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don't let the little fuckers generation gap you

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2024 Games

1. Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo 3/5

2. Mass Effect: Andromeda

3. American Arcadia (3/5)

4. Dragon's Dogma 2 ()

5. Between Horizons ()

6. Fallout 3 (5/5)

7. Kathy Rain (3/5)

8. Fallout 4 ()

List items

  • Pretty good adventure game with a pretty good twist in the story. 4/5

  • continuing to tinker around with this.... it really isn't still deserving of the early negative reputation. Definitely a perfectly decent game to play in 2024.

  • Engaging fugitive meets Truman show. Worth a play through. 4/5

  • Intriguing premise and set up but am finding it hard to sustain interest given the slightly lacklustre game play. I may keep pushing through on this one because I can see how it could turn out to be worth it.

  • Playing on Steam Deck. Still amazing to consider the scope of this game, and what it achieved in so many ways considering when it was released and to what platforms at the time. This still holds up

  • I quite enjoyed Kathy Rain. If you have anything at the level of passing interest or greater in old style PC adventure games then this is worth your time. It isn't overly long and while some of the puzzles are a little obtuse, that's the charm isn't it? Also... the internet exists so you'll be as stuck as long as you want to be. 3/5

  • Fun on steam deck. Playthrough number 4