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    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Mar 10, 2009

    MadWorld is an artistically stylized over the top action game for the Wii created by Platinum Games. The main character, Jack, must compete in a kill or be killed TV show called Death Watch and gains points for the most brutal kills he can pull off.

    kalmis's MadWorld (Wii) review

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    • Score:
    • kalmis wrote this review on .
    • 0 out of 0 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • kalmis has written a total of 110 reviews. The last one was for Lume

    Am I too old for this?

    Sega had high expectations for Madworld. Madworld can be bought in most UK game outlets for a less than a tenner. For such high profile game as Madworld this is a low price. Unfortunately it represents the overall quality as well.
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    Madworld falls under beat-em up category. The violence is extreme and more creative and brutal one is the more rewards are given. Creativity can be shown by creating kill combos such as piercing a traffic sign or two through opponents head and gorging the body with anything sharp. Levels are divided in to small parts of islands. Each level having a point limit that unlocks a end level boss. Gory challenges and mini-bosses are spread through the levels. Despite this after couple of levels the game-play starts to taste like wood, to use a fine Finnish description for boring. 
    Characters and the game world are presented in stylish black and white fashion.  Only additional color being blood red which splashes everywhere from the constant slaughtering. Visually Madworld is impressive and I would like to see more games using such a cool look. Unfortunately the visuals don't save the game-play.

    On the soundtrack part I can not say anything since its rap music and I can not stand rap music. 

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    For the story part I was really pleasantly surprised. Game starts with a  Running Man modern day Gladiator type of plot that develops to a deeper political threat. While still keeping the brutal slaughtering justified. Could have even have more of that, story that is.

    In many ways the story and sleek visuals reminded me of Killer 7. Which in the end changed me to like it but after Madworld I can not say enjoyed the experience.  Luckily for me the game is not too long. Creating a mature game for Wii with shocking violence for the sake of it is just not enough.  

    Other reviews for MadWorld (Wii)

      MadWorld: It Tries, But Not Enough for An A for Effort 0

      Perhaps I came into MadWorld with the wrong expectations. Although it's the first game to be released by PlatinumGames, I had hope that it would be enjoyable given the developer's pedigree. After all, many of the prominent members worked for Capcom's Clover Studio, who happened to produce several games during the last generation I still remain fond of to this day. I thought that with that experience behind it, MadWorld couldn't go especially wrong, even if it was experimental to some extent. To ...

      13 out of 15 found this review helpful.

      See you in Hell, Jack! 0

      MadWorld is a game that I've been following for quite a while, and my general anticipation for it has been fluctuating all along. A first glance suggested that it would offer tons of style and personality, yet it remained to be seen how the gameplay would back up that initial impression. The result simultaneously hit all my hopes and fears, as MadWorld has a great presentation, but lacks the substance to have any lasting appeal.The main thing that MadWorld lacks is pure content. This is a crimin...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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