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Alas, Poor Yorick

It's almost 2012 everyone, and what better way to see in the new year than a frank discussion on our favourite talking, floating skulls from the world of video games? Most thematically appropriate list ever, I think.

List items

  • Johnson came close to winning some Character of the Year awards, which goes to show how much people can appreciate a good floating skull sidekick character. Especially those that can transform into motorbikes and giant handguns.

  • Morte's also one for quipping and being very helpful despite his limited physical presence. The Nameless One's quest would be a lot more grim without Morte, which might well be what old Mr Moody McMemento would've preferred. Too bad.

  • Kangaxx is a friendly skeleton man who lives underneath Amn somewhere. His final form, once the inevitable betrayal happens, is perhaps one of the toughest D&D opponents there is.

  • Hey, if we've learned anything from Kangaxx (above), is that it's totally a great idea to seek out and reform the golden skeleton of a centuries-old megalomaniacal tyrant.

  • Murray can't exactly float, but his evil schemes and flair for the dramatic certainly make my heart soar. Murray's more proud of his continued ability to talk without vocal chords, which even I have to admit is pretty impressive.

  • These guys aren't much for talking, but having horns and being on fire elevates them above the usual floating skull crowd. They also like charging into you before you can even see them, so that makes for some effective pants-pooping horror in a game rife with it.

  • Great to have around if you need to know where the next objective is, or if your creepy CGI house is currently beckoning you. Not so great for advance rape warnings, but then he's a skull not a whistle.

  • Kind of cheating, since they're suspended by a thread and are actually spiders inside skulls, but Gold Skulltulas are the one creepy floating skull you're always happy to see. Because it means another step towards a bigger wallet, which seems like something you could easily commission from anyone who works with leather or fabrics. The sentiment of giving us free stuff for murdering your skeletal spider brethren is still appreciated.

  • Technically, if you were to pick one of these up and wave it around in Oblivion or Skyrim, it's sort of like a floating skull. You could talk to it too, in theory. At that point, though, it might be time to quit out the game and go lie down for a while.

  • Wait, how did this ge- "WHERE'S MY SKULL, BITCH?" Oh shit. Uh, take any of these you want Mr Fiddy. Please restrain Tony Yayo before he kills my whole generation, as I've grown accustomed to it.