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  • 2002 / PS2 / Action-Adventure

    At the time it came out, there was no other game that could offer you an experience like GTA Vice City could. Apart from its predecessor (GTA 3), it offered a fully open world in a way gamers couldn't even imagine.

    The game is full of fast cars, cool bikes and ruthless criminals with a full pack of action for you to enjoy. The story was a big upgrade from the previous game, the era that it was set in (the 1980s) is a really engaging idea. you play as Tommy Vercetti, a gangster who's just finished a 15-year stint in prison. Once he's out his bosses send him down to Florida's Vice City as the point man for some new operations.

    While Vice City is a better title than its predecessor, it does lack a lot of the surprise and discovery of the first title, at least in terms of design. Still, the few additions they've made make Vice City a better experience.

  • 2005 & 2023 / Survival-Horror

  • 2004 / PS2 / WRPG

    This was the perfect storm for me: my favorite franchise ever having a turned-based RPG (right after I'd just played Final Fantasy 9 for the first time and it became my favorite genre) telling the story of the movies from the point of view of a few nice side characters.

    The game was easier to get into than the other turned-based RPGs, especially compared to the Japanese ones. Having a bunch of characters that everybody knew from the movie trilogy and could relate to care or not to care. It wasn't received as well as I expected, but for me, it was something special. I've beaten this game probably three or four times, and it thought me so much, it helps me become a better turned-based player after I struggled to beat any of the JRPGs that I loved.

    In my opinion, the Tolkien medieval world is the best ever, and this game is the best one based on it. So it's a done deal for me, I love it!

  • 2017 / PC / Metroidvania

    Steamworld Dig 2 greatly improves on the first game. It's a newcomer-friendly Metroidvania with tons of exploration, amazing art style, and great music. For any fans of 2D action-platformers, I would highly recommend giving this game a try.

    You follow the journey of Dot, in search for Rusty, the main character from the first game, who is missing for some time. The loop is to dig down, find different types of ore, sell them back in town, to help the town evolve, and use the money you get for buying upgrades. Then there's the other part that is finding new upgrades/abilities hidden in caves through your journey, opening new opportunities to traverse (the Metroidvania part).

    The game has incredible balance, you always feel the fast-travel points and the upgrades come right at the time that it was needed. Don't sleep on this gem.

  • 2019 / PC / FPS

    When PUBG first came out, I loved it. Played it for 100+ hours, but didn't think it was game of the year material. Then I pretty much hated every other BR game that came out after that, I hate the building in Fortnite and I thought it was way too hard to kill in Blops 4 (and FPS is the genre I played the most in my life). The reason I didn't stick to PUBG for another year, was that I don't like the 3rd person camera, makes it possible for people to see you without you see them, and the FPS servers are not as popular, at least here. Then Apex Legends came along, it takes away the frustrating part of some matches of PUBG that are 20 minutes of looting while getting an unfair circle. For a concept of 20 minutes for a whole match, at most, and making the mobility so great that you can work around the death circle much better, as well as increasing the ceiling of skill to the game. The sliding mechanic opens up the opportunity to so many escapes and outplays, it's so cool, the game is a house of highlights to be made and posted on social media.

    The reason I didn't give the game five stars, is the loot box system. I know the game is free and all the microtransactions are just cosmetics, but I already played about 105 hours of the game and only unlocked 1 skin per legend, basically. The game should give a few incentives, making it easier for you to earn loot boxes, like making daily quests. There's also a couple of weapons that are way too useless, in a game that has loot everywhere, it's kind of weird to never see someone using them.

    I love the legends, how each one of them has a different personality and can be useful in a special circumstance during the match. Some might be better on an open field while others thrive in the middle of houses. The map and the number of players came out perfectly, in my opinion. It's a great middle ground for people to see how it feels and what they like or don't like. The squads of three fits with the legends working together, I feel like 4 would be too many. They can now go from here and decide if it's worth to go bigger and/or smaller on map size and player per match, trying to keep the game as fresh as they can. That's the word that describes Apex Legends the best, fresh. It's just a refreshing First Person Shooter. What an experience.

  • 1999 / PC / Strategy

    In my town, every time you had a problem with your PC, and you had to send it to a store so someone could fix it, they would send you back with a package of games installed. And one of these games was Age of Empires 2.

    I was a simple guy, I see some medieval sh*t, I'm buying it. So the PC came back with games installed and one of them had a logo that was a helmet of a Knight? I'm in.

    That's how I became a fan of the franchise, it was so intriguing to play what was supposed to be different historical moments in different eras of society.

    I was never that good on strategy games, but I never really cared. I had so much fun making gigantic armies, after hours of preparation and finalizing with an enormous clash between the two sides. It was one of my favorite feelings in video games.

  • 2011 / PS3 / Action-Adventure

    The third game in the Uncharted series takes an extra step towards amazing action games that don't care to look like a completely over the top popcorn action movie while being awesome. I thought the second game was way better than the first one, improving in every level, and I think the third one is slightly better than its predecessor, keeping the trend upwards.

