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James of the Generation

Me? Make a list? Well, it's highly irregular, but all right.

List items

  • Fuckin' hate computers. The hero (big quotes around that one) of Prototype 2 knew they would be replacing consoles by the time the next generation rolled around. He knew!

  • Best James of the generation every generation. Screw you, I'm invoking his appearances in WVGCW as Jessie's overenthusiastic manager. That's WWE '13, that counts.

  • Peggle, man. Most of its characters, like James the Hippinest-Hoppinest Hamster here, were a bit too DreamWorks for my liking, but the game itself... well, you can't argue with how addictive it was.

  • Y'know, I tended to stand by Double Dragon Neon whenever it came up, but I never did actually play it. Maybe all its goofy bells and whistles (which is to say its amazing soundtrack) distracted from what was probably a pretty mediocre brawler all told. Also, hey, we got a new Double Dragon game this generation. Yeah, that happened.

  • Sadly, this might not count, as Jimmy's seventh generation appearances were all from enhanced remakes of his original PS2 game Bully. Still manages to be the best Rockstar game (and definitely the best Rockstar James) of the generation somehow. Funny how that works.

  • Jim Green might've been the first face we saw in Greenvale that didn't belong to some creepy child or a dead woman in a tree. Odd that there weren't too many characters you can say that about, but then "odd" is a word that gets thrown around a lot when discussing Deadly Premonition.

  • Ah, Brad's temporary obsession with StarCraft 2 was something to behold. Even led to a really cool South Korea travelogue. I'm glad he's never let an online RTS game take hold of him quite so tightly since then. Cough.

  • One of the ill-fated squad of redshirts (bluearmors?) of Metroid: Other M. From all evidence though, he was the one murdering everyone, so maybe it's just as well he got dusted by the Mother Brain clone woman. Oh don't look at me like I just ruined the plot of Other M, it didn't need my help.

  • A.k.a. That awesome Irish-American police captain who kept chewing you out for arresting the wrong guy in LA Noire after giving up with the dumb emotion recognition mini-games. I'm ready to bring down the Lord's might on some ne'er-do-wells moonlighting from "Mad Men", yes sir.

  • I can't help but feel that his sole appearance on the last generation of consoles wasn't the best showing of everyone's favorite space captain with hair (I'm talking about the Chris Pine incarnation, pedants). I like the new films and all, but you can't help but admit that the game adaptation being a whiz-bang third-person shooter also-ran didn't hit a little close to home.

  • Kane and Lynch came out last generation too you guys. Considering all the history that's gone down since then, the generation really feels like it began a loooong time ago.

  • I don't generally go for memes, but the one where people continually asked put-upon mute James Ramirez of Modern Warfare 2 to do absolutely everything tickled me all the same. He may be a complete non-character, but he saved Earth from the Martians and cured cancer you damn kids. When (maybe that should be "if") he dies he's getting his own Tomb of the Unvoiced Soldier.

  • Tomb Raider Legend went in some strange directions with the franchise, like having the idea that some douchey rich kid made for a good villain. I mean, we all hate them, but you kind of want a T-Rex or some ancient demon in the bad guy seat.

  • James "Sawyer" Ford, from Patrick Klepek's favorite franchise that doesn't involve dinosaurs. Unless they got way crazier in those later seasons I never bothered watching once it became clear they were making shit up as they went along. Hey, remember that Lost game for 360? Remember its stupid puzzle with the TNT? Oh, you didn't play it? Sensible.

  • This... boy?... just makes me feel bad about never playing Rune Factory. A Harvest Moon game crossed with a regular JRPG? Sounds right up my quaint country road. Not a euphemism. I was being wistful dammit, don't ruin this moment with your puerility.

  • What is it with Liam Neeson and mentor figures that either end up dead or missing? Depending on how you played this game? I better not need a spoiler warning for Fallout 3; go play that shit.

  • Oh, Freddy Prinze Jr. I appreciate how you didn't phone it in while voicing James, creating quite a likeable fellow during Mass Effect's final hour. Man, did we all hold our breath when we first saw the guy though. As far as Mass Effect 3 disappointments go, however, he didn't even make it into the top fifty (which I do believe I might have written down somewhere around here).

  • James Bond is still a threat. Well, sort of. The enduring memories of his seventh gen incarnations include having Daniel Craig replace Brosnan in an N64 classic that should've stayed in history, that game where he's always checking Twitter on his phone because he no longer gives a shit and that one time where he ran around Fort Knox swinging a gun and grunting like a caveman.