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Disappointing Games

A list dedicated to some games that I personally found to be disappointing.

This list may be subjective, and is sure to change overtime. I also want to say that the games featured here are not bad games unless I explicitly say so.

List items

  • From the teams that brought us games like Grand Theft Auto (the original one) and Crackdown is APB, an overly-ambitious cops n' robbers style MMO with limitless potential.

    This game could've been a great precursor to GTA Online if there was some clear direction, unfortunately APB's time came and went shortly after release.

  • I have strong memories of the pre-release for Brink, it was anticipated to be something greater than it really came out to be. I was young when this game released, so a lot of the hype I had was purely fed on game trailers and showcase reels.

    In retrospect, I don't think this game is that bad in comparison to some of the more downright terrible games out there. But it is typically understood that Brink was pushed to meet a deadline, and there was little to no time for post-game content. This game had such a sad fate, and I wish things turned out better than they did.

  • Watch Dogs was a spiritual successor to the Driver series, and Ubisoft's answer to the GTA craze.

    I've learned a thing or two from Watch Dogs, and that is to never buy into game hype culture.

  • This is one of the rare cases where I found myself disappointed only recently, having loved the game when I first played it.

    Bioshock Infinite is undeserving of the "Bioshock" label. The story is just all over the place, especially with the Burial at Sea expansion which retcons the whole of Bioshock 2.

  • I absolutely loved the original Crackdown, it was one of the first sandbox-style games I ever played and was sort of my gateway into other similar games like GTA and Just Cause.

    I remember walking into a supermaket when I was on holiday in 2010, and saw a copy of Crackdown 2 on the display case where the games were. I didn't get to play the game until 2 years later, and had no idea that it was going to be a rehash of the original only with mutated zombies.

    I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with this game at the moment, it was disappointing but not as much as some of the others on this list.

  • I swear this whole list is just going to be Crackdown isn't it?

    Not going into too much detail here but I saw the E3 trailer with a friend, we both got excited, saw even more footage and got more excited. Completely forgot about the game for a few years until I saw Terry Crews promotional footage and forgot the game again until a year after release. I ended up getting the game (not through Game Pass), playing it, and finding myself even more disappointed than with Crackdown 2.

    Simply put, the first two games were much better than this botched asset-flip of a sequel.

  • Alright, forget that I put New Vegas here for a second.

    Fallout 76 is complete trash, and I want to make that clear. As a matter of fact, you can see it on my Top 10 Worst Games list.

  • Another bad game, which is unfortunate because the E3 2001 demo looked amazing.