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    Army of Two

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Mar 04, 2008

    Army of Two sets players as two metal clad "mercs" in the modern day Iraq war. Co-op tactics, swift maneuvers and upgraded weapons are necessary to fulfill your contracts and get paid.

    dimsey's Army of Two (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for dimsey

    There are some issues, but it's a fun Co-op game nonetheless.

    So EA's Co-op shooter after some delay has finally came out.
    Was it worth the wait? Yes and no.

    It's a good game, of that you can be sure.
    As a Co-op fanatic, this game is heaven.
    That it can be played Splitscreen is a plus.
    Lots of games add online multiplayer nowadays whilst neglecting splitscreen.
    Some of us want to play with friends in the same room.
    Some of us aren't willing to purchase an extra 360 and two of every game we want to play to accomplish this goal.
    So yeah, splitscreens a welcome addition.

    It plays remarkably like Gears of War, it just doesn't feel quite as tight unfortunately. Everything from aiming to the cover system just feels that slight bit looser then it does in Gears. It may take some getting used too, but once you do, well you just wont notice after a while.

    Theres a decent amount of weapons customization there.
    New stocks, barrells, ammo clips, front mounts and more.
    I love customizing stuff in games but there is one particular weapon upgrade that annoys me here.
    'Pimping' your weapn. Getting it all black, gold, jewel encrusted and stuff.
    It's just lame. I'd expect the 'pimping' schtick in any other EA Game.
    Madden perhaps, Basketball certainly, Need for Speed you betcha but come the heck on. This is a military shooter.
    Any 'pimping' is too much pimping as far as I'm concerned.
    On the otherhand I'm sure theres a whole host of people that welcome this sort of customization so I guess I can't blame them on that front.

    The major concept displayed in the game is that of Aggro, taken from the same general concept thats used in MMORPGs in which one guy will lure enemys and take the punishment whilst the other(s) bombard the enemies with whatever they've got.
    Similar here.
    You can often just play the game like you would any other tactical shooter.
    Run and gun between cover until you've taken your enemies down.
    However some enemies are armored and attacking them from the front is futile, so in this instance you or your partner will want to 'get aggro' by shooting at him, basically - some weapons have more aggro gaining potential then others too - so whilst you or your partner is shooting at him to get aggro, the other will want to sneak behind him and blast him in the back where he's vulnerable.
    It's a simple concept, but it adds a little bit of variety into otherwise standard tactical shooter fair.

    I couldn't go into major detail. I'm not a graphics buff.
    I don't know the various terms.
    But it's an attractive enough game.
    Visually and also audibly.
    The voice acting is good and the back and forth between Rios and Salem is great and occasionally hilarious.

    Theres a couple of major problems, however.
    It's quite short.
    My brother and I finished it in just over 10 hours I believe.
    And the finale is somewhat disapointing. The final boss if there is such a thing, was easy - in the heat of battle I wasn't even able to differentiate him from random foot soldiers. Thats how easy he seemed to go down.
    And one of the games major characters, near the end - attacks you in a helipcopter with a gattling gun.
    This seemed like a good set up for a REAL final boss fight.
    Dude in helicopter with big gun.
    Plenty of cover to be had on the roof top.
    Him being in a helicopter also would've meant lots of running between cover as well, it could've been something challenging.
    Instead we get a cutscene. Thats all.
    If nothing else, there was enough set up that if the game does well enough a sequel isn't out of the question and I hope there is.

    Because despite being short, this was a great game.
    Just needs a little fine tuning and I hope it gets the treatment it deserves.
    Again, theres not enough good games out there available for Co-op players, particularly those of us who enjoy splitscreen.

    Give the game a rent at least and if you enjoy it I implore you to by it.
    Theres very few Co-op games that come close to being this fun.

    Other reviews for Army of Two (Xbox 360)

      A game that tries a little too hard to focus on co-op 0

      Army of Two is one reminds me of one of those B-rated action movies. You have Rios, a battle-hardened soldier who looks like he's seen enough death in his lifetime, and Salem, a young spunky kid who's every other word is "bro" They start off in the army and figure out that mercenaries make a shit-load more money and apparently get to choose their own missions. This of course leads to them joining a PMC (Private Military Corporation) where they get to wear masks and pimp out their guns.  This of ...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      Solo sucks. Get a buddy. 0

      Unlike most people I never played this game solo. Form the offset I had a good friend rock it out with me. My friend and me share a friendship much like the one set up in the game. That said... this game is made for two players. The co-op is awesome but a tad lacking. You fell like they need to keep at it and they will have an amazing gem on there hands. That said the gun play is "ok" to say the least. Its just not as hard hitting as you would like and the guns sound a little weak. At the same p...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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