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Giant Bomb News


Jeff On Bonus Round, Round Two

The second part of my four-part stint on GameTrailers' Bonus Round is now available.

Does including a picture of myself here make me a bad person?
Does including a picture of myself here make me a bad person?
Quick pointer, in case you missed it.

The second part of the four-part episode of GameTrailers' Bonus Round is now live over at GT. Watch me talk games with Shane Satterfield, Geoff Keighley, and Michael Pachter.

In case you missed the first installment, you can find it here.

The sections are posted weekly, so expect part three to be posted on Sunday.

Oh, and if you're interested in seeing the back of my head, it's in GameTrailers' Sony booth tour from TGS '08! The back of my head sure gets around... in a good way, I mean!
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+