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    Dark Void Zero

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Jan 19, 2010

    A faux-retro prequel to Dark Void. Pixelated jet-packs abound in this 8-bit side-scrolling shooter for the DSi, PC, and iPhone.

    kalmis's Dark Void Zero (PC) review

    Avatar image for kalmis
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    • kalmis wrote this review on .
    • 0 out of 0 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • kalmis has written a total of 110 reviews. The last one was for Lume

    They still make 8-bit games in year 2010

    Dark Void was a allegedly a disappointing Xbox 360/ PS3 game that I really don't know much about. Other than it has jet-packs and that the game is not really  good. This game: Dark Void Zero is a spin-off of this "main game" that started off as a Aprils fool. Originally got released as DSiware and now later on Steam and iPhone versions have been released. My chosen version of Dark Void Zero is Steam on PC.

     Take that you bug-thing!
     Take that you bug-thing!
    You take charge of Rusty, a military expert who is sent to close alien portals, The Void and save the mankind. Everything in the game follows a 8-bit look and feel. Graphics follow simple late 80's 2D look, not like current 2.5D games but really two dimensional graphics what NES delivered. In fact in start of the game there is a NES cartridge that needs get blown-in for game to work. Sound is chiptune music for that particular era.

    Of the three versions: DSiware, iPhone and this Steam version the controls are worst since keyboard is to be used. There is a game-pad support for this version which probably would make it easier. Game consists of only three chapters with a boss fight in the end. Each chapter follow Metroidvania style platform/shooting combination. Task is to find a key card to unlock the last door in the level. In mean time shooting and avoiding lava lakes and so on. Level design is well done and progression is well guided. Despite the first level that has some back tracking. There are also 100 energy thingies to be collected and secondary quests on each level.
     UFO The Band 1987
     UFO The Band 1987

    Dark Void Zero can be easily be finished in a hour if you are skilled. Although three different difficult levels, Steam achievements and leaderboard scores add good amount of length. Despite this one is left wanting more after the game. Good thing about the game, except for the solid 8-bit platform game play is that this is netbook friendly and at £2.99 doesn't really hurt your wallet.

    Other reviews for Dark Void Zero (PC)

      Due to a few oversights, the PC port of this game teeters on unacceptable. 0

      I'd precaution that I don't think this game is a bad game, I just can't recommend this version.I bought this game in a sale a while ago and am just playing it seriously now. If you have any interest in this game, and if you own any Nintendo handheld from the DSi onward, buy that version instead. I haven't played the DSiware version, mind you, but from videos of gameplay I figured the PC version would be somehow better in it least resolution, but a better look at the graphics here only serve to t...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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