    The game keeps delivering on the crazy moments, amazing visuals and incredible graphical detail. Again, having a great villain - like the second game - they keep up the same formula in a way that doesn't make me mad not even a little. You follow Nathan Drake and his partners while they discover some old hidden clues to a place nobody has ever seen, while the bad guys want something from that same place. The shooting is the same, as is climbing, but the puzzles... Oh, man! The puzzles, they're some of the best and well-paced puzzles I can remember in any modern video game. It's incredible. They're not as easy as the ones from previous games and are so creative, you have to pay more attention to solve them. I loved it so much!

    At this point, if you kept going through the series you know what you'll get, and you probably are familiar with the characters, I think they hit their high point here. Not sure if the writing got better or they just changed by choice, but man this game has some amazing dialogue. The soundtrack is still good, the graphics are still impressive. The only knock I have against this game and it's what would make me not give this a 10/10, is that you'll have more fun if you play it on Easy. Just like the previous games, there are some frustrating gunfights that put you constantly on bad spots, against RPGs, armored enemies, and the usual trouble. I loved how they implemented that new arc to throwback the grenades, it's a pretty nice mechanic that adds another layer of skill for the player.

    Nathan is still the luckiest and the fittest human ever, his crew is still one of the best in video games and you have to play this.

  • 1993 / SNES / JRPG

    Maybe the game that surprised me the most. I didn't expect to enjoy this game as much as my favorite RPGs of the SNES era. But with the way it looks, for a SNES game, especially during battles, having a different point of view, trying to show the real size of every character and monster, was an instant hook.

    The variety of the mechanics on the world map, changing with each character you have, was so creative and intuitive. Another really great thing is the progression, the sense of constant change in a positive way every time you discover a new Fusion or a new Ryu transformation. You just can't wait to see what your new forms can do in battle.

    The story is good enough to make this one of the best RPGs of the SNES.

  • 1996 / SNES / Platformer

    A game that is kind of overlooked, because it came to the SNES after the PSone and the Nintendo 64 were already out, so it was really hard to impress people. But I got it before moving on and gave it proper recognition. It was the game in the series that I played the most, I loved the overworld view with the different types of boats.

    I know my opinion is unusual (saying 1 and 3 are better than 2), but since I wasn't caught up on the next gen yet, for living in a place where things come late, I really think it was overlooked and underrated.

    I didn't find this one as hard as the previous 2 also, what might be a big reason why I remember so fondly of it.

  • *Including Emerald*

    2002 / GBA / JRPG

    The games in the 3rd generation of Pokémon had a couple of new things compared to its predecessor. But most of it, it was still a traditional Pokémon trainer journey.

    You choose to play as either a boy or a girl, name your character, and then set out on a lengthy adventure as you attempt to become the greatest Pokémon trainer in the world. Along the way, you'll visit a number of different towns, compete against their top Pokémon trainers, talk to a bunch of different people (many of whom give you stuff), fight wild Pokémon on land, on the sea, and underground, race around on a bicycle, surf on a Pokémon's back, and more.

    Though the majority of Pokémon battles are one-on-one affairs, there's the occasional opportunity to engage in a new tag-team bout, with four different Pokémon (2v2) duking it out simultaneously. These are quite fun and allow for some interesting strategies, and unfortunately, they aren't nearly common enough. If you want to take a break from all the Pokémon thrashing, you can now put your prized critters through a series of best-in-show events, where they'll appeal to the crowd using their various moves. This is a pretty good new feature, and while there isn't much point to it since it isn't part of the story and it doesn't yield much of a reward, it's still something to pass the time.

  • #101

    2014 / PC / Action-Adventure

    Shadow of Mordor was one of the biggest surprises in video game history. An action hack & slash game with the Lord of the Rings license, telling a side story, getting huge amounts of praise from the industry? What!?

    Everybody expects this type of game to be full of gimmicks and have a bad story to tell. Sure, Shadow of Mordor has that, a story that doesn't grab you and some fan services that makes no sense and don't add anything for the game.

    But even so, the game is amazing, the combat is so responsive, the characters stop anything that he's doing to respond to your last button press, and I'm a big fan of that.

    The running around in this game is pretty great, having the climb similar to Assassins Creed and allowing you to jump from any height, one of the best games to do it in a polished way.

    The game is also innovative, it introduced one of the best features ever created in a video game: the nemesis system. Having a grid full of orcs and each of them having a different ranking in power, making the roles shift each time you kill one of them, opening a spot on his old place or when you die, making the orc or Uruk that killed you be promoted and receive an upgrade, with new abilities and new resistances.

    The game makes you feel really powerful, sometimes fighting 20+ orcs at the time and just slashing through every one of them. Especially as you go through the game, in the second half you become even more powerful and start being able to mind control enemies so they can work for you as spies/assassins, making your job easier and adding to the fun aspect with lots of variety. It's a must-play for every action game fun.

  • #102

    2009 / PC / FPS

    *Including DLC's*

    Borderlands has so much character to it, it was not like any other game, at the time it came out. It nailed weird humor that most games couldn't do in the past while putting RPG elements with a Diablo-like loot system on a first-person shooter game.

    You had a few different characters to choose from, and personalize them with different items, having different builds. But the hook of the game is the number of quests and the unique look of Pandora, the world you are in, as well as all the living creatures you can find.

