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Favourite Game Boy Advance Games

Nintendo's last handheld to bear the Game Boy name before they made the DS. Within its 9 year lifespan, it boasted an impressive library of games ranging from platformers to isometrics and even first person shooters. I believe it paved the way for mobile games not just in terms of software but hardware as well; prior handhelds did not have such robust design and well-lit display like the Game Boy Advance. It was certainly a miracle machine after Y2K happened.

With that said, I give you a list of GBA games that I enjoyed playing back in the pre-smartphone era.

List items

  • Metroid Fusion was the game that inspired me to buy the GBA in the first place. Both the environments and narrative was exactly like Super Metroid but if not more polished. I especially love the connection between Samus and her former mentor Adam Malkovich.

  • Before Plants vs Zombies, Pokemon Ruby was a bug time waster and I have no regrets spending countless hours catching em all.

  • This original Game Boy remake was a surprise and a good one too. Though I never did finish it, that didn't stop me from nerding the crap out of it.

  • Not only did Nintendo and Rare made an excellent port to the GBA, they made some great refinements to the gameplay. The inclusion of an intro and outro cutscene (which the original SNES never had) and unlockables make this version of Donkey Kong Country the definitive version in my opinion.

  • A top view Zelda game always works and The Minish Cap is no exception.

  • It's exactly as how I remembered it back in the original SNES version.

  • I was certainly fooled to treat Advance Wars 2 as a poor man's Command & Conquer. The game is surprisingly more challenging and has a lot more depth to it.

  • I admit: I am not the biggest Final Fantasy fan until this game came out. Both FFVIII and Tactics Advance are the only two games in the series that I really cared for. The pacing is not exactly my cup of tea but the dreamlike aesthetics always finds its way to suck me in again and again.

  • Being so attuned to the SNES version, I was shocked to learn that the original Final Fight had 3 characters (SNES only has Cody and Mike Haggar). Having Guy in the mix is a wonderful addition and the fact they toned down the difficulty level makes Final Fight One a pleasant experience from start to finish.

  • Not as memorable as Fusion but at least it's far superior than Other M. There, I said it. You mad, bro?

  • A pretty cute and quirky game of Army Men made by Pocket Studios. The isometric gameplay isn't exactly the best way to go in GBA but I was able to finish it with no trouble.