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Playing FF7 Rebirth is giving me the Bad Thought of replaying other FF games.

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  • majormitch posted a new image.
  • majormitch posted a new blog.
    2023: Ranking the Rest

    Every year, we all gather to make our contractually obligated “Top 10 Games of the Year” lists. Also every year, many of us play well more than 10 video games. So what of the rest of them? The ones th...

  • majormitch posted a new image.
  • majormitch posted a new image.
  • majormitch posted a message in the forum topic Mento's 2023 End of Year Old Game, Blog, and Anime Round-Up Rodeo (Plus Alpha). on the General Discussion board

    Thanks for letting me know that Dark Souls randomizers exist. Now I need to play more Dark Souls, and I do not have time for that shit.Joking aside, fun list and great write-ups, as always. You're a b...

  • majormitch followed Manburger .
  • majormitch posted a message on the post Top 10 of 2023.

    Cool list! A lot of games I liked on here as well. I probably do need to check out Hitman's Freelancer mode one of these days though...

  • majormitch posted a message in the forum topic Data Dump: GOTY 2023 Staff & Guests Breakdown. on the Giant Bomb Game of the Year 2023 board

    As a fellow appreciator of data, thank you for your service.

  • majormitch created a list GOTY 2023.