    You'll come across a huge amount of loot in your travels, though most are good just for you to sell to one of the many vending machines. But you'll continually look at all the stats and be intrigued any time you find something that might help you.

  • #101

    1990 / NES / Action-Platformer

    The first Mega Man I owned, the game that introduced me to what would become one of my very favorite video game franchises of all time. At it was just really good, I remember people telling me to play it, but when I tried the first two games at a rental place, they felt so clunky, so slow, after I played Super Mario Bros 1 and 3, I couldn't see why people enjoyed. Then someone told me "Try the 3rd one, he has a dash now" and that was enough to get me, the dash gave so many options for more level designs as well as making you feel you could escape something and move faster when you needed.

    The soundtrack is maybe the best of the NES, and the game is for sure a classic.

  • #109

    2017 / PC / FPS

    Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus might be the game with the most memorable-amazingly-crazy moments in video game history. For everybody that played it, it'll forever be remembered by the directions it went, the shocking choices and crazy over-the-top ideas that nobody could've seen coming. The characters are some of the most well acted and written ever, their dialogues and interactions throughout the game are a masterpiece of a work, it should be a standard for other games to learn from.

    So, with all that praise, it sounds like it should be on my top 10 right? Well, the gameplay is doo-doo. You should absolutely play this game on easy and you'll still die a whole bunch of times, most of which not knowing how and why. I said it a bunch of times, and Brad, as well as others, said it during the Bombcast, if this game has the shooting and smoothness - gameplay wise - of DOOM or some high mark FPS game, it would be the greatest game ever made, probably. I would still recommend it to everybody that likes some craziness, as well as killing Nazis.

  • 2014 / PC / WRPG

    One of the most rewarding RPGs I've ever played. Makes you think and make tough decisions at every single movement or choice. Has such a deep world to explore and create your own adventure.

    From the very beginning, you can see how much variety the game has, making you feel rewarded by having curiosity and experimenting on every obstacle in your way in a different manner. One of your first quests is to save a boat who is on fire, at the shore. The game doesn't give you the next step like "go get a bucket of water" or "use this spell" "call this person". He just tells you your end goal, and how you gonna do that it's up to you. Making you quickly try something and realize that you had at least a couple other options on how to solve the problem.

    The ambient has so much variety and interaction, in a way that what you think is the general sense, is correct. Like if the enemies are standing on the water, you can use a thunder spell and shock all of them, probably stunning them in place. But if the enemy is a Stone Golem, that won't be effective. All this kind of working line of thought is what makes this game so smartly done. Your enemies will also look to take advantage of your surrounding, making a very deep and tactical battle system.

    It's a hard game to get going, having hard and complex gameplay, with not much hand-holding, plus the gigantic inventory and dialogue. It's not for everybody.

  • #103

    2015 / PC / WRPG

    I was really surprised how much I enjoyed this game after I've played Divinity: Original Sin and thought this wouldn't be as good. The fact that you can have a bigger party (6 members) goes so well with the battle system being the pause/slow type, instead of turned based, what would've become really slow with that many characters on a single fight.

    I enjoyed the story progression, despite not stopping to read every single dialogue in the game. But the sense of discovery is really good, plus the Stronghold concept, of you creating a new realm, while trying to rule it and recover/upgrade it to a big home base for your party and others.

    The only problem I had with the game was the difficulty spike towards the last 20% of the game when you decide to start your travel to the last city of the game, you have to go through a really hard road, having some absurdly tough battles. And as the cherry on top of it, the last boss is almost impossible to kill on your first try. But still, I really enjoyed the game and I really recommend it to RPG fans.

  • #106

    2015 / PC / MOBA

    I'm a sucker for Blizzard games, and when I saw the announcement trailer for this game, I think it was the most hyped I've ever been in my life, or at least since The Return of the King trailer.

    They've always been the masterminds of creating a universe with very polished gameplay while perfecting the genre with a new take of their own. I understand that HotS didn't hit as hard as League or Dota, around the world, for multiple reasons. And you can say it is the least success Blizzard had while taking on a new genre, but I loved it, obviously and mainly because of the characters and maps that are a part of the game, but I stand by it that the game is awesome. Has so many varieties and a better/faster pace to the matches. Still having a very dedicated community, that keeps the game popular enough to be relevant.

  • #103

    2000 / PSone / JRPG

    I always thought that Digimon was an underrated series, living in the shadow of Pokémon, especially the first season of the anime. But the PSone games were also pretty cool if you are a JRPG fan and liked the universe of the franchise. I remember playing this game with a lot of my friends, something like 8 kids sitting on the couch, chatting while we passed the control around for each battle. It was the main option in our summer house when it was raining.

    The game didn't age as well because of the very slow pace, getting in and out of battle takes forever. But at the time I really enjoyed it, and as a kid, you have the time to grind, so that was not really an issue.

  • #105

    1991 / SNES / Hack 'n Slash

    The King of Dragons was one of the first games I played in my life with a fantasy setting, which is my favorite setting in video games. The possibility of the player picking 5 different characters, each having a different class, was amazing to me at the time. I loved it so much and kept trying to find what the best character was so I can beat the game. I was never able to do it until a couple of years ago, the game is really hard. What's a common thing for games of that time that also made to the arcades and you had to keep putting coins to have more continues.

