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Best of 2010

Ben_H: Best of 2010

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  • This game is easily my number 1. I care about way more about gameplay than story, and SC2 has some of the best RTS gameplay in a loooong time (And I've played RTS's for over 11 years). Also, psionic storming a bio-ball into oblivion will never, EVER get old.

  • This game was quite an experience. I found it incredibly fun and the setting worked incredibly well. On a rating of 1-10 of how satisfying the shotguns were to use I would say a 10.

  • Though not as good as it's predecessor (I ONLY have spent about 45 hours on it so far), Civ5 lives up to the expectations of the series and the new additions to it work quite well.

  • I played this a ton until StarCraft 2 came out. It improved on SFIV in a number of appreciable ways and was quite fun online to boot.

  • The only FPS of 2010 I played, but also the only FPS of 2010 that I wanted to play. The singleplayer was okay but the multiplayer is fantastic. People actually work as a team once in a while. On a rating of 1-10 of how satisfying the shotguns were to use I would give this an 8.

  • This game makes me feel like I'm 8 again. It's awesome.

  • This game also makes me feel like I'm 8. Good ol' Nintendo.

  • Because sometimes you feel like causing yourself just a bit more mental anguish.

  • It makes me feel like I'm 6 playing SNES with my cousins. You win again Nintendo.