Kung-Fu Bruce Lee would go down first