    I was a big fan of the progression system. You'll find throughout the game a level up for your main weapon and off-hand weapons, like sword and shield. Making it better and have a different look each time. I was really impressed by that. The game is also a great couch co-op experience, with a good amount of replayability having the five different classes to choose from.

  • #107

    2005 / PC / Shooter

    The real Battlefront 2, the good one, the one everybody loved. Why? Well, at the time, nobody imagines that would be that much fun to play as a trooper on an all-out warfare type gameplay, just like a Battlefield game, with that sense of scale, with the Star Wars license. How can people not love that? (If you are a normal person and like star wars)

    This game gave us a true feeling of getting immersed in the Star Wars universe, because it tied all elements that came before it, on other games that were focused on just one area of the series. This one had on foot combat, vehicle combat, tie fighter wars, heroes and villains. It was amazing to see and imagine what this could become on the years to come, what actually didn't happen. They didn't manage to follow up this type of game for many many years, and when they finally tried, it was quite disappointing.

    The game had different multiplayer modes, a great single player campaign, a lot of variety for its time. It's a game to remember.

  • #108

    2014 / PC / WRPG

    South Park is not a very well done video game RPG, but also, it's like a season of the show, and it probably would be my favorite if, in fact, it was that. I remember having a blast of fun with this game, laughing really hard in some parts and being amazed by how crazy they went with it.

    It has amazing gameplay, with a balanced system, enough customization, and a bunch of different quests for you to do while exploring the South Park world. Most people were skeptical about it, but if you're an RPG fan, you should try it.

  • #110

    2013 / PC / Adventure

    The Wolf Among Us was the game that I went to play after loving the first season of The Walking Dead (Telltale) so much, it really impressed me. I had no idea what the story was about and quickly became one of my favorites, with some amazing characters, nice twists and really well-written.

    I wish we had seen the season 2 of this game, and maybe even more then that, I loved the world (it's from a comic book called Fables, where the game is a prequel to it) and I wish it could be explored more in depth.

  • #111

    2010 / PC / FPS

    The most complete Battlefield game ever made, this game started the revolution of building destruction in the series, it had the best and most balanced maps of any Battlefield multiplayer.

    The customization system and weapon variety weren't that huge compared to the COD games of the time, but they were great, not overly simplified or overly complex.

    My problems with the games that came out after this one (3 and 4) were how overpowered vehicles became, so going back to Bad Company 2 was even more satisfying as a player that enjoys pure gunfights.

    The singleplayer campaign, despite never being a strength in the franchise, was much better than everyone expected. The game looks amazing, the details of the grass, sandstorms, dust coming out of destroyed buildings, all of it was really beautiful for the time it came out.

  • #119

    2014 / Wii U / Racing

    Mario Kart 8 is the perfect modernization of the kart racing genre. I didn't love the other Mario Kart games as much as the very first one, but this game is just too good, it looks impeccable, it's what everybody dreamed of when playing that first game.

    They brought back some of the best courses from the franchise, as well as the battle mode. One of the games that everybody should play at least once with friends.

  • #123

    2016 / PC / Strategy

    I've never played the Total War Saga for more than like an hour until I got a code for this game, two weeks later I had 50 hours played. I love the fantasy setting, every universe with Orcs, Dwarfs and sword fights, I'm down for. But I wasn't expecting to get as hook as I did in the campaigns of this game.

    One of my favorite strategy games ever. Now I keep wishing to play the rest of the franchise, one day I'll get that done.

  • #127

    1993 / GC / Platformer

    Super Mario Land 2 is one of the most impressive games ever made when it comes to time and place. They basically made a "not that far off" version of Super Mario World, for the Game Boy, with 6 worlds that you can beat in any order that you want, and have some of the most variety and creativity in the Mario franchise up to that point.

    The game goes beyond the limits of the Game Boy, it's hard to believe such a marvelous game was on such a small old console.

  • #135

    2019 / PC / Action-Adventure

    Control is a very ambitious game that creates an intriguing world that makes the player want to unravel all its mysteries, with lots of questions about what's really going on.

    The combat is one of the best 3rd-person shooter combats I've ever seen, it's so satisfying to use the telekinesis abilities and destroy the environment, Control looks beautiful and it plays really well. The only problem is the horrible loading screens. But I still loved it, one of the best games from 2019.

  • #141

    2020 / PS4 / Action-Adventure

    Ghost of Tsushima is a game full of ups and downs, there are things I think the game does really well, and other things I think it drops the ball. But the game is very impressive, and the immersion on its open-world is really remarkable.

    I think the combat is very fun in the middle, but it has a slow start and becomes repetitive towards the end, with the stealth being kind of just ok. I loved Jin and his allies, all of the cast of characters have unique personalities and great story arcs.

  • #113

    2000 / PSOne / Survival-Horror

    Dino Crisis 2 was my Resident Evil 2. I loved this game, it had more shooting and last jump scares compared to the RE series, that I also loved but was always uncomfortable while playing. I beat this game like 5+ times when it came out, it was a quick and fun time for any Capcom fans out there (maybe Jurassic Park fans as well).

