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My 2021 Games of the Year

Another year has come and gone. It definitely wasn't one of the best years overall, but in regards to gaming... it definitely wasn't one of the best years overall. I didn't really play that many games in 2021 (or 2020, or 2019). I'm not entirely sure if it was a lack of time or a lack of motivation. All I know is at the end of this year I didn't play too many more games then the ones that are listed below.

I think I'll try to look at this from a better perspective, though. Instead of seeing a trimmed list as some sign of a waning passion for playing games or an excessive amount of responsibilities; I'll look at this as me being more selective of what I play and more discerning. I've definitely put in quite a few hours to each game on this list.

We'll see if 2022's list will be longer than the last few years. It probably won't be, but I can always look back at this write up and try to keep the same perspective.

Okay. Now that I feel better about my gaming habits, let's get to the list.

List items

  • I was a bit on the fence about which of my top 2 games would take the number 1 spot on this list. I may come back to this list later and flip it, but for right now the best game I played in 2021 was Shin Megami Tensei V.

    I really, really liked this game. SMT IV was one of my favorite 3DS games when it came out and SMT V is the evolution of everything that that game was. The turn based combat is the best it has ever been, in my opinion. Battles are stylish and thought-provoking. The overworld is very interesting and cool to traverse. I still really enjoy negotiating with and fusing demons; trying to complete the compendium. Finally, the music is fantastic for the entirety of the game. I'm pretty sure I loved every battle theme in this game.

    I do have a few nitpicks (namely the frame rate and the blurry graphics) but they are just that - nitpicks. I really, really liked this game. It wasn't the best year for a lot of people, but at least Shin Megami Tensei V came out - my favorite game of 2021.

  • Monster Hunter World was a fantastic game that I had quite a bit of fun with when it came out. When Monster Hunter Rise was announced for the Switch, I was cautiously optimistic. It looked like quite a bit of fun, but I did think it would be a step back from World (it was a Switch exclusive initially). Now as I'm writing this list, I can say that I was definitely wrong.

    Monster Hunter Rise is probably my overall favorite MH game. It doesn't look quite as good as World, but it makes up for it by updating the gameplay and making great changes to the formula. I think it's just more fun to play.

    The wirebug and Palamute are excellent additions to the formula. Moving around those environments is quick and fun. You get into (and back into) the action so quickly.

    I really like the changes they made to the weapons. The Hunting Horn is now a viable weapon for me to use... and I loved it. It's probably my second go-to weapon after long sword.

    Overall, Monster Hunter Rise is just an excellent game that I was happy to play in 2021. Hopefully Sunbreak is just as excellent.

  • Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is another Ratchet & Clank game, and that's a pretty great thing in my opinion. It doesn't change up the formula in major ways, but I think that it's honed that formula to near perfection.

    Ratchet is fun to play, plain and simple. The gunplay is frantic and engaging. The platforming isn't too taxing and is enjoyable. The characters are quirky and likeable. Everything that's great about this series is in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart and that's perfect for me.

    And it looks amazing!

  • Ace Attorney has been a pretty reliable series for me. I haven't played every game in the series, but the ones that I have have been enjoyable at the least and the best games of their year on some occasions. The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is one of the latter and it might be one of my favorites.

    GAAC introduces a lot of great things to this series. The Herlock Sholmes sections are fun and intriguing. The jury system adds a new wrinkle to the original series' formula which I really enjoyed. I also liked the new characters (Herlock Sholmes, Susato and Barok van Zieks being stand outs for me).

    The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is an excellent game and is definitely one of the best games that I played in 2021.

  • Disco Elysium was a game that I missed when it was first released on PC. With the Final Cut, it's finally come to consoles and I've finally played it... and I really enjoyed it.

    The characters in this game are so interesting. How they interact with your character, and how they present themselves to the world; there is a lot there. The dialogue is amazing, really. It's something I haven't seen in games before.

    The world is bleak but beautiful. I enjoyed exploring it and finding new people and new situations.

    Disco Elysium is a great game and I should probably do another playthrough as the most toxic detective that I can be. Maybe one day.