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GOTY 2014

2014 was an overall disappointing year for video games. A lot of games that got a lot of per-release hype in 2013, became huge disappointments when finally released this year. So much so, that a short list can be made:

1. Assassin's Creed: Unity

2. Titanfall

3. Destiny

4. Watch Dogs

5. The Crew

6. The Sims 4

And I could go on. But I'm not saying anything that most people don't already know, so without further ado, here is my hard thought out list of best games for 2014.

List items

  • In terms of big releases I've played, this game was one of the few that didn't let me down in terms of what the game promised. It's also a great game in it's own right. While the storyline ultimately wasn't anything special, the gameplay more than made up for it. The battles against the Uruk army was great fun and became the focus of the game's strength.

  • Like Mordor above, the new Dragon Age is another game that delivered on its promises. All the things that made the series popular in the first place is back and enhanced. While I was one of the few whom liked Dragon Age 2, I can see why many didn't and for them this game is a return to greatness.

  • I know this game wasn't originally released in 2014, but it was updated for current game consoles and the PC. The game is just as great as it was. Sleeping Dogs is definitely one of the best sand box games ever released and if you missed out, now is the time to play it.

  • Dark Souls II was a great sequel to a great game. It has better combat, an interesting story that you'll uncover, and great boss battles, which is what the series is known for. While some will argue that the original Dark Souls was harder, one can also argue that the slightly weaker controls were part of the reason.

  • While not as groundbreaking as the multiple GOTY award winning first season, season two successfully continued the storyline of Clementine. They also added new characters that were equally interesting as the ones in the first season and really pulled me into the story, all the way until its powerful conclusion. The choices one made also had a lot more impact than in season one, especially during the climax. Can't wait to see how Clementine's story concludes in season three.

  • Far Cry 4 is pretty much more of what made Far Cry 3 great and that's a good thing. And while the villain isn't a popular as the one in 3, he's equally as interesting, but for reasons you'll discover by playing the game.

  • It's another Call of Duty, but with great graphics showing the possibility of how war in the not-so-distance future will be. Oh, and Kevin Spacey as the main villain. Enough said.

  • As a person currently gaming mostly on the PC, I missed this game when it came out on the PS3. However, Sega was kind enough to release a PC version in late 2014 and the game lives up to the hype. It's easily one of the best RPG tactical based games to get released in years, and Sega did an excellent job porting it. Square-Enix can learn from them about porting RPGs. Anyway, here's hoping Sega releases 2 and 3 on the PC in 2015.

  • It seems like whenever there is a next big step in the Lego games in terms of quality, they showcase them first in a Lego Batman game. Needless to say, this game is easily the best game in the Batman series of Lego games and possibly the best Lego game overall.

  • While clearly not given the same budget as the first two big Borderland games, the Pre-Sequel still stands alone as a great game. It plays as solid as ever, and the storyline does a good job filling in the gaps between both major entries. Given that this game makes Destiny look bad by comparison is just a testament to how disappointing 2014 was for so called big releases.