    I couldn't get into this games predecessor as well, not sure why, but ended up liking this one way more. I'm dying to see Capcom remake this with the RE2 treatment, so I can beat a couple more times.

  • #143

    2003 / PC / Action

    Max Payne 2 is an example of how to make a sequel.

  • #115

    2009 / PC / Action-Adventure

    I'm a big Batman fan, but I seem to not be as high on this game as other fans out there. It might be because when I came around to play it, everybody had already played it and it was talking about how amazing it was, and it's one of the greatest action games of all time and all that.

    But all these things aside, I still had an amazing time with this game, it was really fun to go through it. Like most people, I don't love just Batman, but I also love the Joker, and he was superb in this game as well. My down points of the game were the Scarecrow sequences and a couple of the boss fights, especially the last one.

    The game is still in a high spot on my overall favorites, considering the number of games I've already played in my life, it was one of the best superhero games ever made, what's a hard task to accomplish.

  • #120

    2012 / PC / Immersive-Sim

    One of the best stealth games I've ever played, with amazing world-building and top-notch style. Some great characters with great moments and dialogue, the story keeps the player interested, with plot twists and intriguing encounters.

    Plus, the game is clearly inspired by Bioshock, which is one of my favorite games ever.

  • #122

    2017 / PC / Shooter

    PUBG was one of the biggest phenomenons in video game history when it first came out. It was, at the same time, dominating the world as well as being very divisive, by its lack of polish and buggy disasters.

    I was kind of in the middle of it all, I played for about 150 hours, but I was also mad with how the game was at that current state. So sometimes I would rather not play it to not get mad or something, especially if none of my friends were online. Then later it became my "tv show" when I would grab something to eat, instead of going to Netflix, I started to watch PUBG clips and streams. It's really fun, when you're not the one sweating knowing you can get sniped at any point, or when a game-breaking bug flicks your car into the air.

    Independent of what the game itself should be remembered as, PUBG was just a huge mark in video game culture that I was in the middle of, and that was pretty awesome to see it unfold.

  • #104

    2003 / GBA / Strategy-RPG

    I came late to the Fire Emblem franchise and decided to start with the first one, even more than a decade later. And I was really impressed by how it's still an amazing game that holds up well.

    The character diversity is really well made, I can't remember any other franchise with as many types of combinations for characters, classes, and weapons, that still feel balanced for the grand majority of it. I liked how they split the story mode, and how they made the presentation, moving from chapter to chapter and having dialogues in between to tell the story. I thought it was really well written, but the plot overall was just fine.

    Where the games shine the most is in the gameplay department, the tactical depth of the combat. Being turn-based on a grid system has a rock-paper-scissors type of strength and weakness. For melee combat is Sword-Spear-Axe, forming a triangle for the player to decide who to use against each opponent. The magic system also has its own type of triangle system of advantages.

    The part of the game that it hooked me, was the leveling system. Each character earns experience by attacking an opponent, the more damage it deals, the more experience it gets. When you get to a certain level you can upgrade that character's class to a stronger version of it, but you need a specific item to do so, based on the type of class of said character. The longer you wait to upgrade it, the higher of a cap his stats can hit, because when you do it, its class level is back at 1, but his stats just keep going up.

    Another big part of the franchise is that it's a permadeath game if a character dies, that person is dead and the story moves on. Unless the protagonist dies, then it's Game Over. It's possible to restart the chapter any time if the player wants to have a no-death run through the game, but it's really hard.

  • #130

    2017 / PC / Adventure

    Night in the Woods is a coming-of-age adventure that makes the player reflect on some things, as well as travel on a very personal journey that it's hard to forget. One of the most memorable casts of characters from the last generation.

    The game is charming and has some of the best soundtracks ever, in my opinion. Some great moments, both from gameplay and story, with some minigames and amazing dialogue. The game has some mystery and is one of the best "game inside a game" games ever, on your character's PC.

  • #105

    1997 / PSOne / Metroidvania

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night was the first game of the series to move on from a linear action-platformer to a more exploration-based style of game. Similar to what we got from Super Metroid, having a lot of backtracking, making you open a new path each time you got a new ability/upgrade, becoming the genre we know now as Metroidvania(the combination of the two names).

    In this game, you play Alucard, the son of Dracula. It's a direct sequel to Rondo of Blood, the first level of this game is the final boss fight of the previous game. The player controls Richter Belmont to defeat Dracula, then the game really starts. The intro is that Richter mysteriously disappeared and at the same time, Castlevania (Dracula's castle) has appeared once again, so Maria believes these two things are related. Plus, Alucard wakes up.

    As Alucard, you enter the castle and start exploring, looking for answers, and the whole game takes place inside the castle, managing to still have great environments and twists for you to discover.

    My favorite thing about the game is how they implemented an RPG system to it, Alucard has equipment (sword, shield, clothes, etc..), as well as a level. You gain XP by defeating enemies, getting stronger each time. Throughout the game you'll also discover spells and transformations, making Alucard may be the most versatile protagonist ever, in a video game. You always feel powerful without looking like you're breaking the game or anything like that. The controls are so tight, and his animations are great to watch.

