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Giant Bomb News


See MAG In Action

Sony's 256-player online combat action thing looks pretty bad-ass.

When it was briefly mentioned during E3 last year, I wasn't quite sure what to think of MAG, the "Massive Action Game" that Zipper has been working on instead of a proper sequel to SOCOM. 256 players just sounds like one of those pie-in-the-sky numbers that doesn't make sense when you apply it to a primarily peer-to-peer network. But the brief tidbits of information were certainly enough to put it pretty high on my list of "things I wish I knew more about."

Today, a few more reports are creeping across the Internet from people who have gotten their hands on the thing at a recent Sony event. It sounds like it's pretty bad-ass. If you're at all interested in important first-person shooters with new and exciting online action, you'll want to check this stuff out. First, here's the new video: 


And there are a couple of hands-on reports you should also check out from Joystiq and Destructoid if you want to know more about how the game will actually work.

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+