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2022 Games

Games I plan to play:

  • 2021 leftovers
    • Tales of Arise (PC) - got!
    • Shin Megami Tensei V (PC) - doesn't run that smooth... will hold out for proper PC port.
  • Frostpunk 2 (PC) - didn't release
  • Soul Hackers 2 (PC)- got!
  • Elden Ring (PC)- got!

List items

  • (PC)Masterpiece of a game that was able to remove most of the downsides of open world games, though it still suffered from being too long and having copy/pasted enemies and zones. This made the later half of the 130hr play-through a drag. Would have been significantly better experience if the catacomb areas were removed entirely. I can appreciate the game, but I hope its a one and done for FROM and doesn't spawn more open world sequels.

  • (PC) Finally moving away from the in-house engine, Bandai has given us a fresh new entry in the Tales of series. I've tried a few titles in the past, but I didn't get far in any aside from Vesperia which was just leagues ahead. Arise... is even better. Great characters, environments, visuals, and of course the usual fluid battle system. The length was perfect too, at around 45 hrs for main game, and another 5 for postgame content. Shionne best waifu.

  • (PC) Heaven or hell baby! This game is the best fighting game I've played, because of how much more accessible it is. You don't have to learn 20+ input chain combos or be adept in more advanced techniques to have fun, online or offline.

  • (PC) Solid game overall, but couple weaknesses: (1) item "hints" that show up on the border of the screen were terrible at pointing in the correct direction and overlapped with enemy indicators, (2) not that scary, and (3) requires modding to restore original WiiU outfits... when PC gaming needs to be censored more than a WiiU... the future. (PC)

  • (PC) I bought this in 2018 during a sale, but played it for first time this year. Sadly the online was dead so I moved over to Strive

  • Probably the easiest and most accessible SMT, not that it's a bad thing. The story was.. different... and I mean that in a negative way. Though it has some notably interesting characters which compensates for it somewhat. Overall, a decent SMT title.

  • (PC) On the plus side, Ringo is one of my favorite characters in all of SMT. The other supporting characters are alright too i guess. But aside from that, the environments and dungeons are uninspiring. They took the designs from the 90s games and just made it 3D and third person. Like its all clearly just a grid systems with gray walls and no objects. The story was also on the weaker end. I'm happy Atlus gave attention to this series again, and gave a proper PC port on day one... but hopefully they put more love in the details next time.

  • (PC) Bought on sale, short and fun. Looked great on my steam deck

  • (PC) Jank, corny, stupid b-tier fun. Goku's voice actor makes it even more hilarious.

  • (PC) Bought on sale, finished in 3 days. Was enjoyable.

  • (PC) Solid game. Never played the original. Didn't particularly enjoy the puzzle aspects, especially the ones that were bugged and required reloading earlier saves to resolve. (PC)

  • (PC, Emulated) Eh. While the map design was better, the fluff they added between was extremely repetitive. They should have switched up the formula more after the timeskip so the "school" aspect didn't become such a monotonous ordeal. That or cut the game in half honestly.

  • (PC) Oof. This was a rough one. It starts off super interesting with seemingly complex systems. Then you get to a very difficult mission all of a sudden, grind side missions for days, beat it, and then the rest of the main game is simple to the point its just another grind! No new mechanics get introduced either.