    The game deserves all the praise it gets for being one of the greatest games ever made.

  • #118

    2011 / PC / Puzzle

    I once said Portal 2 is overrated, and people reacted like "What? Portal 2 is amazing!". Yes! It's amazing! It just isn't better than the first one, and neither is it on my top 10 games of all time like it seems to be on everyones. It's still a great game, one of the best puzzle games out there, I just like the simplicity and originality of the first one. After playing that, you expect what you'll get from the second, it will not be that big of a shock for it to be great. And I think this kind of game benefits from being a short experience, and the second one is twice as long, with some parts I wasn't having as much fun.

    I love how the trajectory of the puzzles is done, they keep using the difficulty just a little bit at a time, making it scale into some amazingly well-done puzzles. I loved the last boss battle also, it was a good surprise, and really well designed. People should play this game if they want more after the first one, despite not being as perfect as its predecessor, it's still amazing.

    A lot of people say that playing co-op is even better, I didn't get the opportunity to get that much into it, maybe I can try again someday.

  • #132

    2018 / PC / Roguelike

    Into the Breach is not only one of the best roguelikes ever made but one of the best strategy games I've ever played. It's a top-notch indie game and one of those fresh games that everyone should try. Once you get it, it becomes really addictive.

  • #119

    2007 / PS2 / Hack 'n Slash

    Before Kratos' adventure on the PS4, his greatest one was his second. A late PS2 game that looked as good as any other game on the console. It took a solid first entry to the next level, more fluid and polished, with improved gameplay.

    The game came out late in the PS2 lifespan, but that made it possible for it to become a landmark for the console.

  • #134

    2011 / PC / Adventure

    A little indie game with minimal gameplay, very emotional, completely focused on the storytelling. The only videogame that ever made me cry, what else can I say about it? I just love it.

  • #128

    2016 / PC / Souls

    The first Souls Game I've managed to finish at the time, opening the door for all the other ones. I've lot this style of games, with Metroidvania elements and some souls elements, with incredible boss fights (as previously seen on my list Dead Cells and Hollow Knight).

    This game has a ton of customization for the build of your character, making it highly replayable, what it's really attractive. It's an easy recommendation to make for anyone that loves a good game with a good challenge.

  • #139

    2010 / PC / Platformer

    One of the hardest games I've ever beat, but with perfect controls. So rewarding to get through it, it was a huge deal for indie games at the time. It kind of popularized a new type of platforming genre, with instant respawns and brutal difficulty.

  • #121

    1991 / SNES / Hack 'n Slash

    Knights of the Round is one of the many great side-scrolling brawlers released by Capcom in that era. Just like King of Dragons, what grabbed me about this game was its setting, it's a medieval type setting, involving characters like King Arthur and Lancelot. Couldn't go wrong with that one.

    I love how beautiful this game is for the time it came out, the player earned experience points by killing enemies or grabbing some dropped treasure, and each time the character hit a certain mark, it levels up. After a few levels, the character changed its design, earning a full set of armor, or improving the one it already had. Sometimes changing the design of its weapon as well, it was really awesome to see that as a kid.

    I had a blast play this co-op with my friends and it was a very difficult game. I came around to beating it at a later date, on an emulator, but it always was one of the best games in the genre for me.

  • #106

    2006 / PS2 / Rhythm

    The Guitar Hero franchise took over my neighborhood for a couple of years, it was all that people were playing at the place we used to rent games. And Guitar Hero 2 had my favorite songs of the series and it came out on one of the weakest years in video game history, in my opinion. No really big game to take the world by storm, it was just a gap for smaller games to come in, and I spent most of my time playing Guitar Hero 2, trying to perfect the songs that I loved and becoming really a fan of the series.

  • #114

    2014 / PC / Adventure

    After Telltale surprised me once again with The Wolf Among Us, I went to this game, having played a bunch of the Borderlands games already. And boy I love this game. The intro scene for the second episode of the game is one of the best moments in video game history, I remember being paralyzed with my mouth open for minutes seeing how they edited that. It's just perfect!

    It covers a part of the main Borderlands games' story, how the things are going after Handsome Jack died (sorry if you still want to play Borderlands 2), you play as a duo of very distinct characters that need to get along to get things done.

    The game has some really high highs, but some parts that are just ok. If it was as consistent as the previously mentioned game, it could be much higher on the ranking of great adventure games ever made. I had a blast playing through it, and I would easily recommend for any video game fan out there.

  • #120

    1998 / PSOne / Sports

    In an era that we used to have so many great tennis video games to play, Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis came before most of them it was the best ever made. I loved how precise and fair the controls were, at least for its time. I and my friends played dozens of hours of multiplayer, always trying to learn our tennis skills.

    I found it curious by how much tennis video games have an appeal on not just me, but it seems a lot of people out there love to play them. While not being a fan of the sport or anything like that, it just has an "easy to grasp" thing about it.

    I went on to play all the subsequent games from the genre, going from Virtua Tennis and Top Spin, to even the Mario Tennis games, and had a blast with a bunch of them, but none of them was as good as this game.

  • #126

    2004 / PS2 / Racing

    At the time this game came out, it had the best career mode ever for a racing game. With a contract system that made the player seek better opportunities.

    All the traditional companies and racers were in this game, it looked great and the controls are as good as it could be in the genre.

  • #122

    1995 / SNES / Sports

    One of the first games I owned on my SNES, probably the game that I played the most hours on that console also. A very remarkable play-by-play commentator that I and my friends remember his lines till this day. The soccer game that stuck with me the most.

  • #131

    2014 / PC / Adventure

    I love this game almost as much as the first one, they were neck and neck to me when I was playing it. I can't understand people loving the first and not caring for this one, I truly can't. I gave the Clementine story a fair shot and was not disappointed by it. Telltale at it's finest.

  • #140

    2009 / PC / Action-Adventure

    After being kind of bored by the first game, AC2 did a really good job of keeping the player intrigued by its story and gameplay loop. The game has one of the most intriguing endings I can remember, and it really improved the gameplay looped from the first one. It's one of the best in the franchise.

  • #125

    2005 / PC / FPS

    *Including Modern Combat*

    I remember playing Battlefield 2: Modern Combat for the first time, on the PS2. And thinking that was the coolest FPS campaign ever, or at least since Half-Life. I was really impressed with the graphics and presentation at the time, as well as the presentation for more of a modern take on war.

    Later I got Battlefield 2 for my PC and played multiplayer for dozens and dozens of hours, loving the size of the matches and how much variety it presented the player. Despite always hating the vehicles, until this day, I still rather play a shooter without tanks and planes.

  • #149

    2003 / PS2 / Hack 'n Slash

    I played this game so much, as a LOTR fan, it was amazing. The recreation of the epic moments from the movie felt so good. So much nostalgia and appreciation for the PS2 LOTR games.

  • #161

    2009 / PC / Moba

    League of Legends receives a lot of hate, and it's in a competitive genre that many people can't get into. But I've played this game for about 500h in a 3-year span and have fond memories of it with my friends on voice chat, competing in tournaments, and taking it seriously.

    I also really enjoy watching the world championships of the game.

  • #150

    2018 / PC / Fighting

    The fighting game that made me spend the most time in a practice room I've ever done. And the only fighting game I've ever played online against other people (competitively).

    All of that while being one of the most beautiful 2D games ever made, it's just breathtaking.

  • #156

    2006 / DS / Platformer

    I loved this game and the fact that Nintendo brought back 2D Mario games. I don't get the hate for the art style, I really enjoy it and I hope they keep launching one of these more frequently.

  • #151

    2010 / PC / Immersive-Sim

    *Including DLC*

    Even tho the second game is the weakest of the three Bioshock games, it's still a 9+. The game has such great moments and improves on some mechanics of the first one, while also giving another perspective on the story of Rapture.

  • #123

    1998 / PSOne / Fighting

    This is my favorite fighting game of all time, it took what the first two tries did (X-Men vs Street Fighter and Marvel vs Street Fighter) to the next level, taking the assist system as a mechanic and running away with it.

    I'm not a big fighting game person, but I like the first game over the second for being 2v2 instead of 3v3, and also it was the first of the two that I played, so it became my preferable system.

  • #137

    2015 / Wii U / Shooter

    Splatoon is just fresh, it's the freshest game there is, it's just so new, there's nothing like it. I have so much respect for a game that just wants to try something different that focuses 100% on the fun aspect. Splatoon is a game that deserves really high praise for everything that it was going for, and it was a big success.

  • #145

    2017 / 3DS / Metroidvania

    I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this game after people said it wasn't that great, it became my second favorite Metroid game to date.

  • #147

    2020 / PC / FPS

    I feel like Doom Eternal came out and people quickly forgot how amazing it is. It's just one of the best single-player FPS games of the generation, it's just incredible. The way it mashes style, gore, and music with the fast-paced gameplay is just perfectly done.

    It'll end up in one of those situations of a sequel that improves on its predecessor, but it's not considered a better game because it already has the groundwork of the first game, becoming not as big of a surprise as Doom 2016 was. But it's still one hell of an action game.

  • #133

    2015 / PC / Metroidvania

    The first Ori was a delightful surprise when it came out, one of the most beautiful games of 2015 with one of the best soundtracks. The gameplay was excellent despite a few minor gripes I have with some of the controls.

    It's one of those games that more people should give a fair shot, at least just for the incredible presentation.

  • #146

    2007 / PC / WRPG

    The first Mass Effect can be rough to go back to, but story-telling and world-building wise the game was a perfect introduction for what would become one of the best trilogies in videogame history. The dialogue was the best of its time, the characters were so easy to get attached with.

    I wouldn't recommend anybody to skip this game just by hearing how good the second game is, this deserves its shine. The game has limited movement and shooting for 3rd-person cover-based combat, compared to games that were coming out at the time, but Mass Effect is first and foremost an RPG game, the game is not trying to be a polished action game that has perfect 3rd-person shooting mechanics, it's just one element of combat representation.

  • #142

    2017 / PC / Fighting

    My favorite 3D fighting game ever, with one of, if not THE best story in a campaign of a fighting game. I'm a huge fan of how this game balances its seriousness with the over the top parts, combining that with near-perfect gameplay and visual.

    Plus, it's the fighting game with the highest amount of customization out there, at least at the time it came out, it was unthinkable how much stuff there is.

  • #153

    2004 / PS2 / Hack 'n Slash

    One of the games that I've most beaten in my whole life. I might have played through this about 10 times, it was not that long, but so much fun, I love these types of medieval settings with epic battles.

  • #150

    2009 / PS3 / Action-Adventure

    I didn't think the second Uncharted was a 10 out a 10 game as a lot of people did, but I still think it was incredible, I loved the action moments and all the banter between the characters, truly a mark in videogames when it comes to action sequences and cinematic shots.

  • #136

    2020 / PC / JRPG

    I don't think I've ever played such a good and elaborated single-player free-to-play game. When I first saw the images of Genshin Impact I thought it might be my style, but when I saw it would be free, it turned me off because I thought it would be full of BS. But no, this game is amazing!

    They managed to implement free-to-play mechanics in a great open-world with tons of things to do, and a surprisingly near-infinite amount of content without you having to spend a dime. Every system is well implemented to make an incredible experience, and easy to recommend since it has no prime barrier to entry.

  • #145

    2008 / PC / Action-Platformer

    Truly a remarkable comeback to classic Mega Man. I didn't expect to enjoy this game as much as I did, despite being a big fan of Mega Man 3. It might be the best traditional Mega Man to play today, and I give huge props do Capcom to bringing the series back.

  • #158

    2019 / PC / FPS

    The best Call of Duty of the generation. It nailed the formula that made the first couple of Moder Warfare games become the most successful Call of Duty games ever made. The multiplayer was balanced, the change of pace in the modes and events were greatly designed.

    The campaign despite not being the main focus for most people was actually pretty good. The later addition of Warzone just confirmed the first statement I've made. I felt like COD was back in a big way, something I was missing since Moder Warfare 2, to be honest.

  • #159

    2018 / PC / FPS

    The most underrated multiplayer FPS games of the generation, it nailed what it was going for, but most people wrote it off as another one of those, especially since there are some people who don't like the WW2 setting. For me, it's the best setting for a big multiplayer shooter.

    Battlefield V was the most balanced game in the franchise at launch, it didn't have as many problems as the other games released in the decade, especially Battlefield 4. I have fun from the beginning, even in the beta I was having so much fun and seeing a really well-balanced game all-around, what's the best thing possible for a Battlefield game, in my opinion. The game kept evolving with each update and it's one of the best in the series.

  • #167

    2018 / PC / Racing

    Forza Horizon 4 is the most complete racing game ever made, and it's also a game that can apply to every racing-game-fans preferences, having a lot of variety and content. I'm not a big racing enthusiast nowadays, but Horizon 4 is just so damn good that stands above everything else released in the genre released in the past 10 years.

  • #154

    2016 / PC / FPS

    Titanfall 2 is one of the most underappreciated games of all time, EA did a terrible job on its release date, making the best shooter of the month it came out being criminally underplayed. I'm not a fan of futuristic shooters, but Titanfall 2 delivers one of the best singleplayer campaigns in the genre while being so satisfying to play, with guns that feel so good to use. The mechanic introduced in the singleplayer is so well done, and the multiplayer is fantastic.

  • #152

    1995 / SNES / JRPG

    Terranigma is an amazing JRPG, it's one of the best looking 16-bits games ever, it has one of the best soundtracks in the SNES, and it has a remarkable story. It's not higher on the list because it came out in the same year as Chrono Trigger and Seiken Densetsu 3, which are games that appealed much more to me, but I still really like Terranigma, it's fantastic.

  • #172

    1994 / SNES / Puzzle

    This game is one of those examples of ageless fun. The gameplay will never get old, it'll feel great in any generation, it's just a simple formula with great design. I probably played Puzzle Bobble for 100 hours or so, and it never feels old.

  • #164

    2002 & 2020 / PC / Action-Adventure

    *Including the original*

    I was really surprised by how good the story in the game was, and how well presented. I love mob stories and all the drama that comes with it, always having treason and morality choices. The gameplay was really hard on the original game, and pretty decent on the remake, I really hope more people give it a shot.

  • #156

    2003 / PC / JRPG

    Considered by many as the best Tales Of game, I came around to playing it when it came to steam, and it's the only one in the franchise that I've played for a significant amount of time, but I enjoyed enough to get interested in playing the rest of them.

    Despite getting repetitive when it comes to the combat, and having a story with predictable outcomes, the adventure is awesome and the game really shines as one of the great JRPGs out there.

  • #155

    2004 / PS2 / Racing

    I one of the people who think the second Underground was a downgrade from the first one for going to a open-world that was not well designed, it's the perfect example of open a whole city just to show they can, not really because they need to or because they could do something special with it that would be better. But the game is still fantastic, it became a huge success at the time it came out.

  • #157

    2005 / PS2 / Sports

    One of my favorite sports game, a game that put fun above anything else, it had weird gameplay but it became really unique and fresh at the time it came out. It gives me a lot of nostalgia.

  • #179

    2005 / PS2 / Rhythm

    The game basically introduced a whole genre and did that with amazing presentations and songs. The ones that came after improved on the formula, but the formula will always have a special perspective.